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Message started by starflower on Sep 15th, 2008 at 2:06pm

Title: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by starflower on Sep 15th, 2008 at 2:06pm
Hi all, occasional lurker here (whenever I'm in a cycle!), and the beast is playing stabbie with my (left) eye/temple/neck these days so I'm back on the research.

I'm wondering if there's a connection between people who suffer from CH and a predisposition towards either artistic pursuits (music, drawing/painting, poetry/literature, etc) and/or intellectually inclined endeavors such as scientific studies, philosophy, etc.

That covers a lot of ground, I know, but *most* people aren't terribly artistic and don't spend their internetting time researching the meaning of life or what the latest news in string theories and particle colliders. Heh.

Also, whether one's interests are connected to which side their monster lives on.

I'll be the first to answer. :)

I'm an extremely prolific composer and writer, and am also highly educated in a broad spectrum of the sciences and philosophy. I am episodic, and it's left-sided.

Curious to see the results.  ;)

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Jean on Sep 15th, 2008 at 2:15pm
Hi Starflower,

Sorry to say but, I'm just an average, ordinary person who suffers from CH.  I was interested in dance as a younger person and my intelligence is slightly above average.     ( I think ;)).     There's nothing too special about me except for my "special Hypothingamijiggy"  and I'd gladly give that up to be totally ordinary!   Sorry to be such a boring start to your study.  Good luck!


Edit to add:  Episodic, Right side

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by BrianJ on Sep 15th, 2008 at 2:37pm
Hi there welcome to the boards

I am a electrician by trade and work as a electronics engineer but i have always loved the arts i design alot of web based digital art in my spare time and make a little cash from it, i also design tattoos by hand and on the computer using photoshop but i am very passionate about my drawrings, i have played the guitar since i was 12 and the drums since i was 8, and love all music (apart from dance music)

in school and to this day i love history, science, performance arts, art/design,  everything else board the crap out of me

I have a high IQ and i am Dyslexic

Epasodic ,right sided


Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by vietvet2tours on Sep 15th, 2008 at 3:50pm
I can juggle an orange.


Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Jonny on Sep 15th, 2008 at 4:13pm

Potter wrote on Sep 15th, 2008 at 3:50pm:
I can juggle an orange.


LMMFAO!!!!! [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif]

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Ernie Moss aka Wishbone on Sep 15th, 2008 at 4:31pm
I can play a radio if still has a dial.  I can't operate a remote control on the TV.  However, I am somewhat of an artist if painting a wall with a roller counts.  I can color so long as you don't have to stay within the lines.  I am somewhat dyslexic, I can put my left arm in my shirt (sometimes) all by myself.  But I am a Clusterhead. Sorry, I won't help in the stats that clusterheads are intelluals with artistic attributes.  Wishbone

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Barry_T_Coles on Sep 15th, 2008 at 6:57pm

Potter wrote on Sep 15th, 2008 at 3:50pm:
I can juggle an orange.


I can do it one handed ;D.


Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by DennisM1045 on Sep 15th, 2008 at 8:26pm
I'm a Software Engineer by trade and derive a lot of job satisfaction from symmetry and balance in my designs.  I’m not very artistic at all.  Can't even sing  ::)  Though give me a six pack and you never know what'll happen.

I'm right sided and episodic.



Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by ClusterChuck on Sep 15th, 2008 at 8:38pm
Well, I may not be as talented as Ernie is, but I have always been very artistic, and supposedly I have a very high IQ, if you can believe those tests.

Now as far as my ch goes:
Chronic ...
Hits on both sides (primarily left) ...
Right handed ...
Left testicle hangs lower than right one ...
My right nipple is more sensitive than my left one ...
The little toe on my left foot tries to cross over the next toe ...
Both cheeks of my ass sag more than they used to ...

OK?  Did I cover all the variables?


Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by indigorayz on Sep 15th, 2008 at 8:46pm
Very funny you guys.
I was wondering about the mind body connection to C/H.
Anyways I am doing a bachelor of health science.Very creative.Female.
Not sure if I am episodic or chronic yet ,only 7 weeks of C/H.
Predominately Right sided.

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by MJ on Sep 16th, 2008 at 1:30am
"Philosophers have attacked the concept of the unconscious on the grounds that it violates Ockham's razor, is in principle unverifiable, or fails to generate predictions about behavior. Another, more persistent criticism is that the concept is logically incoherent because it implies a mind-body dualism. According to this claim, Freud's concept of the “unconscious” contains at least implicitly the assumption that not only are mind and body two different kinds of entities or substances but that mental states are connected to physical events. Mind-body dualism, in turn, is said to imply that mental states and physical events are isomorphic with one another (psychophysical parallelism) or that they are causally reciprocal (interactionism). But since psychophysical parallelism and interactionism are logically inconsistent, the hypothesis of unconscious mental states on which they are based, so the argument goes, must be incoherent."

I cant juggle.

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by sandie99 on Sep 16th, 2008 at 4:25am
Hi Starflower,

welcome! :)

I'm Sanna, episodic clusterhead with hits mainly on the left. I'm right-handed and I'm a journalist and will graduate with my Masters degree in journalism some day soon.

I love to write, always have, and it's been also a dear hobby of mine as long as I can recall. I can't sing nor draw to save my life, but I sure can write! My biggest dream is to write a bestseller novel... ;) and land a full-time job as a journalist.

And yes, I love to wonder the meaning of life... earliest memories from that are from the time I was just 9.

All the best & PF days,

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Karl on Sep 16th, 2008 at 8:34am
i love contempary christian music and classic rock n roll. ( i still find it hard to think of the music i grew up with is now called classic)
i cant juggle,sing, or speak with great intelligent but like to think i have a little wisdom to share(please don't pop my bubble)
i love art but i am very picky about what is called art. not just blobs of paint that make rich people more pompous.
i study theology on my own
left handed,mostly left attacks
passionate lover
tattoos, but not too many
with no patience for stupid,persistant ignorance,or the self rightousness, and incompetant.

bad spelling is okay

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Brew on Sep 16th, 2008 at 8:43am
Left-sided, right-handed (except archery and slingshot - go figure).

Play the bass, piano, a little guitar, and sing (actually earn a little money doing so).

Work as an industrial engineer.

B.A. degrees in history and philosophy.

Again, go figure.

Edited to add: Sorry, Karl, but I don't think bad spelling is okay. Nothing personal. Neither is bad grammar, unless it's being used to make a point, like simulated southern speech (oh, snap!).

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Melissa on Sep 19th, 2008 at 10:43am
I'm not sure as to what I'm particularly good at creative wise. :-/

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by DennisM1045 on Sep 19th, 2008 at 12:24pm

Melissa wrote on Sep 19th, 2008 at 10:43am:
I'm not sure as to what I'm particularly good at creative wise. :-/

I can think of at least 2 great things you've created  ;)


Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Brew on Sep 19th, 2008 at 1:02pm
Uh, three. ;)

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by CH-HELL on Sep 19th, 2008 at 1:17pm
chronic left sided, right handed, my I IQ was 150 about fourteen years ago but seems to be dropping daily, studied law for a few years never finished, have always been artistic mostly drawing, currently a part time tattoo artist, my testicals are larger than average and my ass cheeks are still in the right spot.  Sorry chuck and bad spelling is ok.  Good luck,      Phil

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Brew on Sep 19th, 2008 at 1:27pm

wrote on Sep 19th, 2008 at 1:17pm:
my testicals are larger than average and my ass cheeks are still in the right spot.

Some guys have all the luck. ;)

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Vomact on Sep 19th, 2008 at 2:20pm
I am a episodic righty, and new at this.

I have an I.Q. of 135

I am a specialist in applied electromagnetics.

