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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Cluster Headache Specific >> Goodbye for Now..From the Troll

Message started by Geewilly on Sep 13th, 2008 at 1:59am

Title: Goodbye for Now..From the Troll
Post by Geewilly on Sep 13th, 2008 at 1:59am
I really am not a Troll.  I have been a silent reader here way before I ever started posting.  I chose to post with both guns blazing towards a handful of alumni here.

Since then there has been an awareness that was previously lacking on both sides.  I have had pm's with some you would never think that would take the time of day to speak with me.

I have always known this site is a wonderful place to be with (I have always known this).  Sorry to those I offended and thanks to those I did!  ;)

P.S.  Thanks....Chuck, Pubgirl, Potter and Jonny!  I would go on but you know what....I won't.

P.S.S.  Brew, don't be a dick!

Title: Re: Goodbye for Now..From the Troll
Post by BMoneeTheMoneeMan on Sep 13th, 2008 at 2:23am
Jesus, Willy.  I have tried to hold back, but you are really fuckin stupid.  
Do you honestly think that everyone here does not know the dangers of pharmaceuticals and you have saved us?  Do you honestly think that we have no idea that pred, verapimil, lithium, and topomax can be very hard on the body?  Even you can't be that dumb......or can you?

And why is it that you need validation on absinthe?  Why is it that WE have to talk about absinthe when it is YOU that is interested in it?  If YOU are so fucking interested in it, then YOU fucking try it and YOU fucking talk about it.

I am thankful you are leaving.  Please stay away for a long time.  If you do choose to come back, smarten up prior to posting.  

Title: Re: Goodbye for Now..From the Troll
Post by Barry_T_Coles on Sep 13th, 2008 at 4:57am
While your away try & find a life.

From one alumni who hasn't pasted or encoureged your stupidity.

Title: Re: Goodbye for Now..From the Troll
Post by Brew on Sep 13th, 2008 at 8:40am

P.S.  Thanks....Chuck, Pubgirl, Potter and Jonny!  I would go on but you know what....I won't.

Hey, you guys - I think he likes you!

P.S.S.  Brew, don't be a dick!

And I think he likes me even more!

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Title: Re: Goodbye for Now..From the Troll
Post by maalstroom on Sep 13th, 2008 at 1:26pm
I am not the one to judge if Willy is a troll or not, so I wont.
My question to the seniors here is though, why are there so many trolls here? Think I've seen 3 or 4 since joining here in my last cycle, which was from may to july.
I just don't get why people seem to have fun poking at us, whom suffer.
Anyone care to explain? Maybe I'm a naive, but I just see not the fun in that.

PF wishes to those in pain right now.


Title: Re: Goodbye for Now..From the Troll
Post by BMoneeTheMoneeMan on Sep 13th, 2008 at 2:36pm

maalstroom wrote on Sep 13th, 2008 at 1:26pm:
I am not the one to judge if Willy is a troll or not, so I wont.
My question to the seniors here is though, why are there so many trolls here? Think I've seen 3 or 4 since joining here in my last cycle, which was from may to july.
I just don't get why people seem to have fun poking at us, whom suffer.
Anyone care to explain? Maybe I'm a naive, but I just see not the fun in that.

PF wishes to those in pain right now.


Its not about fun.  It's about idiots like this who say the meds we take do not work and we should drink alcohol to cure our CH.....yet he has never had that type of alcohol.

Title: Re: Goodbye for Now..From the Troll
Post by Ray on Sep 13th, 2008 at 8:01pm

The world has all kinds of people in it.  Therefore, so does the Internet.  This forum is a place for people who have, or may have a specific headache disorder and their supporters.

Most people here are great people, a few are grouchy, many are helpful.  A few people out there just want to cause trouble and for some reason, they get off on it.  I'll never understand those people and wish they would get a life and move on.

Wishing you well,


Title: Re: Goodbye for Now..From the Troll
Post by George_J on Sep 13th, 2008 at 8:27pm
Going away for a while, eh?

Must have violated his parole.  



Title: Re: Goodbye for Now..From the Troll
Post by Brew on Sep 14th, 2008 at 10:26am
Geewilly - Ex-member.


Title: Re: Goodbye for Now..From the Troll
Post by Jonny on Sep 14th, 2008 at 2:08pm

wrote on Sep 13th, 2008 at 1:59am:
P.S.  Thanks....Chuck, Pubgirl, Potter and Jonny!  

