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Message started by Neil Bush on Aug 27th, 2008 at 7:03am

Title: Thinking out loud
Post by Neil Bush on Aug 27th, 2008 at 7:03am
As I said in a previous post, I feel a bit of a fraud because I don't suffer half as much as some people on here. I wouldn't say it's ever been worse than a Kip 7. But here goes with my symptoms...

I don't think I have never had one while asleep.

If I'm getting them, 8am, 11am, 3pm and 7pm are the usual times - especially the evening one.
The pain is behind my left eye, with the usual eye-watering and runny/blocked nose.

The 'shadows' present themselves to me as a numbness in my left temple (though this may be due to my habit of pressing hard there when I have pain) and a slight, nagging pain in the usual place behind my left eye with the occasional stab, sharp enough sometimes to make me jump.

The doc has prescibed Verapamil, which seems to have helped a bit, but I'm on a relatively low dose - 180mg, I think.

I'm seeing the doc again in a couple of days, she said she may refer me to a neurologist...

Title: Re: Thinking out loud
Post by Chad on Aug 27th, 2008 at 7:27am
Don't feel like a fraud man.  I use to feel the same way because my cycles are sometimes short (2 weeks) or sometimes almost 2 months straight.  All we can do it support each other through our tough times and give advice and support.  You definitely have the symptoms that I have.  I do get them through the night though, but just through the last couple of cycles.  I use to be always daytime.  just keep reading this forum and you'll find many weapons to attack this beast.
Everybody is different and whatever works for you, keep at it.

Wishing you PF days  :)

Title: Re: Thinking out loud
Post by Neil Bush on Aug 27th, 2008 at 7:34am
Thanks for your reply Chad
To be honest, I think I can live with it, so long as it doesn't get any worse.
But that's the worry, from reading this forum I know it could get a lot worse...

Title: Re: Thinking out loud
Post by Chad on Aug 27th, 2008 at 7:41am
Don't think about it getting worse.  It will only get you depressed.
Enjoy life to the fullest especially while being PF and deal with beast when he shows up.  That's the biggest thing I learned on here.

I look at the beast like a hockey fight.  I love ice hockey by the way.
I say, "you want to go".  We drop gloves and i have my fist to fight back with the amo and knowledge I have learned on this site.  Keep reading and good luck :)

Title: Re: Thinking out loud
Post by Brew on Aug 27th, 2008 at 7:43am

NeilB wrote on Aug 27th, 2008 at 7:34am:
But that's the worry, from reading this forum I know it could get a lot worse...

And if it does, you'll deal with it, just like everybody else.

In the meantime, the only hell you'll have to pay is if you're caught worrying and not enjoying the pain free time.

Am I making myself clear? ;)

Title: Re: Thinking out loud
Post by Neil Bush on Aug 27th, 2008 at 7:46am
Lol, thanks Brew!
Message understood  :)


Title: Re: Thinking out loud
Post by ClusterChuck on Aug 27th, 2008 at 2:40pm

NeilB wrote on Aug 27th, 2008 at 7:03am:
As I said in a previous post, I feel a bit of a fraud because I don't suffer half as much as some people on here. I wouldn't say it's ever been worse than a Kip 7.

Hey, bonehead!  Get over here, turn around and bend over, so that I can kick you in the ass!

If you DO have clusters, then there is nothing to be ashamed of or feel as a "fraud".  Just feel blessed that you have a milder set of hits!  But even mild ones (according to your terminology) suck big time!

You are a clusterhead.  DEAL with it!  LOL!

Now, get back to rowing this cluster boat.  I don't want to have to kick your ass again!  (Besides, for an old fart like me, it is hard to get any power behind those kicks)


Title: Re: Thinking out loud
Post by Sandy_C on Aug 27th, 2008 at 2:51pm
Hi Neil,

You are not a fraud, so stop that thinking right now!

You are very correct in thinking that the suffering you feel does not compare to the suffering that some of other cluster family friends, especially those who are chronic.  Bless them!

I'm also an episodic with cycles ranging from 8 weeks to 16 weeks, minimum two hits per day to five - rarely at night.  So, my cycles are short, sweet and simple as compared to others here.

But, you and I both have the same pain as they do, maybe just not as often.  Don't be ashamed.

Get thee to that nuro as fast as you can and get a confirmed diagnosis.  Then, ask for oxygen to use as an abortive.  I've never taken verap so I can't speak to it's effectiveness or dosage amounts, although many others here can.  But 02 has been an Godsend as an abortive to many of us.  It's inexpensive, has no side effects and works miracles in stopping a hit within minutes.


Title: Re: Thinking out loud
Post by Linda_Howell on Aug 27th, 2008 at 8:19pm

(Besides, for an old fart like me, it is hard to get any power behind those kicks)

Being good.   Not touching THAT one with a 10-foot pole.  Nope.  Not gonna do it.  

Title: Re: Thinking out loud
Post by Neil Bush on Aug 28th, 2008 at 4:39am

NeilB wrote on Aug 27th, 2008 at 7:03am:
The doc has prescibed Verapamil, which seems to have helped a bit, but I'm on a relatively low dose - 180mg, I think.

Correction: 240mg. But I understand that is still quite a low dose, am I correct?
But thanks to everyone for the replies. It's nice to get (friendly) abuse so soon  :)

Title: Re: Thinking out loud
Post by Emily on Aug 28th, 2008 at 5:29am
Hi Neil,

I used to feel exactly the same. We're on a similar scale - I have had maybe 4 or 5 kip 9's, but generally, mine are 6 - 8's. My pattern used to be exactly the same as you - it would come all day (with shadows in between each hit) but then I'd sleep like a baby all night.

But after 10 months, the beast changed his game and started coming at night. Thank god for the resource here because I changed my plan of attack very quickly too.

I guess the message is - keep reading. Just in case. Everything you find here is a weapon to use in the war with the beast. And definitely make the most of your pf time. Worrying never got noone nowhere.

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