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Message started by isshin8 on Oct 13th, 2008 at 4:23pm

Title: Is this a mistake?
Post by isshin8 on Oct 13th, 2008 at 4:23pm
Well i've been pf for 7 months.  The last few days, that old familiar feeling is coming back.  No attacks.  Just the start of shadows.  

My question is I'm considering going this round with no prevents.  I am very fortunate that excersise, energy drinks, and o2 will abort with some consistency until late in the cycle.  Imitrex has worked so far if i need more help.  

A few cycles ago i did the pred taper and it stopped the cycle.  Since then, it has never been as effective.  My last cycle i did the pred, verap, topomax and gernerally felt horrible.  Along with feeling like crud, i don't think it helped the cycle.

I'm afraid if i don't start the prevents now, they will be less effective when the cycle goes full blown.

Any thoughts or suggestions about going prevent free.
Best Wishes


Title: Re: Is this a mistake?
Post by Linda_Howell on Oct 13th, 2008 at 4:28pm

Is there a valid reason for going prevent free?  

Cluster-busting maybe?  Verapamil has certainly helped a lot of people here..Not me...but a lot of others.

Title: Re: Is this a mistake?
Post by thebbz on Oct 13th, 2008 at 4:37pm
Well good luck with that. Less drugs is always a goal. Keep up the good fight.
I'm afraid if i don't start the prevents now, they will be less effective when the cycle goes full blown.
I think your right there, so why gamble.

Title: Re: Is this a mistake?
Post by isshin8 on Oct 13th, 2008 at 4:52pm
Sorry for the repeat post everyone.  I just read the Aug. 26 post about this question.  

Thanks for all the help and info.


Title: Re: Is this a mistake?
Post by Callico on Oct 15th, 2008 at 12:28am
Sorry this is late, ut I just saw it..  I used Verap for a while, and then added Lithium to it when it didn't do the job by itself.  Between them they did keep the attacks down, but not gone, but I felt so lousy all the time, just not caring about life in general that I quit taking them at all.  I've just learned to deal with them and use energy drinks to knock them back when I get a bad one.  It is probably just me, but it seems to me that I have experienced fewer since being off the meds, and I'm enjoying life more.  Who knows, if they get bad again I may go back, but right now I'm just going to ride it out.


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