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Message started by love2bamommy on Oct 23rd, 2008 at 2:15pm

Title: Nausous and Coffee Trigger!!!!!!!
Post by love2bamommy on Oct 23rd, 2008 at 2:15pm
Ok, so i know that it's not supposed to happen... But i have been a CH Champ for 11 years now episodic, and for some reason THIS time every time at the very end after all the pain.. for some time after i feel so sick..

Any suggestions?

I have been on the same meds for 2 years and this is the first time this has happened. The sick feeling has been going on for about 2 weeks now.

Another thing.. I have found another trigger.. my beloved coffee. I brewed some this morning and just about had to call 911 i rarely cry.. and this one did it.

So now, i fear coffee shops I HATE THESE STUPID THINGS

Title: Re: Nausous
Post by Jeannie on Oct 23rd, 2008 at 2:25pm
Hi There!

I also get sick to my stomach after a pretty high kip level.  As a child, I threw up after every hit.  I think that it is my body's response to pain.  After I toss my cookies, my HA starts to subside.  I'm not really sure what might help it.   Sorry :-/

It is strange that coffee was a trigger for you as many find caffeine to be helpful.  Could it have been just a coincidence that you were hit just after the coffee?  Who knows?  This thing is different for all of us.  

I'm sorry that you had to endure such a bad hit.  I hate it when the beast makes me cry but it happens to the best of us!  Hang in there!  


Title: Re: Nausous
Post by love2bamommy on Oct 23rd, 2008 at 2:33pm
it was the smell of the brewing coffee that set me off. i had to open every door and window in my house (it was 37 outside) and pour the coffee out..) i didn't even get to taste the coffee..

I find that sometimes, that if it is a smell inside the house that if i stand outside.. the pain eases (not much..but some) and that's what it did.

So.. i can add Brewing coffee to the list.

Title: Re: Nausous and Coffee Trigger!!!!!!!
Post by rick405 on Oct 23rd, 2008 at 4:52pm
Hi Darlin,

Bless your heart. Sometimes after a hit, I also become sick to my stomach, even dry heave during the episode because of the pain. I think our bodies can only take so much before they react in what ever way.
I know for me, my rebound time is now is much longer than when they first started. You would think I would be used to it by now.
Have you tried hot tea as a caffeine delivery system?  When the thunder comes, I take 3 or 4 gallon sized (yes GALLON sized)  tea bags, put in a tea kettle that is about half full and bring it to almost a boil. I know it's very strong tea but it seems to help some... sometimes.
Hope you have a good night and a even better tomorrow!

Title: Re: Nausous and Coffee Trigger!!!!!!!
Post by Ray on Oct 23rd, 2008 at 6:50pm
Dear love2bamommy:

Depending upon the intensity of the CH, I can get severely nauseated and keep some phergan (prescription) handy.  But more to the point, just before a CH, and during a CH, I become super-sensitive to odors.

The most offensive ones for me are floral perfumes, exhaust fumes, gasoline, and the perfumes they use in detergents, candles, and incense.  When I'm having a particularly bad time with many CH per day, I think those same odors are triggers for me.


Title: Re: Nausous and Coffee Trigger!!!!!!!
Post by thebbz on Oct 23rd, 2008 at 7:06pm
Your not pregnant are you? :D ;)

Title: Re: Nausous and Coffee Trigger!!!!!!!
Post by Linda_Howell on Oct 23rd, 2008 at 7:52pm

THIS time every time at the very end after all the pain.. for some time after i feel so sick

 What meds are you on?   One thing about this condition is that they can and DO morph.  Changes directions on us at a moments notice.  What workes fine for one cycle...fails the next.  Just because it has never happened to you before means nothing.

Coffee is a vasoconstrictor, which is a good thing for us.  I have no idea of how that can be a trigger.  Some of us sleep with a coffee cup in hand.  (JK)


Title: Re: Nausous and Coffee Trigger!!!!!!!
Post by Izzy on Oct 24th, 2008 at 4:51pm
Aw sorry that you get so sick!! Try the tea thing like Rick explained; we've recently had to switch to that method because for some reason smells are starting to trigger J. too; not sure if it's as effective for us yet, haven't got to test it enough; he's only had one since the switch that required anything so he might be coming off the cycle. New development with the smells; but these things morph a lot so we'll go for the ride. Lots of pf vibes your way & have a great day regardless. We're with ya!

Title: Re: Nausous and Coffee Trigger!!!!!!!
Post by Kushka on Oct 28th, 2008 at 11:12am
Sorry to hear about the coffee scent triggering your headaches - let's hope that one changes for you!

As for the nausea, have you ever tried crystalized ginger?  I get extreme nausea before attacks and I have been trying crystalized ginger, which is basically dried ginger coated with evaporated cane juice.  It doesn't completely remove the nausea but it helps a little - at least it helps me keep from losing my lunch.  The trick is getting it in early. When the shadow headaches come, I break out the ginger and take a piece every half hour or so.  I notice a difference - perhaps it could work for you, too.  You can get it at most health food stores and it is relatively inexpensive.  You can also try ginger tea - it is pretty spicy but it does help settle the stomach and works better than the crystalized ginger if the nausea has already kicked in.  

Wishing you PF days and nights -

Title: Re: Nausous and Coffee Trigger!!!!!!!
Post by Just Plain Carl on Oct 28th, 2008 at 4:44pm
Too bad about the Coffee.

You'd have to pry the cup from my cold dead hand.

                                 PFD's On Ya

Title: Re: Nausous and Coffee Trigger!!!!!!!
Post by on my knees on Oct 29th, 2008 at 8:30pm
a coffee trigger  oh the horror.  :'(  i wouldn't survive.
have you tried the coffee energy drinks, no brewing involved.

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