I have  B.S. in geology and and M.S. in geophysics.

I am a halfway decent guitarist. (electric only)

I am great between the sheets.  

My schwanstuker is truly enormous. ;)

I am also a gentleman, scholar and lover of fine women.



Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Jean on Sep 19th, 2008 at 2:25pm
Maybe we should start a thread about how modest Clusterheads are ;D ;) :P


BTW   I just took an on-line I.Q. test that put my I.Q. at 135.  As a child I tested as "gifted"...... Maybe I am smarter than your average bear!

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Brew on Sep 19th, 2008 at 3:34pm
IQ can only be accurately tested up to about the age of 8. After that there are too many social and cultural items that can pollute the results.

Chances are you're even smarter than that, Jean. ;)

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Jean on Sep 19th, 2008 at 3:46pm
I doubt that it's even as high as 135. LOL !  How accurate could an on-line test really be?  I just did it for grins!  I was in the "gifted class"  in grade  school though.  Both of my children tested into the "Gifted program" as well.   I have a friend that has a child whose I.Q. is 140.  He is very smart but lacks social skills and has a very difficult time playing with other children.  I would rather have a child that is of average or slightly above average intelligence than one who is very smart and cannot relate to others.   Just my opinion.

BTW, that's very interesting that I.Q. can only be tested accurately up till age 8.  I had often wondered how it could be measured accurately due to the vast differences in environment and exposure to higher education.


Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by kevmd on Sep 22nd, 2008 at 10:37pm
I got kicked off the 1st grade christmas play because I couldn't play the triangle to the standards of Sister John Thomas.  I truly hated that woman.  I can not sing.  Artistic....abolutely awful.  Forget about dancing.  Intelligence....maybe I was smart at one time but I have grown stupider (thats for you Brew) with age.  I still can't master that peg game at the Cracker Barrell.  I have gone from a calm person to more type A.    I am episodic? right sided and still pissed about having CH

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by mezza on Sep 22nd, 2008 at 11:07pm

kevmd wrote on Sep 22nd, 2008 at 10:37pm:
.  I still can't master that peg game at the Cracker Barrell.  

;D  neither can I- sadly my 7 year old can though-

right sided episodic.  No artistic talent- so bad that my college drawing professor ( had to take one....) said he thought i had a learning disability because I couldn't understand 'perspective'.   Luckily I remembered that  my mom is an artist and she helped just a little on those projects when I'd bring my laundry home on the weekends... ;)

can't sing or dance either and definitely can't read music.   I can match clothes though and thank goodness my husband values that art...

have a  masters degree, fairly analytical,  a little too hypervigilant, and of course keep getting dumber the older I get...


Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Kimmie on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 10:18am
hmmm....CH and higher intelligence? I wonder if any actual studies have been done on that.

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by jay on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 11:59am
CH left side

I am a photographer and have 2 art galleries if that helps

IQ doubt I have one any more lol

Live in Scotland so must be mad!

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Kirk on Sep 25th, 2008 at 7:56pm
   I am a physcopathic serial fish killer. My IQ is somewhere above room temperature. I have a cousin named Art. I'm chronic, right sided. And I ride around on a Trike. Anything else you hear are baseless rumors.

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Izzy on Oct 17th, 2008 at 9:11pm
I just liked this thread so here's my Jon (um...don't take that the wrong way. *lol* His name is Jonathan but who wants to say all that all the time?)

CH is Episodic/left side
He's got an above-average IQ (whatever that means, these tests are quite relative...)
Introspective/navel gazer
Interested in any & all things to do with biology; psychology; & grunge/hardcore/goth/punk.
Can't juggle
10+ on nipple sensitivity (just because I *lol*'ed until I almost peed...
Cluster Chuck toes
Perfect butt

Me: I'm just his supporter & have exactly all these things in common except don't have CH. So...personally...I think it's just a coincidence with no real scientific value. :) Cheers though.

