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Message started by Tara Ann on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 10:47pm

Title: CH and nausea
Post by Tara Ann on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 10:47pm
I get severe nausea quite often with my ch....  According to statistics, that is very unusual.  Nausea is commen in Migraines though, which I do get but usually only with my monthly.  I do know the complete difference between my CH and Migraines....

OK this is turning into a ramble (sorry I'm sleep deprived a bit and sorta stupid at the moment).  But my rambling question is who else gets this CH related nausea?  I depend on phenergan horribly to get by.  I take it almost daily, and more than once a day........

Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by Guiseppi on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 10:52pm
When the pain gets past an 8 I get nauseous, but more from just the pain...if that makes sense! ;)


Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by Ray on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 11:43pm
I, too, suffer from nausea if the pain level is high enough.  I keep phenergan and/or compazine suppositories in the refridgerator for such emergencies.  I don't generally use them frequently.

You are not alone!


Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by Skyhawk5 on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 11:59pm
I vomit at the peak of a K-10 often right after I stop sweating like a fire hose. Somewhat rare but we do exist. I tried a lot of meds. I hope you find one to help.                                         ,Don

Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by Opus on Sep 24th, 2008 at 12:08am
When I was treating my attacks with NSAIDS and Tylonal I would always throw up.

After that it only happened when I got a Cluster-Migraine. They are different from CH becouse they give intense nausea and you have to dance but it makes the pain worse. If you are getting these, the only help I can give is force yourself to sit still, and the pain will lesson. I was not able to abort them with trex and I never had one after I got O2.


Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by CH-HELL on Sep 24th, 2008 at 1:10am
Hey the way it looks its not that rare I also get nausea when I get hit over an 8-9.  I take pormethazine witch I beleive is phenergan I don't have the montly thing but I do get migraines and if its only a migraine I will vomit and feel better if its a migraine/cluster I'll vommit and it feels like my head is going to pop off,  so I take my promethizine three times a day just in case.  I dont recommend this and I am going to stop taking it when I get my new o2 regulator.    Phil

Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by Bob P on Sep 24th, 2008 at 7:15am
Here's a question for you barfers:

After you hurl, does the attack usually stop in a couple of minutes?

BTW - I used to get nauseated from the pain & cafergot too.

Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by BarbaraD on Sep 24th, 2008 at 7:58am
I get yucky from the cafergot and usually take it with phenergan.

Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by Whipsmart on Sep 24th, 2008 at 8:18am
I've had nausea a couple of times, but like the others only when the pain level gets too high.  I thought that vomiting would make me feel better, but it didn't.  I just had a gross tasting mouth while it felt like the needle was going into my eye.

Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by Jean on Sep 24th, 2008 at 11:02am

Bob P wrote on Sep 24th, 2008 at 7:15am:
Here's a question for you barfers:

After you hurl, does the attack usually stop in a couple of minutes?

BTW - I used to get nauseated from the pain & cafergot too.

When I was a kid, I ALWAYS threw up with my HAs.  It was always after they had hit their peak and then about 10 minutes later the HA would ease up and I would go to sleep.  I even had a doctor tell my mom that it sounded more like a stomach problem than a "migraine" ( hadn't been diagnosed with CH then).   Now I only throw up with high kip levels but it is still at the end of the hit and the HA still goes away soon after.  


Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by shark boy on Sep 24th, 2008 at 11:23am
when I reach 8 or 9 I am totaly wet my head in in a hole in the wall and some time I loose my cookies, actually sometime I look forward to this point as I know after this phase I'm on my way down. I really havent tried to fix the nausea part, I figure it's just part of the beast.   shark boy

Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by Bob P on Sep 24th, 2008 at 11:31am
I asked because when I would barf the attack would stop shortly after.  I got to the point I would do the finger down the throat to make myself barf, knowing it would end the attack.  I initally tied this to the physical exertion of ralphing but now, knowing serotonin is produced in the gut, I wonder if it causes some release of serotonin?

Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by Jean on Sep 24th, 2008 at 11:41am

Bob P wrote on Sep 24th, 2008 at 11:31am:
I asked because when I would barf the attack would stop shortly after.  I got to the point I would do the finger down the throat to make myself barf, knowing it would end the attack.  I initally tied this to the physical exertion of ralphing but now, knowing serotonin is produced in the gut, I wonder if it causes some release of serotonin?

Interesting theory......

So, does it end the hit if you throw up early in the HA?


Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by River on Sep 24th, 2008 at 11:50am
This may be a stupid question, but have you tried the non-drowsy Dramamine?
If the Nausea is too severe I can understand it not working, but it might be worth a try.

Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by Bob P on Sep 24th, 2008 at 1:10pm
I don't worry about it anymore.  O2 will stop my attacks in 7-10 minutes and never let them get above a Kip3.

Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by Skyhawk5 on Sep 24th, 2008 at 10:32pm
The vomiting does not end the hit at all for me, after I stop the barfing the attack continues for about an hour @ near K-10. I have learned to keep this to a minimum though.

Strange but I was chronic for a couple years when first DX'd and this didn't happen then. (?) Now if the O2 fails and I don't have any back up I most likely will upchuck early in the attack for 10 to 20 minutes.

Call them atypical symptoms (my Doc does) or whatever, I don't know. Light & sound bother me too @ the high Kips. All my other symptoms are textbook CH.                                    , Don

Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by LeeS on Sep 25th, 2008 at 5:01am
I only throw-up during very high Kip level attacks; it's always very "violent", and yes Bob, this always marks the end of the attack for me (but not sure if it actually causes the end of the attack :-/).

I think nausea occurs in up to 90% of migraineurs.  This report suggests that it occurs in nearly a third of CH sufferers:

Headache. 2006 Sep;46(8):1246-54. Links

Cluster headache: clinical presentation, lifestyle features, and medical treatment.

Schürks M, Kurth T, de Jesus J, Jonjic M, Rosskopf D, Diener HC.
Department of Neurology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany.

BACKGROUND: Cluster headache (CH) is a rare but severe headache form with a distinct clinical presentation. Misdiagnoses and mismanagement among these patients are high. OBJECTIVE: To characterize clinical features and medical treatment in patients with CH. METHODS: We established a cohort of 246 clinic-based and non-clinic-based CH patients. The diagnosis of CH was verified according to International Headache Society (IHS) criteria. We used standardized questionnaires to assess associated factors as well as success or failure of treatments. RESULTS: The majority (75.6%) was not treated before at our clinic-77.6% were males; 74.8% had episodic CH, 16.7% had chronic CH, in the remaining patients, the periodicity was undetermined because they were newly diagnosed. Cranial autonomic features were present in 98.8%, nausea and vomiting in 27.8%, and photophobia or phonophobia in 61.2% of CH patients. Most (67.9%) reported restlessness during attacks and 23% a typical migrainous aura preceding the attacks. The rate of current smoking was high (65.9%). Half of the patients reported that alcohol (red wine in 70%) triggered CH attacks. Eighty-seven percent reported the use of drugs of first choice (triptans 77.6%, oxygen 71.1%) with sumatriptan subcutaneous injection being the most effective drug for acute therapy (81.2%). The most frequently used preventive medications were verapamil (70.3%) and glucocorticoids (57.7%) with equally high effectiveness. CONCLUSIONS: Apart from the IHS criteria additional features like nausea/vomiting and migrainous aura may guide the diagnosis of CH. A large number of CH patients do not receive adequate treatments.

On a different, yet related note, I read with interest recently that both photophobia and phonophobia appear to be more prevalent in TACs compared with migraine and other headache (which might interest you Don).  I often get photophobia but very seldom phonophobia:

Cephalalgia. 2008 Apr 16 [Epub ahead of print]

Unilateral photophobia or phonophobia in migraine compared with trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias.

Irimia P, Cittadini E, Paemeleire K, Cohen AS, Goadsby PJ.
Headache Group, Institute of Neurology, The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, UK.

Our objective was to compare the presence of self-reported unilateral photophobia or phonophobia, or both, during headache attacks comparing patients with trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (TACs)-including cluster headache, short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT) and paroxysmal hemicrania-or hemicrania continua, and other headache types. We conducted a prospective study in patients attending a referral out-patient clinic over 5 months and those admitted for an intramuscular indomethacin test. Two hundred and six patients were included. In episodic migraine patients, two of 54 (4%) reported unilateral photophobia or phonophobia, or both. In chronic migraine patients, six of 48 (13%) complained of unilateral photophobia or phonophobia, or both, whereas none of the 24 patients with medication-overuse headache reported these unilateral symptoms, although these patients all had clinical symptoms suggesting the diagnosis of migraine. Only three of 22 patients (14%) suffering from new daily persistent headache (NDPH) experienced unilateral photophobia or phonophobia. In chronic cluster headache 10 of 21 patients (48%) had unilateral photophobia or phonophobia, or both, and this symptom appeared in four of five patients (80%) with episodic cluster headache. Unilateral photophobia or phonophobia, or both, were reported by six of 11 patients (55%) with hemicrania continua, five of nine (56%) with SUNCT, and four of six (67%) with chronic paroxysmal hemicrania. Unilateral phonophobia or photophobia, or both, are more frequent in TACs and hemicrania continua than in migraine and NDPH. The presence of these unilateral symptoms may be clinically useful in the differential diagnosis of primary headaches.


