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Message started by hatethebeast on Sep 10th, 2008 at 3:13pm

Title: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by hatethebeast on Sep 10th, 2008 at 3:13pm
Not to sound like an alcoholic but is there a safe drink out there that is not a trigger ?? I'm a red wine drinker and from my experience when the beast is around I cant even look at a bottle without cringing. Years ago when I had no idea what a trigger was I would notice just after half a glass the beast made his presence known.  As for the pot does anyone know if there is a certain strain out there that is not a trigger ?? Thanks

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Jean on Sep 10th, 2008 at 3:38pm
For me, even one sip of ANY alcohol will trigger a hit during a cycle.  I don't know about pot.....sorry.

PF wishes,


Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Linda_Howell on Sep 10th, 2008 at 3:48pm
There is no "safe" alcohol.

As for Mary-Jane....see the thread right below this one for everyones answers.

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by AlienSpaceGuy on Sep 10th, 2008 at 4:06pm

.... but is there a safe drink out there that is not a trigger ??

Yes, there are many. Almost anything that does not contain alcohol is safe.


Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by midwestbeth on Sep 10th, 2008 at 6:15pm
Party sober until you are out of cycle or suffer the consequences.


Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by thebbz on Sep 10th, 2008 at 6:51pm
Next it will be, how do I turn my 02 bubbler into a bong. :D ;D
Dont do it, no drink, no smoke. Or pay the demon.

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by barry_sword on Sep 10th, 2008 at 7:23pm
Hi and welcome. If you burn your hand on a hot stove don't do it again.Same as CH's and alcohol for most. I am the one of the exceptions with being able to drink while in cycle. I have done my own tests on this. LOL


Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Geewilly on Sep 10th, 2008 at 7:27pm

You can try Michelob Ultra it hasn't been much of a trigger in my case.  Something you may also want to look into is Absinthe.  I personally have not but there are some very interesting characteristics of its makeup in regards to things that may benefit ClusterHeads.  I am ending this current cycle but next cycle (hopefully 2 years from now) I will be trying Absinthe.

As far as Pot goes, I have no idea and probably never will.  Please though update us on results from Absinthe if you give it a go.  Thanks!

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by AlienSpaceGuy on Sep 10th, 2008 at 11:05pm
Gee, Geewilly is giving advice in a manner fitting a troll. Or maybe his brain has been softened up by the consumption of too much Absinthe if he believes there are different kinds of ethanol, or some of the ingredients from wormwood (from which Absinthe is made) does counteract the vasodilatory action of alcohol. Or did he just drink too much methanol (used in furniture polish) to become such an idiot.

My advice: Ignore any recommendation of Geewilly, as he, in the manner of a good troll, gives advice that leads into the wrong direction


Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Pixie-elf on Sep 10th, 2008 at 11:24pm
I myself am not triggered by alcohol, but I'm betting if it does trigger you... I'd stay away from any form of it. You could always look at the non-alcoholic drinks and see if there's some kind of mix that might mimic it for you. Placebo effect and all. I myself get sparkling grape juice.. ^^;

With the pot, no clue. I only know that the smoke from it alone will trigger me.

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by CH-HELL on Sep 11th, 2008 at 3:53pm
I think I am one of the few that can drink alcohol BUT red wine and cheap vodka will turn the beast on every time.  If your like me you will know with in five minutes of the first sip if it going too get ya or not.  Dont know about mj.

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Jean on Sep 11th, 2008 at 4:12pm
[quote author=5C7A676464080 link=1221074013/0#7 date=1221089279]HatetheBeast,

You can try Michelob Ultra it hasn't been much of a trigger in my case.  

Mich Ultra is the bear that I drink....except while in cycle.  It is alcohol and alcohol is a trigger.  BTW, one may argue that a hit is coming anyway so might as well drink.  For me, the hit will ALWAYS be worse if I have a drink.  Plus, if I am having some PF time, out with friends or family, why ruin it by bringing the hit on?  I choose to enjoy my good moments while I have them.  


Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Geewilly on Sep 11th, 2008 at 9:25pm

I am not trying to claim that Absinthe will work I am basically inquiring.  You dismiss Thujone rather quickly especially since there has been much documentation on its possible hallucinogen effects (enough that it was banned all over the world at one time).  Mind you, that some will swallow 30-40 seeds of something to maybe block a receptor or two!  

“Effects of Absinthe have been reported variously as a clearness of thought, increased creativity and speech and minor hallucinogenic effects. These effects may be due to the effect thujone has on the Gaba-A receptors of the brain. By blocking these receptors, an absinthe drinker's brain is free to fire faster and more frequently.”

You are the epitome of a Troll if you continue with thinking inside of a box that conventional meds keep most of us locked in!

P.S.  I saw in a post where someone was authentically shocked that a tincture that contains skullcap L. and grain alcohol actually seemed to work for someone!

P.S.S.  Are you trolling a Troll?

P.S.III.  Hiya Brew!

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Geewilly on Sep 11th, 2008 at 9:50pm
I forgot to add:

It doesn't matter a whole lot to me but the negative rep points I get is pretty redundant by a very small amount of people that I know hate my points of view.

P.S.  I have never actually trolled any topic within this site.  I was involved in one bad topic that really did bring about some re-evaluation on this site to many longtime posters.

P.S.S.  How does Mrs Deej give a +2?  Can normal people give a +2?  Is there a clique here?  Brew you received a +2 by a moderator (and it was for something pretty lame)!

