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Message started by Kit on Oct 20th, 2008 at 7:38pm

Title: What do you do when the cycle is over?
Post by Kit on Oct 20th, 2008 at 7:38pm
Hi, Kit here, with some happy news!
My hubby, Chris, is officially over his first CH cycle (as far as we can tell).
He hasn't had a headache in over 2 weeks (he refuses to count his shadows as headaches, and there have only been a few very brief ones).
On saturday night he had his first beer in 5 weeks...waited for 1.5 hours, no CH, had another. Proceeded to have a few more with my brother. I fell asleep as we watched a movie and when I woke up both my hubby and my bro were feeling no pain (in any sense of the word).
I had the feeling of "Look at those drunk idiots, I am completely sober and they are just dumb" but also a huge sense of relief. 5 weeks ago 1 beer set Chris off into a Kip 7, and now it's over. He was terrified when he was having the first beer, but he felt like he HAD TO KNOW if the cycle was over, and, thank god, it is.
The next day, Chris had a hangover headache, but he was laughing, he said it was weird to have a headache that didn't really hurt and he was happy!
He only had 2 beers on Sunday, since he has decided that he will take it easy on the booze all the time now (except for the night before) but he is elated.
Since this was the first cycle, he really has no idea when the next one will come, but we have decided to enjoy life and everything it has to offer (big & small) while the beast is away.
So I was just wondering, what do you folks do to celebrate the end of a cycle, or PF day or whatever? Seems to me like every PF moment is worth celebrating.
P.S. I am so new here, and haven't spoken to many of you, but I think you are all wonderful people in one way or another and Chris & I are so glad to have found's one of the very few good things to have come of this. The most important thing to me is the ability to laugh, and with all you are going through you can still make me laugh a lot of the time. Thank you thank you thank you! I feel so much more prepared to do battle the next time this comes around, and it is all thanks to you!

Title: Re: What do you do when the cycle is over?
Post by AussieBrian on Oct 20th, 2008 at 8:10pm
You just get on with life, Kit. Just get on with life. There's a whole big world out there and can't let it revolve around CH.

Party hearty, darlin, and here's cheers to ya mate!

Title: Re: What do you do when the cycle is over?
Post by thebbz on Oct 20th, 2008 at 9:21pm
the bb

Title: Re: What do you do when the cycle is over?
Post by DennisM1045 on Oct 20th, 2008 at 9:47pm
Pass my heartfelt congratulations on to your hubby Chris.  Then please have him give you a big-ole-hug from you're truly for being such a great supporter.

Once the beast decides to move on ... so do I.  I don't do anything special, just go back to living my life with a bit less complication and a lot less pain.

Keep your powder dry, your weapons handy and enjoy every PF moment.


Title: Re: What do you do when the cycle is over?
Post by [johnny] on Oct 21st, 2008 at 12:47am
yep i'm having a beer right now. great news! be sure to keep abortives handy even if they collect dust and your convinced that such a horrible thing could never happen again. the worst thing about being episodic is getting caught with your pants down and having to rebuild your artillery.  

Title: Re: What do you do when the cycle is over?
Post by sandie99 on Oct 21st, 2008 at 6:21am

you're right; every PF moment/day is worth celebrating. When the ch is in remission, the best thing to do is to just live life and recall what to do when/if it returns. It doesn't help to stress out between cycles; ch comes and goes pretty much how it likes anyway.

So, my congratulations to Chris - may his remission last for a long, long time! And thank you, Kit, for being there for him and being a supporter. :)

Best wishes,

Title: Re: What do you do when the cycle is over?
Post by barry_sword on Oct 21st, 2008 at 6:37am
Hi Kit :). You both now have some down time so go and enjoy every precious PF moment to it's fullest. Like said, have all your weapons of defense at the ready if and when Chris gets another visit from the beast.
Now get out you two and have some laughs, enjoy your beers and get on with your life. Stick around here if you can as others sure could use your encouragement and support.

PF wishes forever! ;)

 Barry [smiley=me&mb.gif]

Title: Re: What do you do when the cycle is over?
Post by Just Plain Carl on Oct 21st, 2008 at 7:55am
Congrats to you guys.
  Hope it's a long long remission.  It's nice to get back to normal.
Have a beer or two on me.

Title: Re: What do you do when the cycle is over?
Post by flipperlips on Oct 21st, 2008 at 8:01am
That's great news Kit.  Live each and every PF moment to it's fullest.  



Title: Re: What do you do when the cycle is over?
Post by George_J on Oct 21st, 2008 at 11:51am
Good news, Kit.   :)  Sounds as if he has clearly passed the "beer test".

What do I do when the thing is over?  Not much...  I just get on with it.  

I do spend some time getting caught up on my sleep.  It's probably hard for someone who doesn't get them to understand how splendid it is just to fall asleep without fear.   [smiley=sleep.gif]  It seems like a small thing--but it's a great gift.



Title: Re: What do you do when the cycle is over?
Post by Kit on Oct 21st, 2008 at 5:35pm
I definately plan on hanging around here even while Chris is not suffering...since we're very new to this & thankfully based on what I have read so far I don't think this cycle was as bad as it could have been (scary thought) I know I still have a lot to learn in order to prepare for the next battle.
Thanks again everyone ;D

Title: Re: What do you do when the cycle is over?
Post by Indestructible on Oct 22nd, 2008 at 8:01am
Celebrate life!!!

 One thing I don't do is wonder or anticipate the next cycle. If I get blindsided by a K10, so be it. I have no regrets having lived as if I don't have CH... that's priceless! :D

PFDAN to all

Title: Re: What do you do when the cycle is over?
Post by Bob_Johnson on Oct 22nd, 2008 at 8:33am
Since this is his first cycle, it's impossible to predict his experience of CH. Not unusual for it to take months to years before a clear pattern of when/how/where/duration,etc. of a cycle or individual attack.

Survival comes by learning how to deal with an attack when it comes but not to keep asking, "when?". Trying to anticipate only generates anxiety.

Title: Re: What do you do when the cycle is over?
Post by chris420 on Nov 7th, 2008 at 2:53pm
when mine go into remission I live life like I don't suffer with CH. I pretend like they don't exist. I don't talk or think about em'. probly sounds crazy, but thats what I do. I go to bars, go to concerts, the beach, hang with my friends(even though most of them know and understand about my condition since I've educated them)what ever I want. Because I lose so many days of life to CH, when I don't get em I try to make up for lost time.

Title: Re: What do you do when the cycle is over?
Post by BrianJ on Nov 7th, 2008 at 6:05pm
Hi kit and chris congrats on the remission

I enjoy life to the fullest as long as i always have my tools to fight the next time it is fun all the way. i agree with the others dont let it effect the pain free time it knocks us to our knees when its here it aint doing crap when its gone.

first cycle is the hardest you guys are lucky to have been diagnosed in the first cycle i went 3 years others over 10 so your battle is half done now all ya have to do is work out the pattern if any, my pattern is 1.5 months in summer holidays and 1.5 months at Christmas or just after so i can usually be ready ,so enjoy life and be ready for the next time after a very long remission i hope


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