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Message started by ozzyrocks36 on Aug 19th, 2008 at 8:39pm

Title: amitriptylin...I PROMISE THIS MED WORKS!!!!!!
Post by ozzyrocks36 on Aug 19th, 2008 at 8:39pm
I went to a different dr about my CH's and he immediately started writing out a script... even befor  I was through explaining my symptoms. He went into ch's being VASCULAR bla bla bla...and said this med would stop it. I said to him that I really didnt believe that it would stop them but if it would at least knock them down some then I would be more than willin to try it. He looked @ me and said   " oh this will stop them i promise ".  Needless to say I left there thinkin the same way as I did when I got there...that if I could find a dr that has sufferd ch's before then i might get some real help.....but anyway guys i tried the med and i swear i have not had any signs of a  HA since...well its only been 5 days but it seems like alot longer when you're pain free.  I was very sceptical at first but so far this really seems to be workin...5 days ago i was just starting my 3rd week into this cycle and by now i would be peakin out with some 8,9's and 10's but so far nothin...this is really freakin me out cuz i have never known anyting to completely stop them...I hope you guys can obtain this med and it works for you as well..the name of the med is AMITRIPTYLIN.. ITS AN ANTIDEPRESSANT AND IT MAKES YOU SLEEPY... but at least you will be able to sleep ALL night long pain to your drs about it and let me know if any one has the same success.... thanx guys and best wishes to all.....

Title: Re: amitriptylin...I PROMISE THIS MED WORKS!!!!!!
Post by mezza on Aug 19th, 2008 at 8:46pm
Hi -

Another CH Debouch takes elavil ( amitripyline sp?)  and has reported success as well-  I believe she takes it at night - You may want to PM her!

others have taken it as well and haven't had success but you know each person is different and what counts is that you are painfree and its working for you!  

So glad you are getting relief and thanks for letting us in on your success!


Title: Re: amitriptylin...I PROMISE THIS MED WORKS!!!!!!
Post by vietvet2tours on Aug 19th, 2008 at 8:46pm

ozzyrocks36 wrote on Aug 19th, 2008 at 8:39pm:
I went to a different dr about my CH's and he immediately started writing out a script... even befor  I was through explaining my symptoms. He went into ch's being VASCULAR bla bla bla...and said this med would stop it. I said to him that I really didnt believe that it would stop them but if it would at least knock them down some then I would be more than willin to try it. He looked @ me and said   " oh this will stop them i promise ".  Needless to say I left there thinkin the same way as I did when I got there...that if I could find a dr that has sufferd ch's before then i might get some real help.....but anyway guys i tried the med and i swear i have not had any signs of a  HA since...well its only been 5 days but it seems like alot longer when you're pain free.  I was very sceptical at first but so far this really seems to be workin...5 days ago i was just starting my 3rd week into this cycle and by now i would be peakin out with some 8,9's and 10's but so far nothin...this is really freakin me out cuz i have never known anyting to completely stop them...I hope you guys can obtain this med and it works for you as well..the name of the med is AMITRIPTYLIN.. ITS AN ANTIDEPRESSANT AND IT MAKES YOU SLEEPY... but at least you will be able to sleep ALL night long pain to your drs about it and let me know if any one has the same success.... thanx guys and best wishes to all.....

    Nope.  It's a brain changer.  Ya didn't mention oxygen.  Tried it?


Title: Re: amitriptylin...I PROMISE THIS MED WORKS!!!!!!
Post by Pixie-elf on Aug 19th, 2008 at 8:59pm
I'm on it right now, was told to expect results in 4 weeks or so, since with all of my allergies they didn't want to try me on anything I haven't been on before. (49 listed allergies to medications makes doctors very wary.) I'll be on 75mg in a month, then he said we can work up to 300mg.

I've already noticed my migraines aren't as bad since I've been on it, which is what I was on it for as a kid.

On 25mg right now, no sleepiness, but it's never made me sleepy. I was on 80mg at the age of 11 and never once did it knock me out. Then again my body is so screwed up that it probably can't knock me out. XD

Glad to hear it worked for you, it gives me some hope that once it's more in my system, I'll have more success with it. ^^

Title: Re: amitriptylin...I PROMISE THIS MED WORKS!!!!!!
Post by Melissa on Aug 19th, 2008 at 9:51pm
Been there, done that, didn't do anything for my CH's, but glad to hear it works for you.

Title: Re: amitriptylin...I PROMISE THIS MED WORKS!!!!!!
Post by jon019 on Aug 19th, 2008 at 10:22pm

Please allow me to help with the thread title:

Re: (I tried) amitriptylin...I PROMISE THIS MED WORKED!!!!!! FOR ME...

There, that's better.

One thing CH promises is that there are NO promises with CH, or the meds we take to battle the beast. What works for you may not work for me, or vice versa. What works today, may not work tomorrow, and vice versa...

Elavil has been in the formulary for CH treatment for many yrs now. Nearly 20 ago I was prescribed it. My most prevalent memory is that it made getting out of bed in the morning the MAJOR accomplishment of the day. It did not touch the CH.

Now, that doesn't mean I don't think it might not work for you or anyone else. We is all so different that the ONLY way to find out is to TRY. Go for it. Heck, maybe it works by reducing the depression that many of us suffer. I have no idea.

Read everything on the left side of this page. When you think you have absorbed everything there (the BEST collection of CH knowledge ANYWHERE) read it again.

Your success is a joy to ALL of us. Any clusterhead PF is a delight...