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Jonny on Sep 11th, 2008 at 10:09pm

wrote on Sep 11th, 2008 at 9:50pm:
I forgot to add:
P.S.S.  How does Mrs Deej give a +2?  Can normal people give a +2?  Is there a clique here?  Brew you received a +2 by a moderator (and it was for something pretty lame)!

I warned you might as well say your goodbyes now.

BTW: Alien dude is a nuclear scientist, you were no match for his ass!

Just a matter of time!

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Brew on Sep 11th, 2008 at 10:11pm
It ain't easy being green.

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Geewilly on Sep 11th, 2008 at 10:25pm
LOL, the team comes together

P.S.  This folks is the prime example of the clique!

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Redd on Sep 11th, 2008 at 10:27pm
We do tend to protect our own here Geewilly, and weed out the freaks.

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Brew on Sep 11th, 2008 at 10:29pm
For the first time I've used the ignore button.

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by cynjeep89 on Sep 11th, 2008 at 10:36pm
It's kinda like an instant fly swatter.   ;)

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Geewilly on Sep 11th, 2008 at 10:37pm
Protect the new also with the clique.  Who here within this topic gave an alternative point of view?

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by CH-HELL on Sep 11th, 2008 at 10:38pm
ME AGAIN I have been told that the sulfur in red wine and other alcohols is more of a trigger than alcohol itself.  They do make sulfer free red wine hav'nt been brave enough to try it,  but if you love red wine and are braver than I give it a try and let us know.  pfds too you.  Phil

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Rolomatic on Sep 11th, 2008 at 10:40pm
What’s with this guy Geewilly, he starts on the booze thread and moves to the pot thread?

Rolo? :-?

PS: Hey brew, does that button actually work? :D

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Geewilly on Sep 11th, 2008 at 10:42pm

Forgive any suggestion I gave...I am obviously a bad person and I must want to hurt you.  People on here our very kind if you are in-line with alot of their bs!

P.S.  They have absolutely contributed nicely to anything that you originally posted.  Either that or they just Trolling a Troll!

Could one of you wise-asses atleast make an attempt at the original post instead of bashing me?

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Brew on Sep 11th, 2008 at 11:05pm

wrote on Sep 11th, 2008 at 10:40pm:
Hey brew, does that button actually work? :D

So far, so good.

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Jonny on Sep 11th, 2008 at 11:08pm

wrote on Sep 11th, 2008 at 10:42pm:
I am obviously a bad person

You are how you come off on a message board, so far your about to be should re-think, only you can stop that!

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Jimi on Sep 11th, 2008 at 11:13pm

Could one of you wise-asses atleast make an attempt at the original post instead of bashing me?

The OP got 8 good responses and 1 bad one. Why in the world you hang around here is beyond me. I guess you are so starved for validation in your pathetic life that you will take any attention at all, even if it is bad.

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Geewilly on Sep 11th, 2008 at 11:31pm
So we are yet to hear anything about Absinthe....k....I get it.  Jimi, you like all have the answer don't you!

P.S.  I hang around just to keep some of you cook's from making everyone live inside your box!  I suppose you can just ignore me.

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Geewilly on Sep 11th, 2008 at 11:45pm
The question still remains from OP:  "Not to sound like an alcoholic but is there a safe drink out there that is not a trigger ?? I'm a red wine drinker and from my experience when the beast is around I cant even look at a bottle without cringing. Years ago when I had no idea what a trigger was I would notice just after half a glass the beast made his presence known.  As for the pot does anyone know if there is a certain strain out there that is not a trigger ?? Thanks "

Now, stop dumping on me and give your opinion to the question.  I did!

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by George_J on Sep 12th, 2008 at 12:49am

wrote on Sep 11th, 2008 at 11:45pm:
This is a blocked message from a member you have chosen to Ignore.
To view this message, you will have to Un-Ignore the member.


Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by DV8 on Sep 12th, 2008 at 5:43am

AlienSpaceGuy wrote on Sep 10th, 2008 at 11:05pm:
Gee, Geewilly is giving advice in a manner fitting a troll. Or maybe his brain has been softened up by the consumption of too much Absinthe if he believes there are different kinds of ethanol, or some of the ingredients from wormwood (from which Absinthe is made) does counteract the vasodilatory action of alcohol. Or did he just drink too much methanol (used in furniture polish) to become such an idiot.

While strictly speaking the wormwood-based distilled alcohol might counteract vasodilation, I think that in the end you have to play it safe and just not consume alcohol while in a cycle. Who in their right mind would risk triggering an attack!?

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by thebbz on Sep 12th, 2008 at 1:37pm

Who here within this topic gave an alternative point of view?

I dont think anyone has tried making a bong out of their bubbler.
Thats alternative.
all the best

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Linda_Howell on Sep 12th, 2008 at 9:26pm

Who in their right mind would risk triggering an attack!?

  Exactly.   Who indeed.

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Geewilly on Sep 12th, 2008 at 11:51pm

Who in their right mind would risk triggering an attack!?

Indeed, who in their right mind would trigger an attack?  "Nitroglycerin (glyceryl trinitrate) can sometimes induce cluster headaches in sufferers in a manner similar to spontaneous attacks."  Some chose to test this!

I suppose those who choose to confront a trigger is doing so in the name of science.  We all know that those who would never try any alcohol while in cycle will never answer the question to the original poster to this topic.