I dont need thanks for pointing out that the next step after going green is being banned. as I said, where it went was up to you and you only.

See ya!  [smiley=wave.gif]

Title: Re: Goodbye for Now..From the Troll
Post by Linda_Howell on Sep 14th, 2008 at 6:42pm

P.S.S.  Brew, don't be a dick!

Looks like he never DID get the hang of that very complcated P.S.-ing thing you tried to educate him on, huh, Brew?

Title: Re: Goodbye for Now..From the Troll
Post by Brew on Sep 14th, 2008 at 6:45pm

Linda_Howell wrote on Sep 14th, 2008 at 6:42pm:
P.S.S.  Brew, don't be a dick!

Looks like he never DID get the hang of that very complcated P.S.-ing thing you tried to educate him on, huh, Brew?

I know. I'm such a dick.

Title: Re: Goodbye for Now..From the Troll
Post by [johnny] on Sep 14th, 2008 at 7:33pm

wrote on Sep 14th, 2008 at 6:45pm:

Linda_Howell wrote on Sep 14th, 2008 at 6:42pm:
P.S.S.  Brew, don't be a dick!

Looks like he never DID get the hang of that very complcated P.S.-ing thing you tried to educate him on, huh, Brew?

I know. I'm such a dick.

mmmmm yeah. but your a nice dick though.  ;D

Title: Re: Goodbye for Now..From the Troll
Post by Karl on Sep 15th, 2008 at 10:11am
we need people to unite us not divide us.
come back when you can do that.

Title: Re: Goodbye for Now..From the Troll
Post by Ernie Moss aka Wishbone on Sep 15th, 2008 at 10:58am
As I only began posting and really reading after attending the O.U.C.H Convention I don't really know Geewilly or what all he has said in the past, but one interesting point I picked up from one of the statistics quoted at the Convention was that Clusterheads were above average in intellegence.  While I am no mental giant I do like to think for myself but also appreciate the opportunity to afforded as much information as possible about CH.  To me this is what this site does.  When I have seen Geewilly's posts I simple read a bit and scroll down rapidly and don't give him the satisfaction that he has ired my soul, which I personally think was his goal and not that of helping others.  I think Karl said it best, come back if he is interested in uniting.  Wishbone.

Title: Re: Goodbye for Now..From the Troll
Post by Jean on Sep 15th, 2008 at 11:12am
I can't really say that I understand this whole "Troll" business..... Was Geewilly asked to leave or did he leave on his own?  Just curious... Not a very nice guy....


Title: Re: Goodbye for Now..From the Troll
Post by thebbz on Sep 15th, 2008 at 11:56am

Was Geewilly asked to leave or did he leave on his own?  Just curious... Not a very nice guy....

He was politely shown the door out.
Good riddance.
all the best

Title: Re: Goodbye for Now..From the Troll
Post by Sandy_C on Sep 15th, 2008 at 12:26pm
I don't care whether he left on his own or was banned.  I hope he left on his own because if is is truly a clusterhead, maybe, sometime in the future, he will realize the value of this site and come back.

I'm also not sure he is, in the true sense of the word, a troll, however, I do have a problem with anyone telling all the rest of us that the meds we have been prescribed by our physicians are either worthless, or dangerous.  This is not his call.  

This is a decision to be made by the CH head and his/her doc, nobody else.  For anyone to post on these boards that taking prescribed preventative meds should not be done by episodics is blatently wrong information and should not be allowed on the boards.  He was practicing medicine without a license here.

I am an episodic.  I chose, because of my doctor's recommendation, not to take any prescribed prevents due to health issues I have and family history because those prevents could increase the problems with me.  Yet, I would never tell another episodic that taking those prevents was wrong.  

This is what his stand was. He was adamant that if you were "only" an episodic sufferer, with short cycles, why load your body with a bunch of meds that could cause harm later on.  I understand his stance on this, because this is where I fall, but I disagree with him that prevents are not worth the risk to an episodic.  
This is a decision between the episodic and his/her Doc.

We don't prescribe meds here, nor do we tell anyone they should not take meds here.

Gewilly overstepped the bounds.  Again, I'm not going to label him as a troll because I personally can't argue some of his points.  But, anyone who tries to step between a patient and his doctor by the words posted here, should not be here.


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