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Message started by BlkJack-21 on Oct 24th, 2008 at 1:32am

Title: Considering an attack log...
Post by BlkJack-21 on Oct 24th, 2008 at 1:32am
At the end of my last cycle..I was considering doing a log of the attacks when the next cycle started.

I have been browsing through the forums here and really haven't found anything like this.

So is it a waste of time to begin something like this? And if it is worth the effort...what would be important things to include?

Start/Stop times - Can't help it...I frequently look at the clock hoping for an end of the attacks. So I usually know what they are.

Kip Scale - I can accurately document what it is when awoken from a sound sleep and when it peaks.

Location and description - Although my attacks are pretty consistant at onset, they do seem to vary whether it travels to my jaw and neck.

And any other signs/symptoms - tearing, nasal congestion, etc.

Is there anything else that might be worth writing down?

Feedback is definitely appreciated!

Title: Re: Considering an attack log...
Post by Pixie-elf on Oct 24th, 2008 at 1:41am
Here's some diaries that were on clusterbusters...

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That's the doc form

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Anything that you think may be helpful to the doctors, write down. Or if you're doing this for yourself, anything that you think is important.

You can always make your own little spreadsheet, and set it up so you can check off what symptoms were present at what time.

The only reason I did one was for the benefit of my physicians... But they didn't need it, because they both (GP and Neuro) saw me during attacks. It's always advisable to have as much information in your arsenal as possible, though....

Title: Re: Considering an attack log...
Post by shelticon2 on Oct 24th, 2008 at 1:40pm
I kept one for 3 months. I also wrote down everything that I ate and the time that I ate it. this helped me ident foods that would trigger attack.

Kept a little notebeeok in my back pocket everwhere I went.

Shocked the Doc when I took it out.... I think that's when she started taking me seriously...


Title: Re: Considering an attack log...
Post by thebbz on Oct 24th, 2008 at 1:44pm
Here's another one off the OUCH site
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Good luck

Title: Re: Considering an attack log...
Post by mc_ashes on Oct 25th, 2008 at 10:27am
My log includes:
Start time
End time
Kip level
Abortive Action (including time on O2 if that's the abort action)

I believe keeping a log is helpful in getting your doctor's attention.


Title: Re: Considering an attack log...
Post by BlkJack-21 on Oct 25th, 2008 at 5:09pm
Thanks Pixie-elf and thebbz

I do believe in providing as much detail as possible and that the OUCH log seems to include all or most of the important details.

Weather and food are some things I did not consider keeping track of...

Thanks everyone for the info!

Title: Re: Considering an attack log...
Post by thebbz on Oct 26th, 2008 at 1:18am
Weather and foods are equivical. The other information is not.
Hope your doing better
the bb

Title: Re: Considering an attack log...
Post by wildhaus on Oct 26th, 2008 at 1:50am
It is not only important to keep a log of the Ch attacks and all the info that is or could be effecting
the situation, it is a must!

On one hand to give yourself a realistic picture, mostly tangible non subjective, of your attacks the
effectiveness of the medication, preventive and abortive, as well as a very solid information base with
which one can argument better and effectively when talking to the medical “world”

I have used the computer Excel tables for 2 years and have detected a few interesting things about my CH
that I would have not have detected if I would not have a log.

you can look at the log at:

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Title: Re: Considering an attack log...
Post by Just Plain Carl on Oct 26th, 2008 at 3:27am
I wish I would have kept better records in the past.  I threw out most of my stuff about a year ago.  I was in remission for six years.  My dumb.

My log now is pretty simple.  Maybe too simple.
10/24/08    Vrap-360mg  Pred-60mg
                 4:00pm  K8-30min
                 sleep 12:00-1:00  K5-20min     sleep 2:00am-4:30am k4-k5  15min

10/25/08    Vrap-360mg  Pred-40mg
                 sleep 1:00-2:10 am  K8-45min

    I think it is best to keep some type of record.  The more info the better.

    It sure would be interesting to standardize a log on this site that could somehow be combined to look for any simularities.  It seems to me that there are alot of people coming off of 4-6 year remissions, which would lead one to believe there is something n the environment.  Just a thought.

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