I understand staying away from triggers and I also abide by that for the most part.  I also am one who looks for a way to beat a trigger if possible.  You say what you want ... but to never entertain the fact that alcohol doesn’t have to be a trigger is being pretty narrow minded.

Diabetics have chocolate and all sorts of candy that agrees with their condition!  It didn't use to!

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by hatethebeast on Sep 29th, 2008 at 4:02am
Hey everyone Thanks for the feedback. Its been close to 3 weeks since I first posted this. I have been using myself as a guinea pig in that time. I have been trying different things to see what brings on triggers "in the name of science"  :D   I dont know who Geewilly is or why he was banned but he does have a point in his last post. The percentage of people that suffer from these GOD AWFUL headaches is under 1 % right ??? So lets try to narrow down the triggers with a little more precision instead of saying just dont drink or smoke or be around smoke or dont have sex or have more sex or just pace around wishing your fingers could go through temple and constrict your veins  ETC...  I am only 33 and have been dealing with the beast for 12 years (episodic) BUT I have read some posts where people are in there 50s and 60s and still putting up with them.   I know the beast effects everyone different and something will  trigger one person while the other is not even effected by it. I am also SURE that a good percentage of us enjoy the Mary Jane.  SO HERE ARE MY RESULTS : RED WINE just after 6 ounces shadows start ; 5 on the KIP scale 10 - 15 mins later ;  20 ounces coffee downed ; gone in 8 - 20 mins  ;)   WHITE WINE After 12 ounces shadows start ; 4 on the KIP scale 15 - 20 mins later ; 20 ounces of joe gone in 8 - 20 mins .     BEER : 3 pints of lager or ale  shadows start ; 10 - 15 mins later 4 on the KIP scale ; 20 ounces of joe downed ; gone 8 - 15 mins later ;) went back to drinking beer right after downed coffee and got away with another 4 -5 pints and nothing would help except the cocaine (so if you beat it once while your partying dont press your luck) WEED : 6 out 10 times caused a trigger : shadows would come 20 - 30 mins after smoking ; 20 ounces of joe sucked down and CH gone in 8 - 15 mins  ;)   RED WINE AND WEED  :'(  UNMERCIFUL : Shadows started as soon as the two meet ; 40 ounces of coffee did nothing PLUS I took a snort of Zomig AND stood on top of two boxes of frozen spinach and it still took about 2 and half hours to go away!!  BEER AND WEED : Same thing BUT only 2 hours.  :-/    I also tried cocaine for those 8 or better on the KIP scale and have found that worked every time within 5 - 10 mins BUT lets face it ; you cant be doing that that every time your dealing w/ the beast!!  I have been caught a few times without any coffee or Zomig Or cocaine and it wasnt pretty : the beaste would get up to a 9 on the KIP scale at times until I could get my hands on 1 of the three . AS far as cigs go; they are not a trigger for me. Please understand that these are my findings for me!!!! I will be trying different strains marijuana (Indega and Sativa) within the next month and will let everyone know what happened. Until then I say if you COULD deal with the pain lets all try to figure out whats what and try to make future CH sufferers more aware of precise triggers BECAUSE we shouldnt have stop living just b/c we feel like we are dying !!!! Hey its only a headache right  ;) ; ITS not like its gonna kill us (all though it fells like it might BUT it wont) :'(     Thanks again to everyone     P.S. thanks QWERTY      

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by icedragon on Sep 29th, 2008 at 11:40am
Thanks for sharing your results and sacrificing your self in the name of 'science.'  I am curious though if you had tracked your experiences on the following day.  In other words, dfid you notice a reduced number of hits or the absence of hits after a night of drinking?  I have myself experienced an absence of hits during a hang over period and am curious if you noticed the same experience.


Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by George_J on Sep 29th, 2008 at 11:46am
Apparently, alcohol and marijuana are triggers for you.

Just a guess, but I doubt that there will be much difference between C. indica and C. sativa, unless one or the other contains higher proportions of THC.  The common denominator they share is delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, just as the common denominator in alcoholic beverages is alcohol.

As far as the cocaine goes, some folks report relief from lidocaine nose drops.  I'd imagine it's the same mechanism of action.  Cocaine, however, might be considered an inferior choice--taking into account the negative social and personal consequences attending its use, eh?



Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Kevin_M on Sep 29th, 2008 at 12:30pm

It seems you are following geewilly's suggestions to a "t".  

wrote on Sep 11th, 2008 at 11:45pm:
... is there a safe drink out there that is not a trigger ??

As for the pot does anyone know if there is a certain strain out there that is not a trigger ??

And, as George summarized from the evidence, the results seem to match what experience has been saying.

George wrote on Sep 29th, 2008 at 11:46am:
Apparently, alcohol and marijuana are triggers for you.

The question though has been "why" use these kinds of triggers known to yourself?

hatethebeast wrote on Sep 29th, 2008 at 4:02am:
...we shouldnt have stop living just b/c we feel like we are dying !!!!

From what appears to be the only reason I can find, red wine, white wine, beer, pot, and cocaine seem to be a desire overwhelming enough to dare against their effect on your CH while somehow being regarded as representing "living".   In the case of cocaine, starting a CH strong enough with the others to have to slide into resorting to it's abortive feature, which George also made a fair comment about.
 There were some words along the way in this conversation about not resorting to pharmaceutical drugs for CH, but last I knew alcohol was also a drug.  If it is becoming apparent not a helpful one for CH, I have heardtell of "living" without, also an interesting pursuit.

