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Message started by sgarner on Jun 30th, 2008 at 1:50am

Title: new dose pro sumatriptan (no needle)
Post by sgarner on Jun 30th, 2008 at 1:50am
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Title: Re: new dose pro sumatriptan (no needle)
Post by icedragon on Jun 30th, 2008 at 2:26am
Interesting!  It states that this needleless method allows the drug to reach peak levels in 12 minutes, isn't Imitrex stat dose faster?  

Title: Re: new dose pro sumatriptan (no needle)
Post by Kevin_M on Jun 30th, 2008 at 10:03am
Application is said to be a simple three-step process and then 12 minutes to peak concentration of sumatriptan.  This puts it hard pressed competively with the easier to use and closely related timespan of Immitrex nasal spray.  Tough niche to capture.

Title: Re: new dose pro sumatriptan (no needle)
Post by AlienSpaceGuy on Jun 30th, 2008 at 1:08pm
Damn, folks, can't you read???

... and showed that maximum plasma concentrations of sumatriptan were reached rapidly, within approximately 12 minutes.

Has anybody a comparable time for Imitrex Stat dose application to reach maximum plasma concentrations? This time has (almost) nothing to do with the time it takes to start aborting your attack. INMHO it doesn't matter how the sumatriptan gets under your skin, and the through the skin shot is probably a few seconds faster. :)

I think this is a good thing, especially for those afraid of needles. Furthermore, as we know GSK, they probably have a patent on the stat dose still running for some time. So competition on the delivery system will benefit the user.


Title: Re: new dose pro sumatriptan (no needle)
Post by Kevin_M on Jun 30th, 2008 at 6:00pm

AlienSpaceGuy wrote on Jun 30th, 2008 at 1:08pm:
maximum plasma concentrations

Regarding the 12 minutes mentioned in the article:

An early time to peak plasma concentration for migraine drugs is important because it has been shown to correlate with speed and completeness of the response to symptoms...

Apparently cessation seems to amount to twelve minutes. Twelve minutes in nasal spray time would amount to a point when the pain may begin to simply stop getting worse.  

An odd comparison was made for maximum concentrations and noting a three-step process as less cumbersome didn't register right:

sumatriptan absorption could provide a new option for migraine patients who are currently not satisfied with their existing therapy which can take hours to reach peak absorption or require cumbersome needle-based delivery.

 Why I compared it market-wise to the nasal spray is because it's faster than pills and not a needle also, a similar market target.  But I see now this is an improvement over nasal spray trex, which is only a momentary easy action to use if handy.  But abort time can be very important on the job, there the new advantage!  

Thanks U, for clarifying.

And this, too.

AlienSpaceGuy wrote on Jun 30th, 2008 at 1:08pm:
I think this is a good thing, especially for those afraid of needles.


Title: Re: new dose pro sumatriptan (no needle)
Post by icedragon on Jun 30th, 2008 at 6:12pm
Ah, point taken ASG,
And as to an answer for your question, I found the comparable time to be approximately the same according to this GSK web site:

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"Pharmacokinetics: Pharmacokinetic parameters following a 6-mg subcutaneous injection into the deltoid area of the arm in 9 males (mean age, 33 years; mean weight, 77 kg) were systemic clearance: 1,194 ± 149 mL/min (mean ± S.D.), distribution half-life: 15 ± 2 minutes, terminal half-life: 115 ± 19 minutes, and volume of distribution central compartment: 50 ± 8 liters. Of this dose, 22% ± 4% was excreted in the urine as unchanged sumatriptan and 38% ± 7% as the indole acetic acid metabolite.
After a single 6-mg subcutaneous manual injection into the deltoid area of the arm in 18 healthy males (age, 24 ± 6 years; weight, 70 kg), the maximum serum concentration (Cmax) was (mean ± standard deviation) 74 ± 15 ng/mL and the time to peak concentration (Tmax) was 12 minutes after injection (range, 5 to 20 minutes). In this study, the same dose injected subcutaneously in the thigh gave a Cmax of 61 ± 15 ng/mL by manual injection versus 52 ± 15 ng/mL by autoinjector techniques. The Tmax or amount absorbed was not significantly altered by either the site or technique of injection.

So with that I would like to give it a try...

Title: Re: new dose pro sumatriptan (no needle)
Post by icedragon on Jun 30th, 2008 at 6:36pm
sgarner posted this link on another thread:

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And after looking at it, it looks to be just as easy as the nasal spray and easier than the stat dose.

Also, thinking about time and the nasal spray, what size dose are you thinking of?  The nasal spray I have used was 20mg compared to 6mg of stat dose.  Do you think the larger dose could have an effect on time?

I would be interested in trying it out.

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