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Message started by starlight on Sep 1st, 2008 at 10:29pm

Title: freaky night headache
Post by starlight on Sep 1st, 2008 at 10:29pm
have been out of cycle for a while.  20 years episodic left side behind eye.  Last night got awakened from a very deep sleep at 5 AM with headache severe pain RIGHT SIDE PAIN IN FOREHEAD.  dunno what it was but it felt like a foot trying to push through my forehead.  well anyway, is that an allergy headache?  On pins and needles b.c only headache ever to wake me up from sleep always been CH but the area of pain was totally different.  Well I guess I'll know soon enough as I return again to sleep land.  WTF!

Title: Re: freaky night headache
Post by j_erickson85 on Sep 1st, 2008 at 10:50pm
I have had my ch move around from cycle to cycle.  Once during a cycle I had it on both sides.  Not at the same time but my right side one day and my left side the other.  I hope it was an allergy headache so keep us posted


Title: Re: freaky night headache
Post by ClusterChuck on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 12:05am
Starlight, I can't tell you what you had.  (I ain't too bright, doncha know ...)

What I can tell you is that it is not that uncommon for them to switch sides.  Normally between cycles, but sometimes within cycles.  My hits started about three years ago on my opposite side.  But as usual, I had to do it in a unique way.  Mine go from side to side.  I never know which side I am going to get hit on.  Sometimes, they bounce back and forth, from side to side.  As soon as one side starts to calm down, the other side ramps up.  This can go on for several hours.  FUN times!  I even have times when both of them hit at the same time.  THAT is true hell, believe me!

But, where mine differ from what you described, both sides are exactly alike, just different sides.

Well, gotta go ... The right side is ramping up ... DAMNIT!


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