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by thebbz on Sep 29th, 2008 at 1:43pm
Hate the beast:I hate to say I told ya so but, I told ya so. ;)
all the best
the bb

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by midwestbeth on Sep 29th, 2008 at 2:55pm
I have to ask.....WHY????

Did you not believe any of the many posts on this subject?  Red wine AND weed??? You must be a masochist.

I have been reading this board for almost two years and I have never read a post where cocaine was recommended as an abortive.  To anyone reading this.......cocaine is NOT an abortive drug for ch!!!

Still shaking my head.


Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by icedragon on Sep 29th, 2008 at 3:11pm

wrote on Sep 29th, 2008 at 2:55pm:
I have to ask.....WHY????

Did you not believe any of the many posts on this subject?  Red wine AND weed??? You must be a masochist.

I have been reading this board for almost two years and I have never read a post where cocaine was recommended as an abortive.  To anyone reading this.......cocaine is NOT an abortive drug for ch!!!

Still shaking my head.


Actually Beth, it is and I have seen posters say they have had Rx for this very thing on this very board.  I believe I saw it on "the stand up and be counted" thread.  Here have a look:  START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by George_J on Sep 29th, 2008 at 3:20pm
Intra-nasal and intra-ocular (presumably) cocaine may very well function as a partial abortive for an acute attack.  It'll deaden the superficial nerves, anyway.  

Doesn't mean I'm going to give it a go, however.  The downsides don't outweigh the upsides.  

Good, bad, or indifferent, the consequences are what they are.  



Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by thebbz on Sep 29th, 2008 at 4:11pm
Meth amphetamine aborts a CH as well, that doesn't mean it is a beneficial CH treatment. These types of drugs are much more dangerous than any CH drug therapy and should not be used without your doctors approval, or at least knowledge. Period.
You should check with your doctor before treating CH with any type of self perscribed meds,OTC, alternative, herbal, or illegal.
NO exemptions. Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.
Brain chemistry is a fickle thing, ours is already messed up, why mess it up more?
Please be careful out there.
all the best

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by midwestbeth on Sep 29th, 2008 at 4:25pm

wrote on Sep 29th, 2008 at 3:11pm:
[quote author=31383C36202736213621530 link=1221074013/25#39 date=1222714536]I have to ask.....WHY????

Did you not believe any of the many posts on this subject?  Red wine AND weed??? You must be a masochist.

I have been reading this board for almost two years and I have never read a post where cocaine was recommended as an abortive.  To anyone reading this.......cocaine is NOT an abortive drug for ch!!!

Still shaking my head.


Actually Beth, it is and I have seen posters say they have had Rx for this very thing on this very board.  I believe I saw it on "the stand up and be counted" thread.  Here have a look:  START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE

OK....I'll rephrase to say that cocaine is not a treatment that I would ever recommend for treating ch.  I have seen too many people lose everything including their lives over this drug.  Not worth it IMHO


Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by BarbaraD on Sep 29th, 2008 at 5:40pm
I found some Molly Jane in Jamica that stopped a hit dead in it's tracks, but that was years ago and I couldn't bring it home with me, so I'll just stick with my O2 and lay off the drinks when I'm in a high cycle (don't drink that much anyhow - bad for us OLD folks ya know).

But I'm with you Beth -- WHY? Why would anyone (even for science) give themselves a CH is beyond me. I'm just not into pain this week. Don't bother me at all to sit in a bar and drink tea or coffee..

Hugs BD

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by CH-HELL on Sep 29th, 2008 at 6:49pm
ooooh my Hate The Beast if you look back at my first posts I was some what with you but hey you took it to a whole nother level.   I've been a chronic suffer for a while and am one of the bad boys here I enjoy beer I wish beer could cure CH, Fosters, Red Stripe, well pretty much any beer I dont know if I dont drink enough to notice that its a trigger or its a trigger and I dont know it my point being that I am a chronic clusterhead and you saying cocaine helps abort your headaches makes me what to go out and buy some coke,  now if I did this it would probably kill me due to my other health problems, so be careful what you post here,  you may just hurt one of our borthers or sisters.  Thanks,  Phil

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Linda_Howell on Sep 29th, 2008 at 7:47pm
Hate the beast..

  I hope from all of the replies you are somewhat "getting the picture"  >:(

I also hope any newcomers to this site who may be reading what you wrote and desperate enough to try such a hare-brained option, will take heed of what everyone has said here.    ::)


Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by flipperlips on Sep 29th, 2008 at 9:54pm
I think that you summed it up pretty well, Linda.  So many of you would love PF time and this guy is doing this stuff to himself on purpose.  It just seems crazy to me.  I also hope that any newcomers don't try any of this crazy business.

Love, Hugs & Kisses  :-*


Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by mezza on Sep 29th, 2008 at 9:57pm

hatethebeast wrote on Sep 29th, 2008 at 4:02am:
BECAUSE we shouldnt have stop living just b/c we feel like we are dying !!!! Hey its only a headache right  ;) ; ITS not like its gonna kill us (all though it fells like it might BUT it wont)       

I think that's where some may differ from you- the definition of living-  snorting cocaine( not medically prescribed lidocaine) and smoking pot recreationally is not on my top 100 list of fun things to do to stay on top of my social game.   In or out of cycle.   That kind of 'fun' living is associated with far too much risk for me- the ultimate one being the livelihood of my family .  

