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Message started by Howard L on Aug 25th, 2008 at 8:26pm

Title: What is shadowing?
Post by Howard L on Aug 25th, 2008 at 8:26pm
I've seen the term, but not sure what it means. That's why I'm a noob!!!..:)

Title: Re: What is shadowing?
Post by Karl on Aug 25th, 2008 at 8:40pm
for me it is the lingering feeling of a headache and usually a warm up for the hit.
it just  hangs around and can be quite problematic in its own right.
personally thats when i get all my stuff gong for the hit i know is coming.
there are far more better descriptions i know someone will give you.
thats my two cents.

Title: Re: What is shadowing?
Post by ClusterChuck on Aug 25th, 2008 at 9:19pm
What most of us refer to as a shadow is a very low level hit, that may last hours and hours, but is not a full on hit.  Something in the KIP 2 or 3 level.  Many times they go away, without ever going to a full blown hit, yet other times, it is the predecessor to a full hit, or maybe after a hit, the shadow just lingers on and on.

Sometimes you will shadow for a length of time, and then go to a full hit, then back to a shadow for a bit, and then back up to a full hit.  Some people have gone days without the pain ever going away fully, but flips back and forth from shadow to full hit, and back and forth.

To me, a shadow is just annoying, not real painful, just annoys the shit out of me.  The worst of it is when I have a shadow, and then cough (I am a smoker, so I have a smoker's cough) and when I do, I get a massive spike, just for a moment or two, and then it drops back to the lower level.  That spike is SO irritating AND painful!

Does that help?


Title: Re: What is shadowing?
Post by Howard L on Aug 25th, 2008 at 9:52pm
Ya know I had a feeling that was it, have had it all day. Before I found this forum I sort of had my own name for it....."the throb" .  Thanks fellas!!

Title: Re: What is shadowing?
Post by Guiseppi on Aug 26th, 2008 at 10:26am
The "Throb".......I like it! ;D


Title: Re: What is shadowing?
Post by Emily on Aug 26th, 2008 at 12:20pm

The "Throb".......I like it!

I second that! It hits the nail on the head...  ;D

Title: Re: What is shadowing?
Post by thebbz on Aug 26th, 2008 at 12:32pm
The demon parked and running. Waiting for the greenlight to pain.
all the best

Title: Re: What is shadowing?
Post by Howard L on Aug 26th, 2008 at 1:05pm
I'm glad that I was able to make a contribution to the forum at such an early stage of my noobism!!!!!!!  

Title: Re: What is shadowing?
Post by kcopelin on Aug 26th, 2008 at 5:13pm
Its alright Howard, some of our best friends are noobs. :D

shadow: that place just to the left of a full attack that whispers in my ear "I'm back..." All day shadows=when everyone should pretty much leave Mom alone, because she can be "creepy." My son Mike's description.  Nice, huh?  Most moms are cool, or pretty, or clueless-I'm creepy.

My answer to that:  I know I am so what are you?
pfdan y'all

Title: Re: What is shadowing?
Post by Karl on Aug 26th, 2008 at 5:28pm
thebbz and chuck really described it well. it perfectly described what i experiance but in words i didn't have.

you guy's rock


Title: Re: What is shadowing?
Post by BrianJ on Aug 26th, 2008 at 6:02pm
I find the shadows worse than the hits the hits are there and i deal with them and i wish for PF time after them but i have shodows most the time in cycle and it is just a constant reminder that i am in cycle they stop me from forgetting for a few hours.

i think of it like the deamon in my head is knocking on the walls just to let me know hes there and he can put me on my knees any time he likes.

isnt it funny how we all talk about our CH in the third person mabey it makes it easier for us to think its not our bodys doing this to us.

Title: Re: What is shadowing?
Post by Chad on Aug 27th, 2008 at 12:30pm

Howard L wrote on Aug 25th, 2008 at 9:52pm:
Ya know I had a feeling that was it, have had it all day. Before I found this forum I sort of had my own name for it....."the throb" .  Thanks fellas!!
For years I have called it "The Tingler" before I learned of this shadow term.

Title: Re: What is shadowing?
Post by ClusterChuck on Aug 27th, 2008 at 2:04pm

Guiseppi wrote on Aug 26th, 2008 at 10:26am:
The "Throb".......I like it!

Yes, I have always liked the throb too!  It feels SO good!

Oh wait ... wrong site.  This is suppose to be a "G" rated site .. or at least not a "XXX" rated site ...

Never mind ... I'll crawl back into the gutter now ...


Title: Re: What is shadowing?
Post by Jean on Aug 27th, 2008 at 2:10pm

ClusterChuck wrote on Aug 27th, 2008 at 2:04pm:

Guiseppi wrote on Aug 26th, 2008 at 10:26am:
The "Throb".......I like it!

Yes, I have always liked the throb too!  It feels SO good!

Oh wait ... wrong site.  This is suppose to be a "G" rated site .. or at least not a "XXX" rated site ...

Never mind ... I'll crawl back into the gutter now ...



Title: Re: What is shadowing?
Post by mick on Aug 30th, 2008 at 11:35am
Newbie here as well.  I have had shadows daily for the past three yrs but very few actual hits, just occassional quick painful spikes through the right eye.  Smoker as well.  I always called the shadow the 'curl' until I found you guys and gals.  It feels like it curls up on my right eyebrow and just sits there at about a kip 1-2 to test my sanity.  To be honest, kinda sick, it doesn't really bother me much any more w/o the hits.  Topamax user who can luckily still find his way home daily.  :)

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