Edited to get name right

Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by darknight on Sep 25th, 2008 at 6:55am
I have suffered at times from Nausea with my headaches at the begining, i suffered from some migraine side effects and my CH came on. I havent had a nauseas CH for over a year and ive been diagnosed for 3 years now.

Bob P i can say from my own experience of riding a kip 8 whilst vomiting the pain subsides whilst you vomit only to return again within seconds of regaining your composure & thinking hey has it gone!!!


Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by Jean on Sep 25th, 2008 at 10:49am
I used to think that I was light sensitive with my CH.  While in cycle, light is a trigger.  Riding in a car with the sun flickering between the trees will always set me off.  Now I have come to realize that I am just sensory sensitive during a hit.  Sound, light, touch, even smell makes things worse.  


Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by Tara Ann on Sep 25th, 2008 at 2:06pm
My pain doesn't let up at all when I vomit.  But I always think the nausea will go away when I vomit and that seldom is the case.  I get nausea even at kip levels as low as a 4 or so and I still can function with that level (not as a "normal" person but still get buy) but the feeling of impending yacking stops me from moving too much.  So added to the CH I am stuck not doing the things I want thanks to the nausea.

Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by MJ on Sep 25th, 2008 at 11:22pm

Bob P wrote on Sep 24th, 2008 at 11:31am:
 I got to the point I would do the finger down the throat to make myself barf, knowing it would end the attack.  I initally tied this to the physical exertion of ralphing but now, knowing serotonin is produced in the gut, I wonder if it causes some release of serotonin?

I have had that same thought Bob.

Nausea is rare with me though ralphing is something to do when all else fails and can seem to help.

Tara Ann- I wonder if using an antacid like tums (calcium) regularly might help. Worth a try and cheap too. The possible connection with serotonin causing the gut to churn up acids.

Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by Tara Ann on Sep 26th, 2008 at 4:30am
MJ, that is definately worth a try.  

Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by Kimmie on Sep 26th, 2008 at 8:53pm

Bob P wrote on Sep 24th, 2008 at 7:15am:
Here's a question for you barfers:

After you hurl, does the attack usually stop in a couple of minutes?

BTW - I used to get nauseated from the pain & cafergot too.

I hurl each night when I wake up in a hit (during cycle)...the pain is still as bad after I hurl for about 15 minutes...but then it's gone. Painful shit I tell ya...

Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by KJ on Sep 26th, 2008 at 9:57pm

Bob P wrote on Sep 24th, 2008 at 7:15am:
Here's a question for you barfers:

After you hurl, does the attack usually stop in a couple of minutes?

Hello, I'm KJ, and I'm a Barfer. :)

I always welcomed the porceline prayer, because I would feel better within ten minutes or so. I don't know why, but it shortened the hit tremendously.


Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by Pixie-elf on Sep 26th, 2008 at 9:58pm
The first few hits I got of my cycle, I puked with them, then that stopped. Now I'm starting to have the vomiting again.

Vomiting ISN'T rare for me, but I'm usually easily able to determine what the cause is. When it started with the clusters, I had no idea what was causing it, and was pretty damned confused. I'm hoping it'll stop soon.

Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by superhawk2300 on Sep 28th, 2008 at 9:00pm
Wow, I was unaware there was this much barfing going on with CH. Sounds like it really sucks, I can't imagine doing that as well as getting hit. I hate barfing almost as much as I hat CH!

Guess I learn somthing new everyday. I feel for you guys.

Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by JohnM on Sep 30th, 2008 at 10:03am
I usually experience vomiting once or twice during a CH cycle at high kips. I feel only slightly better afterwards, but nowhere near pain free.

Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by HappyElaine on Oct 3rd, 2008 at 11:53am
I am with you Bob P don't worry about it now that I use the O2.

Bob yes when I barfed it did relieve the pain. I did the same thing you did.

Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by Izzy on Oct 11th, 2008 at 10:02pm
Jon gets nausea only if it's an 8 or higher. Everyone's diff. though...

Title: Re: CH and nausea
Post by Gemma on Oct 19th, 2008 at 5:10pm
I tend to feel sickly when I am having shadows, as then I feel groggy in general.  :-/ But when I'm having my CH, whether they are the short, 45 min ones on the right side of my face/eye, or the longer, stronger big bangs on the other side of my head, I don't feel sick.

If I have a Big Bang episode, I find after I've got some sleep and wake up, I feel a bit groggy and don't want to eat for a while, and I always know things are looking up when I was to scoff some food!

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