However, RC Seed treatment is not out of the question for me yet.  But again not recreationally-

ummm.... thanks for being a 'guinea pig' i guess?  

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Linda_Howell on Sep 29th, 2008 at 11:28pm
Please don't thank him Mezza.   He isn't a Guinea pig for anyone HERE and is in my mind...a moron.  he is serving only himself, and badly at that!

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by mezza on Sep 29th, 2008 at 11:46pm

it was meant to be sarcastic-

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by maalstroom on Sep 30th, 2008 at 1:13am
Cocaine? Jeez.
Ya might as well start shooting up smack as soon as a hit starts. Makes you care a whole lot less about the Beast.....

Sarcasm off.

Pascal.  :(

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by icedragon on Sep 30th, 2008 at 1:42am

Linda_Howell wrote on Sep 29th, 2008 at 11:28pm:
Please don't thank him Mezza.   He isn't a Guinea pig for anyone HERE and is in my mind...a moron.  he is serving only himself, and badly at that!

Now Linda and others,
He is a grown man and will live, and die, with the choices he makes in his fight against the beast.  All be it, most will not agree with his choices and some will even criticize him for those choices he has chosen to share with his fellow Clusterheads.  Don't you think it is a little much to insult him, or anyone, for the way they choose to approach the beast?  We all have our own way of dealing with it, and it is just not nessassary to spew such venom.  

Or how about this, as in the words of Amiel:  "Oh, do not let us wait to be just or pitiful or demonstrative toward those we love until they or we are struck down by illness or threatened with death! Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are traveling the dark journey with us. Oh, be swift to love, make haste to be kind!"


Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by hatethebeast on Sep 30th, 2008 at 1:58am
Icedragon : I do get less hits the day after drinking ( 0 - 1 as opposed to 2 - 3) Not sure why that is though.                                                                                                                                                                                        Kevin M wrote "The question though has been "why" use these kinds of triggers known to yourself?" My answer to that is ; If I am going to be dealing with CH the next 30 or so years I want to take advantage of the time that I get them now while Im still young to figure out what not to do in the future. Right now I have a high tolerance to pain ( due to the CH) Who knows 10 years from now. I also have some breathing exercises that eases the pain (5 or under on the KIP scale)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 BarbaraD  wrote "I found some Molly Jane in Jamica that stopped a hit dead in it's tracks"  I was just wondering if you remember what it was that you smoked ??                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   BarbaraD  Also wrote " Don't bother me at all to sit in a bar and drink tea or coffee.."        Thats good for you but its not my cup of tea to sit in a bar unless Im drinking and Im sure that gos for a lot of people here.                                                                                                                                                                                      mezza wrote " I think that's where some may differ from you- the definition of living-  snorting cocaine( not medically prescribed lidocaine) and smoking pot recreationally is not on my top 100 list of fun things to do to stay on top of my social game.   In or out of cycle.   That kind of 'fun' living is associated with far too much risk for me- the ultimate one being the livelihood of my family"     I can appreciate that what Im doing is a risk for you b/c of your family but I am single and dont mind the risk. As far as " snorting cocaine" gos I only dabble a few times a year (unless Im having an episode that year then maybe a few extra times)                                                                                                                                                                    Linda Howell wrote "Please don't thank him Mezza.   He isn't a Guinea pig for anyone HERE and is in my mind...a moron.  he is serving only himself, and badly at that!"               I dont know where you come off calling me a moron but you are right about me being a Guinea pig for myself. As I stated before these are MY findings for MYSELF and maybe some people that get CH like to party like MYSELF!!  So since sometimes I get an episode for 5 - 6 months and I dont want to stop partying; I know not to mix wine and weed or I CAN smoke just weed as long as I have a cup of coffee ready just in case AND know if I drink that cup of joe the beast is gone within 15 mins and can still enjoy the rest of my high.    OR when my episode starts now I know I can buy a gram of coke for $50 bucks to just leave around the house for the 8s 9s and suicide 10s on the KIP scale ; one little bump and a 10 KIP is gone in 10 - 15 min Yeah I'll take that and still have more than half the gram when my 5 - 6 month episode is over . I dont think that makes me coke head.     I  dont have insurance for medically prescribed lidocaine or else I would try it                                                                                                                                                I REALLY hope I didnt offend anybody here. Thats not what I set out to do. I know I am new to this message board BUT I am not new to CH!! I am just trying to see what works best for ME and writing my findings here. I AM NOT TRYING TO TELL OR PERSUADE ANYONE HERE INTO ANYTHING I'M EXPERIMENTING WITH. I just think that there are some sufferers here that like to party and might want to know. Its nice to talk to people who suffer b/c I dont know anyone personally who does.                                                                                                                                                                            P.S.  As far as partying gos :  I like some red wine or beer a few times a week ; some pot a few times a month ; and some coke a few times a year. And the occasional mushroom (concerts and camping) which I will also be experimenting with for the CH as I hear they are good for them and keeping hits down. NOT THAT I'M SAYING GO EAT AN EIGHT OF MUSHROOMS !!!!!!    