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by shelticon2 on Oct 18th, 2008 at 12:06am
This is an interesting concept. so I'll put in my 2 cents worth.

I'm 44 yrs old
electronics engineer/ technician/president/CEO of a company that I started 10 years age (14 employees)
chronic CH
left side CH
play guitar ( not very good, haven't picked it up in a year or so)
in the middle of my first novel ( writing not reading)
Have been tested several times throughout my life with an IQ around 140 (working on lowering that with the help of Jack Daniels)
and my hobies are astrophysics and statistical analysis ( God, what a geek)
Oh yeah.... and I want world peace

I hope this helps your study.

PS. none of my physical attributes are fit for publication


Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by thebbz on Oct 18th, 2008 at 12:29am
Me I'm a dumbass, but I can do anything I set my mind to.
Except get rid of CH.
all the best

PS: I think we are all very special and talented in our own way, more so than, "normal" people. We have our own perspective on pain and life that only CH can give you. :-?

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by [johnny] on Oct 22nd, 2008 at 4:32pm
well here goes. when i was 12 years old my i.q was tested at 137. when i was in high school i went to trade school to be a machinist. i carried an a- average in trigonometry and related math. i had a barely passing grade in english. thank god for spell check. they found cigarettes in my car and kicked  me out. they put me back in regular school with mediocre classes and i got board and dropped out. i immediately went to work at an automotive machine shop. after a year of working there i could do anything in the shop except grind cranks. i became obsessed  with serial numbers and got really good at identifying engine parts and makes.   then owner died and i went to work for a flooring company. i went out on the road doing that for ten or so years got bored with that and then worked a place called as a welder at a place called START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE making haunted house props. got laid off from there and went to truckdriving school. i've been doing that for about 2 years and now i'm currently studying to become a freight agent. seeing the country keeps me interested. i'm hell bent on not having a boss.  i don't play golf and i don't play company politics and it has cost me a few jobs along the way.  

i have been an episodic since i was 12. i'm 32 years old. my cycles last a couple months and i have 3 or 4 years between cycles. currently pain free. my cluster side is right and i am right handed.

personality i'm somewhat of an introvert. i spend weeks by myself and i'm content with that. i love helping people but i'm not a sucker. i listen to old twangy country, classic rock, and big band swing. i've been known to get teary eyed on john denver or ray price songs. i absolutely hate new country music. i wear black t shirts, blue jeans and black boots. not much into fads. i am a geyser of useless and obsolete mechanical information.  

well thats the low down on me. just a basic man. no frills. not much education but allot of tough experience, allot of hard knocks, and allot of skinned up knuckles.

edited to add: jim you mentioned music START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by washed-out on Oct 26th, 2008 at 9:18pm
Well everyone who knows me, tells that I am very modest and I really hate to "talk big" but for this topic:

I've played piano and both classic and electric guitar for ~5 years but I am horrible @ singing or painting ;) I am good at writing (essays etc. if you can consider it as art).

About IQ... In my opinion whole IQ thing is a piece of sh*t. I mean, it doesn't mean anything. However, it's interesting that so many CH sufferers have relatively high IQ. First of all there are few popular deviations (15, 16, 24) and that's very important. Hehe, there is a Polish pop star who likes to copy Britney, generally she seems to be totally dumb and she had 156 IQ in Mensa test... :)

Few years ago, when I was 14 or 15 I did a test for 17+ I did a test and had all answers right, which meant 152 or 156 but I don't know what deviation it was. Also I've talked to a psychologist (dyslexia tests) who said I got at least 140. Now I did short online test, with deviation 15:
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I am quite talented @ learning, in primary and secondary school I skept a lot of lessons and didn't learn a lot but I had the best marks in the whole school ;) Unfortunately I got many problems with school since my health problems (CH but not only) started:(
To be honest I am a bit like a renaissance man. Unfortunately, for me it's like a curse... I would rather like to be awesome at one field than good/very good at many. In six months I have Polish equivalent of A-Levels (it's so-called in England, dunno about the States) and I really don't know what subjects I should pick. I've always been very good at maths but overy last two years, due skipping many lessons, I've got many problems. On the other hand I really like writing but journalism isn't very perspective (engineering studies are the most perspective). In the end I think I will have a gap year, prepare myself at chemistry, biology and physics and then study medicine :p

Oh, I made an offtopic and I did something I don't really like (and after posting I will regret it) but at least it is comprehensive :p

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by vietvet2tours on Oct 26th, 2008 at 10:08pm
  You spelled essay wrong.


Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Linda_Howell on Oct 26th, 2008 at 10:34pm
Starflow ;Der, Please explain to me how knowing if we are more or less creative than the average person helps anything in dealing with this condition.  I'd really like to know where you intended to go with this.   Seriously.

I don't know how I missed this entire thread until today...Potter, as always you crack me up.   As did you Kirk.   Best laughs I've had in a long long time, and maybe the answers you received Starflower IS the make everyone laugh.    ;D

edited to change speeeeling mistraks.   LOL

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Kilowatt3 on Oct 26th, 2008 at 10:43pm

washed-out wrote on Oct 26th, 2008 at 9:18pm:
...Also I've talked to a psychologist (dyslexia tests) who said I got at least 140...

I used to be dyslexic, but I was also crosseyed and they cancelled out...

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Just Plain Carl on Oct 26th, 2008 at 11:18pm
I'm ambidextrous but only on the right side.

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by washed-out on Oct 27th, 2008 at 5:07am

Potter wrote on Oct 26th, 2008 at 10:08pm:
  You spelled essay wrong.


fixed :p (I wrote 'essey' beacuse polish translation is 'esej', two e )

Kilowatt3 wrote on Oct 26th, 2008 at 10:43pm:

washed-out wrote on Oct 26th, 2008 at 9:18pm:
...Also I've talked to a psychologist (dyslexia tests) who said I got at least 140...

I used to be dyslexic, but I was also crosseyed and they cancelled out...

Hmm in the end I wasn't diagnosed with dyslexia but 'only' dysgraphia :( Yeah, my handwriting is really horrible, especially after writing for 10-15 minutes constantly, or when I am under some stress. It's really embarrassing, I can do my homeworks @ PC (such as essAys) but when it comes to write an exam or something...

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by MaxPayne on Oct 27th, 2008 at 6:10am
Don't think it is related to science/creativity, it's only your brain trying to kill ya ;) I would be more interested to know if it has any connection to mood disorders, i.e periods of depression, anxiety and so forth.

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Balanchine on Oct 31st, 2008 at 6:26pm
I grew up in a mahogany tree on the south side of Kuala Lumpur. My parents were macaques but we moved around a lot. They said it was migrating but I heard migraine and things went bad from there. As a child I excelled at feces-throwing and exposing my rump to females, who invariably screamed and leapt for the nearest palm frond. As I got older I develped an inordinate fondness for red licorice, which unfortunately was not popular with tourists in those years. By the time we moved to Sandusky, Ohio it was raining. I still get a twinge in my large right toe whenever Don Ho sings "Tiny Bubbles", and I'm scared of Rosecrucians named Murray. I don't remember anything prior to that Thursday in March.

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Johnnystar on Nov 1st, 2008 at 2:57pm
I'm right handed and have CH's only on the right side.  I'm not very artistic, but have a bachelors degree in math, and a doctorate in educational psychology.

PFDAN and short cycles to all.


Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by vietvet2tours on Nov 1st, 2008 at 3:34pm
   I can also speak cow.


Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by mezza on Nov 9th, 2008 at 12:31am

Potter wrote on Nov 1st, 2008 at 3:34pm:
   I can also speak cow.


;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Clusterheads and creativity/science
Post by Just Plain Carl on Nov 9th, 2008 at 12:56am
Moo Mooooo Moo & MOOOO!

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