BTW...O2...O2...O2...listen to Potter. Someday, you may appreciate it more than you can possibly imagine right now

Title: Re: amitriptylin...I PROMISE THIS MED WORKS!!!!!!
Post by ozzyrocks36 on Aug 19th, 2008 at 11:30pm
hey guys ...thanks for all the imput...i guess i haven't done as much research as i thought i had cuz i didnt know that it had been used before...sorry for jumpin the gun like that but i am just amazed at how well it has worked for me. i was hopein it would be something that would cure us all i guess...sorry to hear that others have had no success with it....i sure hope that it doesnt stop workin for me...anyway i hope every one of you guys DO find your cures also.

btw..i have been useing o2 but it only aborts the ch far i haven't had anything to abort... much better this way... pfdanta..

Title: Re: amitriptylin...I PROMISE THIS MED WORKS!!!!!!
Post by mezza on Aug 19th, 2008 at 11:33pm
again- if its getting you pain free time.... good for ya-

Glad the O2 is aborting

Title: Re: amitriptylin...I PROMISE THIS MED WORKS!!!!!!
Post by jon019 on Aug 20th, 2008 at 12:00am

ozzyrocks36 wrote on Aug 19th, 2008 at 11:30pm:
btw..i have been useing o2 but it only aborts the ch far i haven't had anything to abort... much better this way... pfdanta..

Geez Oz,

I don't comment much here...mostly just surf and learn. No intent to discourage your participation, and I hope that is clear... but your comment above has me puzzled. Either O2 aborts or it doesn't..which is it?



Title: Re: amitriptylin...I PROMISE THIS MED WORKS!!!!!!
Post by ozzyrocks36 on Aug 20th, 2008 at 12:50am
hey jon,
   sorry for not makin myself clear...what i'm sayin is thst i have been useing o2 for cluster headaches for years nowand it does work...but only to abort a ch . O2 does nothing to prevent a ch but it will help to abort one ...Amitriptylin prevents MY ch's from comein on so therefor i dont have to use the o2 now....can't abort whats not there...hope i cleared this up some 4 ya.. pfdan to all......

Title: Re: amitriptylin...I PROMISE THIS MED WORKS!!!!!!
Post by Agostino Leyre on Aug 20th, 2008 at 8:55am
Glad it is working so well for you!  

Title: Re: amitriptylin...I PROMISE THIS MED WORKS!!!!!!
Post by Guiseppi on Aug 20th, 2008 at 11:11am
I understood your post completely! The first time I found a med that worked I wanted to take out TV adds, go on the radio, rent sky banners! It's a hell of a good feeling! ;)

Here's hoping it works for the next 10-100 years!


Title: Re: amitriptylin...I PROMISE THIS MED WORKS!!!!!!
Post by Brew on Aug 20th, 2008 at 12:01pm
The post is fine. It's the title of the post that sucks. You might want to edit it.

Title: Re: amitriptylin...I PROMISE THIS MED WORKS!!!!!!
Post by Lizzie2 on Aug 20th, 2008 at 6:29pm
So very glad it has worked for ya!  I just slept for days and days when I started it - only didn't notice the head hurtin so much because I couldn't stay awake!  hehe

It makes me feel very very happy when another CH'er finds something that works!!

Hope it continues!
Carrie :)

Title: Re: amitriptylin...I PROMISE THIS MED WORKS!!!!!!
Post by jon019 on Aug 20th, 2008 at 7:22pm

ozzyrocks36 wrote on Aug 20th, 2008 at 12:50am:
hey jon,
   sorry for not makin myself clear...what i'm sayin is thst i have been useing o2 for cluster headaches for years nowand it does work...but only to abort a ch . O2 does nothing to prevent a ch but it will help to abort one ...Amitriptylin prevents MY ch's from comein on so therefor i dont have to use the o2 now....can't abort whats not there...hope i cleared this up some 4 ya.. pfdan to all......

Got it...thanks.



Title: Re: amitriptylin...I PROMISE THIS MED WORKS!!!!!!
Post by debOUCH on Aug 20th, 2008 at 9:40pm
hey ozzyrocks!!! i have been taking elavil since the middle of march, @ bedtime , started with 10mg, and upped to first cycle started end of january..................and YES it does work for me!i have tried to go off, but it starts back up........i have low grade hits, and shadows, but that's it............feel free to PM me if you need any more info.................and yes, each person is different, and whateva works for you, DO IT!!!

Title: Re: amitriptylin...I PROMISE THIS MED WORKS!!!!!!
Post by [johnny] on Aug 21st, 2008 at 9:59pm

ozzyrocks36 wrote on Aug 19th, 2008 at 11:30pm:
sorry for jumpin the gun like that but i am just amazed at how well it has worked for me.

ah thats no big deal brother. thanks for sharing. when your new to the board and you find something that works you feel the need to share it. i think its great that you found something that works. ;)

Title: Re: amitriptylin...I PROMISE THIS MED WORKS!!!!!!
Post by ozzyrocks36 on Aug 21st, 2008 at 11:59pm
thanx Johnny....I really appreciate that..

I hope every one of us can one day say that we are CLUSTER FREE!!! Even though I am pf now ,I am also aquainted with the beast well enough to know that nothing is definite when it comes to a " cure". I do understand the fact that "what works today might not work tomorrow".  I just really want this to work for me ,ya know. This is the most optimistic I  have been in 4 yrs now. Like everyone else here , I'm just so sick of hurting...I just pray that it continues to help me...but if not ,at least I did have some pf time ,huh?  Take care and may GOD bless you all...


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