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by hatethebeast on Sep 30th, 2008 at 2:35am
This is what I replied to Sunsets post : " Hey sunset I feel your pain. Been dealing with these God awful clusters for 12 years now. I too am in love with Mary Jane for 15 years. But when the beast is around I dump her ass QUICK!! Its just not worth it. Cant even enjoy the high and if by chance you dont get a hit while your high the whole time your worried that you will. Been smoking cigs for 17 years now and that doesnt seem to be a trigger(thats me though) Just wait untill your episode is over and then role the fattest one you ever rolled , put on some Floyd and enjoy!!!   Cheesy Thats my plan. GL "                      But instead of just pacing back and forth a few times a day and hating everyone I decided to experiment after I posted this. And I'm glad I did !!!! Because I found a some things that help!!    

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by nani on Sep 30th, 2008 at 7:52am

wrote on Sep 30th, 2008 at 1:42am:

Linda_Howell wrote on Sep 29th, 2008 at 11:28pm:
Please don't thank him Mezza.   He isn't a Guinea pig for anyone HERE and is in my mind...a moron.  he is serving only himself, and badly at that!

Now Linda and others,
He is a grown man and will live, and die, with the choices he makes in his fight against the beast.  All be it, most will not agree with his choices and some will even criticize him for those choices he has chosen to share with his fellow Clusterheads.  Don't you think it is a little much to insult him, or anyone, for the way they choose to approach the beast?  We all have our own way of dealing with it, and it is just not nessassary to spew such venom.  

Or how about this, as in the words of Amiel:  "Oh, do not let us wait to be just or pitiful or demonstrative toward those we love until they or we are struck down by illness or threatened with death! Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are traveling the dark journey with us. Oh, be swift to love, make haste to be kind!"

Thanks for that, Thomas. I certainly don't agree with his methods, but I will try to be kind.

Pain free wishes to you, hatethebeast. You, too, Thomas.  :)

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Brew on Sep 30th, 2008 at 7:57am

hatethebeast wrote on Sep 30th, 2008 at 1:58am:
Icedragon : I do get less hits the day after drinking ( 0 - 1 as opposed to 2 - 3) Not sure why that is though.    Kevin M wrote "The question though has been "why" use these kinds of triggers known to yourself?" My answer to that is ; If I am going to be dealing with CH the next 30 or so years I want to take advantage of the time that I get them now while Im still young to figure out what not to do in the future. Right now I have a high tolerance to pain ( due to the CH) Who knows 10 years from now. I also have some breathing exercises that eases the pain (5 or under on the KIP scale)   BarbaraD  wrote "I found some Molly Jane in Jamica that stopped a hit dead in it's tracks"  I was just wondering if you remember what it was that you smoked ??  BarbaraD  Also wrote " Don't bother me at all to sit in a bar and drink tea or coffee.."        Thats good for you but its not my cup of tea to sit in a bar unless Im drinking and Im sure that gos for a lot of people here.   mezza wrote " I think that's where some may differ from you- the definition of living-  snorting cocaine( not medically prescribed lidocaine) and smoking pot recreationally is not on my top 100 list of fun things to do to stay on top of my social game.   In or out of cycle.   That kind of 'fun' living is associated with far too much risk for me- the ultimate one being the livelihood of my family"   I can appreciate that what Im doing is a risk for you b/c of your family but I am single and dont mind the risk. As far as " snorting cocaine" gos I only dabble a few times a year (unless Im having an episode that year then maybe a few extra times)     Linda Howell wrote "Please don't thank him Mezza.   He isn't a Guinea pig for anyone HERE and is in my mind...a moron.  he is serving only himself, and badly at that!"  I dont know where you come off calling me a moron but you are right about me being a Guinea pig for myself. As I stated before these are MY findings for MYSELF and maybe some people that get CH like to party like MYSELF!!  So since sometimes I get an episode for 5 - 6 months and I dont want to stop partying; I know not to mix wine and weed or I CAN smoke just weed as long as I have a cup of coffee ready just in case AND know if I drink that cup of joe the beast is gone within 15 mins and can still enjoy the rest of my high. OR when my episode starts now I know I can buy a gram of coke for $50 bucks to just leave around the house for the 8s 9s and suicide 10s on the KIP scale ; one little bump and a 10 KIP is gone in 10 - 15 min Yeah I'll take that and still have more than half the gram when my 5 - 6 month episode is over . I dont think that makes me coke head. I  dont have insurance for medically prescribed lidocaine or else I would try it      I REALLY hope I didnt offend anybody here. Thats not what I set out to do. I know I am new to this message board BUT I am not new to CH!! I am just trying to see what works best for ME and writing my findings here. I AM NOT TRYING TO TELL OR PERSUADE ANYONE HERE INTO ANYTHING I'M EXPERIMENTING WITH. I just think that there are some sufferers here that like to party and might want to know. Its nice to talk to people who suffer b/c I dont know anyone personally who does.                       P.S.  As far as partying gos :  I like some red wine or beer a few times a week ; some pot a few times a month ; and some coke a few times a year. And the occasional mushroom (concerts and camping) which I will also be experimenting with for the CH as I hear they are good for them and keeping hits down. NOT THAT I'M SAYING GO EAT AN EIGHT OF MUSHROOMS !!!!!!    

Has the paragraph gone out of style?

When I see a post like this, my eyes go nuts and I won't even read it. It hurts too much.

