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Message started by River on Sep 24th, 2008 at 9:35am

Title: Has anyone tried Lyrica?
Post by River on Sep 24th, 2008 at 9:35am
My GP put my on Lyrica to stop the cycle.  I don't know if I'm just lucky or the Lyrica helped, but I didn't have a CH last night.  I still feel the hangover HA this AM like I did have a CH last night.
Has anyone else ever been put on Lyrica to stop an episode?

Title: Re: Has anyone tried Lyrica?
Post by Howard L on Sep 24th, 2008 at 10:49am
I'm currently taking 300mg but not for my headaches but for my back. I hadn't really thought about in terms of my attacks but they have decreased over the last 2 weeks. Not sure whether it's from the Lyrica or not, I'll pay closer attention.

Title: Re: Has anyone tried Lyrica?
Post by River on Sep 24th, 2008 at 11:39am
My only problem is that if I take Lyrica during the day it makes me sleepy, or it could be I am so exhausted from the CHs that I am tired.  You never know what works.  This GP has never dealt with me and CHs.  She was however very knowledgable, and suggested trying something different.  I am willing to try anything!!  If this doesn't work she said we could try  Topamax, etc.  I would like to try the Lyrica during the day to get rid of this nasty after HA feeling that lingers, but I need to wait until I have the option of sleeping.
It makes sense, Lyrica deals with nerves and CHs are trigeminal and optical nerve pain....
Will keep you posted, it may be a fluke....worth trying.
*  ::)

Title: Re: Has anyone tried Lyrica?
Post by Howard L on Sep 24th, 2008 at 11:58am
I'ver had a little dizziness from time to time but that's about many milligrams are you taking?

Title: Re: Has anyone tried Lyrica?
Post by River on Sep 24th, 2008 at 12:01pm
I am allowed to take 50 mg up to three times a day to help with the after pain, haven't tried it yet, will this weekend. Before bed 150 mg.

Title: Re: Has anyone tried Lyrica?
Post by Karla on Sep 27th, 2008 at 5:49am
I took a high dose for back pain and it did nothing for my ch.  I hope it is working for you!!!!

Title: Re: Has anyone tried Lyrica?
Post by River on Oct 6th, 2008 at 2:02pm
Unfortunately the Lyrica was just Coincidence for me.  My CHs are back and worse than ever!  Now I'm even getting mini CHs during the day.  I am at my wits end here.  Going to try accupuncture and REd Thunder along with Topamax.  I can't deal with this much longer.
I have tried the O2 non-rebreather 10-12 LPM, cold frozen towels, nothing helps.  
Does anyone else get Chs during the day?
Wish me luck!!!!!!

Title: Re: Has anyone tried Lyrica?
Post by shelticon2 on Oct 6th, 2008 at 3:20pm

Was getting mine every 2 hours 24/7 when  I didn't have one going I was anticipating the next... When I was sleeping, I dreamt about them until one woke me up..... I didn't sleep much... I was going crazy....considered trying the ultimate cure.. Fortunately, the thought of family and friends kept me going. I'm over that now. I get choked up just thinking about it and am tearing up as I type this.( don't get me wrong, I a big strong guy)

Hang in there... It will end. Just think of family, friends and those of us who have been where you are now and have made it through. YOU WILL MAKE  IT.

PS. I used a heat pad on the side that hurt. It helped a little.


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