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Message started by shelticon2 on Oct 9th, 2008 at 10:00am

Title: I'm curious?
Post by shelticon2 on Oct 9th, 2008 at 10:00am
Hey all,

My beast visits me 24/7.
  I'm wondering what happens, to those who get their visit only at night., If you change your sleep pattern (ie. sleep durring the day and wake durring the nite) do your attacks change, with your schedule, or do they stay the same?

I'm trying to figure this thing out.

PFDs to all


Title: Re: I'm curious?
Post by MaxPayne on Oct 9th, 2008 at 10:22am
I tried that once, rented a bunch of movies, bought chips and coke and thought I was being clever, fooling the beast by staying up all nite and planing to sleep during daytime. Hah! There was hell to pay. At around 03 in the morning I was getting shadows, and 15 minutes later a k10 was making me do the jiggly dance. Not only that but the HA lasted for 6 hours. I am never doing that ever again!

Title: Re: I'm curious?
Post by Melissa on Oct 9th, 2008 at 12:26pm
My attacks just changed times, that's all, so I quit doing it.

Title: Re: I'm curious?
Post by Just Plain Carl on Oct 9th, 2008 at 3:37pm
The majority of my attacks are after sleep.
Sleep deprevation just makes it all that harder to cope.
Besides, TV pretty much sucks in the middle of the night.

Title: Re: I'm curious?
Post by Izzy on Oct 9th, 2008 at 4:04pm
We tried switching our sleep patterns the first year...THAT WAS BAAAAAAD!!!!!! We thought we would be s-m-r-t & "fool" it somehow by sleeping at different times. All that happened was that he would get a WORSE one a completely different time. I don't know if this is the case for everyone...but that's us anyway. Sorry you have it 24/7...that blows!!!

Title: Re: I'm curious?
Post by Kit on Oct 9th, 2008 at 6:03pm
I thnk I read (and I have read so much over the last 2 weeks I may be confused) that REM sleep can be a trigger - so I don't know if when you sleep will help..BUT if you can try it and it works - why not! I have also read that everyone is different so it can't hurt to try, right?
Let me know if it does work for you, I am gathering as many suggestions as I can for my hubby.

Title: Re: I'm curious?
Post by thebbz on Oct 9th, 2008 at 6:29pm
3 to 9mg of melatonin can help with the nighttime hits.
For me it doesn't matter, whenever I relax and become drousy.
And fatigue is a's a sick joke presented to you by the demon bastard.
Never relax..ever.
all the best

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