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Kevin_M on Sep 30th, 2008 at 8:46am

hatethebeast wrote on Sep 30th, 2008 at 1:58am:
Kevin M wrote "The question though has been "why" use these kinds of triggers known to yourself?" My answer to that is ; If I am going to be dealing with CH the next 30 or so years I want to take advantage of the time that I get them now while Im still young to figure out what not to do in the future.

I see that if you replace "dealing" with "partying", it makes more sense.

...some people that get CH like to party like MYSELF!!  So since sometimes I get an episode for 5 - 6 months and I dont want to stop partying;

I am just trying to see what works best for ME and writing my findings here.

Choices, for "living".  Future reporting could be titled more informing.

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Jean on Sep 30th, 2008 at 10:01am
Okay, I am probably going to get myself into trouble here, but.......
Anyone who is not willing (or able) to give up partying while in cycle, has a problem.  Just my opinion, of course.   If your "good time" is more important than your PF time, I think that your priorities are mixed up.

I'm sure that I will get a lot of criticism for saying that but I do believe it!  As far as advocating dangerous and illegal drugs as an option to abort a HA?  I don't support it.  Yes, there are some Clusterbuster methods that are also illegal.  However, these methods are tested, proven methods that are currently being studied by doctors as a way to relieve our pain.  Telling any one that using Cocaine is helpful in treating CH is irresponsible and dangerous.  

So, IMHO, hatethebeast is either trying to continue the debate that Geewilly got such a response from, has a problem, or really just doesn't  " hatethebeast" all that much as he is willing to endure him for the sake of  partying.


Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Jeff2 on Sep 30th, 2008 at 10:15am
Holy Crap, hatethebeast!  When I'm in cycle even the sound of a beer being opened puts me in panic-mode. The thought of adding any more chemicals to the cocktail of abortives/preventatives running through my system makes me shudder. I'm finding that the cleaner I try to go, the shorter and less severe the cycle.

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by vietvet2tours on Sep 30th, 2008 at 10:54am
If the shit made ya brilliant it would be called smart.  It's called dope for a reason.


Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Jean on Sep 30th, 2008 at 11:25am

Potter wrote on Sep 30th, 2008 at 10:54am:
If the shit made ya brilliant it would be called smart.  It's called dope for a reason.


ROTFLMAO!!!!!! [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]


Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Linda_Howell on Sep 30th, 2008 at 1:31pm

Now Linda and others,
He is a grown man and will live, and die, with the choices he makes in his fight against the beast

Your absolutely correct Thomas.   He is an adult and he can snort Cocaine, smoke pot and drink til he pukes if that is what he thinks will help him.  What I have a problem with is his posting it here in such a way that our newcomers here (who are desperate most of the time) might get a totally incorrect view of treatments and how to help themselves.

Most of us who have been here a long time feel an over-whelming need and RESPONSIBILTY  to protect newcomers and welcome them and support them and try to give as accurate advice to them as possible.

Let me apologize for calling you a moron and change it to...."You are very seriously mis-guided"

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by thebbz on Sep 30th, 2008 at 1:38pm

Now Linda and others,
He is a grown man and will live, and die, with the choices he makes in his fight against the beast

Your absolutely correct Thomas.   He is an adult and he can snort Cocaine, smoke pot and drink til he pukes if that is what he thinks will help him.  What I have a problem with is his posting it here in such a way that our newcomers here (who are desperate most of the time) might get a totally incorrect view of treatments and how to help themselves.

Most of us who have been here a long time feel an over-whelming need and RESPONSIBILTY  to protect newcomers and welcome them and support them and try to give as accurate advice to them as possible.

I couldn't agree more. You rock Linda.
the bb 8-)

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by icedragon on Sep 30th, 2008 at 2:01pm
I feel like you are taking my point out of context.  Of course, You do not have to agree with what he is doing, and I admire that you are willing to speak your mind for the protection, or guidance of newcomers.  I am only trying to point out that we can have a kind approach with the same if not better results.  When a person starts attacking anothers character/intelligence you start to lose credibility.  I think the newbies, although desperate, are smart enough to see what does and does not work for most.  And you never know, even though it is not something that most would agree with, it might be something that a person with no insurance and no other means to fight the beast has but this one option.  We all know what works for some does not work for others.  If it is something that helps an individual fight the beast as oppossed to the alternative, then why not let it be put out there with out being attacked.  Opposed, criticized... fine, attacking not so good.  Leave the name calling to the trolls...


Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Linda_Howell on Sep 30th, 2008 at 2:07pm
Just as you wrote this, I edited my post.  I apologized for calling him a moron and changed it.

I STAND by the rest of my post however.  ;)  

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by George_J on Sep 30th, 2008 at 2:29pm
Point taken, Thomas, however:

wrote on Sep 30th, 2008 at 2:01pm:
And you never know, even though it is not something that most would agree with, it might be something that a person with no insurance and no other means to fight the beast has but this one option.  

Sorry--but I just can't buy into the "Jean Valjean" argument.  It's cocaine--not a loaf of bread.  

Besides--there are any number of other, more effective options (including welder's oxygen) to use as an abortive.  It's difficult to believe that some theoretical someone who could afford to buy coke couldn't afford a tank of oxygen.  There are plenty of folks here who'd GIVE him a regulator and a mask.

Nope, ain't buying it.



Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by icedragon on Sep 30th, 2008 at 3:10pm
I am sure you have seen posts saying that O2 does not work for some suffers, Yes?  You don't have to buy it, but it is for sale.  Just as one man's trash can be another man's treasure, what one man considers to be trash can be another man's savior...   Not everything is black and white.

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by vietvet2tours on Sep 30th, 2008 at 3:41pm
This thread and the ensuing pissin match is a push.  


Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Chad on Oct 1st, 2008 at 12:31pm
I haven't read though this whole thread and I can only imagine some of the comments, but here is my input.  Smoking anything whether it is a cigarette, cigar, weed, or even bystander smoke is a trigger.  It's the #1 trigger for me even over alcohol.  I like my occassional dank bud, but NEVER during a cycle.  I'm pretty much rec. drug free (except shrooms) over that period.  All my habits change including those foods that trigger.  I actually exercise more which is a good thing.

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Chad on Oct 1st, 2008 at 12:41pm
[quote author=505A5C5D4B585E5657390 link=1221074013/25#40 date=1222715502]

Actually Beth, it is and I have seen posters say they have had Rx for this very thing on this very board.  I believe I saw it on "the stand up and be counted" thread.  Here have a look:  START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE coke never helped for me while in college.  I did it from time time and actually got kip 4 through a coke high.  Needless to say, I ruled that out as a weapon against the beast.  Shrooms are the only illegal substance that has been successful for me and that I figured out by accident.  I just thought I had a short cycle, but after reading this forum, I'm quite sure it aborted my cycle all together.  I plan on trying it again next cycle.  

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Just Plain Carl on Oct 1st, 2008 at 1:49pm
Safe Alcohol ????       Please don't tease.   I've got a pile of Miller Lites calling out to me and I don't dare even hold one.
Just Kiddin.

I did have a great idea years ago that maybe if I got completely hammered that I wouldn't notice the pain.  Not one of my better ideas.  Trying to cope with the beast while inebreated was a very difficult task.

I think I'll wait! :D

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Brew on Oct 1st, 2008 at 3:07pm
Is there a safe, loaded .38 I can point at my head and fire?

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by CH-HELL on Oct 1st, 2008 at 3:16pm
I seen .38 Special in concert [smiley=headbanger.gif]

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by david_dps on Oct 8th, 2008 at 7:15am
pot is  like booz it dose the same for cluster
i somke and it starts tha pain

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by superhawk2300 on Oct 14th, 2008 at 11:49pm
It will be curious to see the results of the survey.

I guess I am one of the lucky ones who was able to answer "no" to the question "Does alcohol trigger CH for you?"

I've never smoked but I have gone out to smokey bars when in cycle and I've been fine there as well.

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by shelticon2 on Oct 15th, 2008 at 12:37pm
   I thought I'd leave this one alone, due to the previous pages of insults and personal attacks. However someone asked a ligitimate question and deserves a ligitimate answer. I apologize if this position has already been stated. I tried to read through the other responses but had a hard time reading through the personal attacks and the nonparagraphical ( like that word?) responses.
 As for me, I don't drink red wine ( never liked it), white wine will start an attack with the first sip.... Whiskey and beer, however, do not cause me any trouble. My friend Jack Daniels visits me quite regularly. Not to excess though.
    I have no experience with pot.

   I did try mushrooms once but they had no effect. Not even a good buzz.. Could be I wasn't detoxed enough from my Topamax. To be honest, if I thought that either one would help I'd grow them in my basement tomorrow..
  As for "What is safe?". Only you can determine what works for you and what sets your head on fire. If you don't want to "experiment" on yourself, keep in mind ( at least in my experience) this is what  the doctors are doing. Just use common sense.
  If you just want an excuse to do drugs.... Go do drugs  and leave us clusterheads out of it.


Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by bryn on Oct 16th, 2008 at 5:32pm
There was one year that I tried smoking pot to help the pain but then I found myself puking on the train on the way to work one morning then I passed out on a bench on the N train platform at 8 am. Not cool. I dont think it helped at all.

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by bryn on Oct 16th, 2008 at 5:41pm
To be more detailed about other drugs....

Coke made the pain worse. Thought that would numb the pain. Not a good Idea.

I did find that top shelf vodka was ok sometimes and wouldn't trigger them. The more pure and filtered. Not sure if that was coincidence. But I would just stay sober if I were you.  

Mushrooms have been my savior. I swear by them and support them. Everyone is different as to how much to take but if you really want to see if they work take at least a cap and a stem. Good size cap and about a 2 inches of stem. All batches are different so if you've never taken them start slow and wait at least an hr. The more that are in your system the better the effect on the cycle or the pain.  

Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by Jean on Oct 17th, 2008 at 9:48am
Call me a prude but this is how I feel.  I have a problem with people advocating using illegal drugs to "numb" their pain.  "Clusterbuster" methods are not used to get the user high.  The Mushrooms or seeds, to my understanding, are used to stop a cycle or, in the case of a chronic, to keeps HAs  from being as frequent.

I just hate to think of a newbie coming to the board and seeing some of the posts that seem to say that cocaine, drinking combined with sleeping pills, smoking pot, or narcotics are a way to deal with CH.


Title: Re: safe alcohol ???  safe marijuana ???
Post by gizmo on Oct 17th, 2008 at 9:57am

Jeannie wrote on Oct 17th, 2008 at 9:48am:
I just hate to think of a newbie coming to the board and seeing some of the posts that seem to say that cocaine, drinking combined with sleeping pills, smoking pot, or narcotics are a way to deal with CH.


Good point!
I wholeheartedly agree!


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