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Message started by gore2424 on Jun 18th, 2008 at 12:38am

Title: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by gore2424 on Jun 18th, 2008 at 12:38am
With a boy you only have to worry about 1 penis Ü Terry Ü

Title: Re: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by Brew on Jun 18th, 2008 at 7:27am
That would imply promiscuity - never a good idea. ;)

Title: Re: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by alienspacebabe on Jun 18th, 2008 at 9:50am
They're NOT. (personal experience here)

Title: Re: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by Kilroy 2.0 on Jun 18th, 2008 at 6:38pm
That is what I have always said.
But even keep 1 in check is a full time job!!!!

Title: Re: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by Cathi_Pierce on Jun 18th, 2008 at 6:58pm
Ya think??  Really??  I can see where the big head and the little head gang up on everyone.....................yeah,well...............NOPE!  Girls are MUCH easier!
My daughter never broke any bones in her son, 5..........TWICE, the same arm, the same bones, after 6 we can;t say it rebroke..........
My daughter paid attention during THAT lecture...y'know, the one about the birds and the bees and son didn't...
My daughter is married, living happily with her husband, my son, at  home, trying to 'get ahead".............
Anywhoo, GOOD  try, Terry!

Cathi ;D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by George_J on Jun 19th, 2008 at 2:29am
I dunno.  Never raised a boy, but I'm seriously glad that I never had to.

After I taught a week-long fly-fishing class to a group of 8-14-year-old girls and boys, I can seriously say that boys are flippin' aliens.  

Girls, I understand...but boys...hoo-haw.  Boys don't have the sense that God gave a goose.  It's a wonder they survive 'till they're thirty.



Title: Re: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by aprilbee on Jun 19th, 2008 at 10:07am
My parents could probably add to the debate, I have two younger brothers, I was pregnent at 19 and the boys never got a girl pregnant (well before they were married) if its just a "penis" issue, I agree, boys are easier... ;)

Title: Re: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by midwestbeth on Jun 19th, 2008 at 10:23am
My experience: Girls create more drama, with boys, no drama unless it involves girls.  ::)

Title: Re: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by KatzPurr on Jun 19th, 2008 at 10:29am
Well I only have a son, so I cannot make any comparisons, but I think it depends on the child, not necessarily the gender. It seems to me that making a blanket statement that raising boys is easier would be naive at best, but that's my two cents.

Title: Re: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by catlind on Jun 19th, 2008 at 11:10am
I can settle this, HAMSTERS are easiers to raise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 boys, 1 girl.  The 16 y/o boy has been the bane of my existence for a year or more, (he's turning into a human now though which is nice), my 14 y/o daughter, hells bells, save me now, I won't survive, she seems to think that she can do as she damn well pleases if it weren't for hair colour I"d look like my 70 y/o g'ma and be all silver and white;  my soon to be 8 y/o boy has broken 2 arms, suffered multiple injuries, has a fascination with weapons, and thinks he is actually in charge....

Now this all wouldn't be so terrible if they all had average to below average intelligence, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO they have to excel at EVERYTHING they do, including academics.....YOU try and win an argument with a child that is in the 98th percentile in the nation on the 'new' terra nova ain't easy!

So of course I resort to the one thing that I swore that I would never do:

I state rather loudly, and emphatically:  "BECAUSE I SAID SO" ;)

In all honesty though, as babies, boys are easier, far fewer cracks and creases to clean when changing a diaper ;)


Title: Re: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by Bob P on Jun 19th, 2008 at 11:28am
2 girls here.  A joy to raise (except for the 2 roll-over car accidents the oldest was in).
Oldest is married & a 5th grade science teacher.
Youngest is Asst. Mgr. of Wholesale Sales for Newsweek magazine in NYC.

For the 1st time in my life there's $ left in the checkbook at the end of the month!

Title: Re: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by DennisM1045 on Jun 20th, 2008 at 8:12am

wrote on Jun 19th, 2008 at 10:23am:
My experience: Girls create more drama, with boys, no drama unless it involves girls.  ::)

Yup.  Well said Beth.

I have 5 of each.  In my experience boys are much easier to handle.  When you yell at a boy for something they've forgotten about it in 20 minutes.  Girls sulk for a day or more.

Physical injuries can be mended.  It's the psychological battles of will that are really draining.  

Till now I had found that girls mature much faster than boys.  However my 17 y/o daughter is apparently the exception to that rule.  She's killing me.

What sustains me through it all is that I know they will love me again in their 20s.  In the mean time I just have to stay the course and be consistent.  I'm not their friend I'm their Dad.  


Title: Re: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by Tiannia on Jun 20th, 2008 at 3:55pm
My daughter was 5 when my son was born.

My husbands statement in the delivery room...

"Well fuck, I have to teach my daughter how to keep guys out of her pants and teach my son how to get into girls pants. "

My response.  "If you teach him that, you get to raise the grandkids all alone. " ::)

Title: Re: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by Melissa on Jun 20th, 2008 at 10:58pm
In my experience, girls are mentally exhausting and boys are physically exhausting.

It's definately different!

Title: Re: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by tuck on Jun 20th, 2008 at 11:07pm
cant say, i have two boys 12 and 14, so i dont have anything to compare it with, but i can say this, " hey Tiannia,, i want to party with your husband!!!!"  LMAO              Tuck

Title: Re: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by midwestbeth on Jun 21st, 2008 at 8:43am

Melissa wrote on Jun 20th, 2008 at 10:58pm:
In my experience, girls are mentally exhausting and boys are physically exhausting.

It's definately different!

That is so true Mel!!

Title: Re: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Jun 21st, 2008 at 9:41am

catlind wrote on Jun 19th, 2008 at 11:10am:
I can settle this, HAMSTERS are easiers to raise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now this all wouldn't be so terrible if they all had average to below average intelligence, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO they have to excel at EVERYTHING they do, including academics.....YOU try and win an argument with a child that is in the 98th percentile in the nation on the 'new' terra nova ain't easy!


And why...prey you suppose your kids are like this??
Mast...who has never seen Cat give ANYTHING less then 150%

Title: Re: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by catlind on Jun 21st, 2008 at 10:18am
Mich, you ARE going to convention right??? muahahahahaha

after the last 2 years I've had I"d trade it all for hamsters!  (well not really)


Title: Re: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Jun 22nd, 2008 at 12:31am can't get me back THIS year sweety.
I'm waiting for the convention to be in Oregon so I can DRIVE!! :)

Title: Re: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by maalstroom on Jun 24th, 2008 at 3:40pm
Ain´t got no kids, don´t want ´em either.
We´ve 8 ferrets though and all I can say that even here is that from the three ladies, 2 are the worst in dealing socially with others. Maybe it´s a sign for human nature to be of an animal one to be as well. Oh I don´t know, can´t really judge on how human children are. Except for various nephews and nices, but the same goes for those. That boys are easier to raise.... why I wouldn´t know.
I´m sure others ´d know better.

Regards from the Netherlands!

Title: Re: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by Sandy_C on Jun 24th, 2008 at 5:25pm
I can't speak to experience with boys, having two daughters, but....

I must agree with Beth.  Girls are drama queens - no question.
They are marvelous to raise until they hit their teens, then they are
mouthy little witches (with a b).  

My daughters and I were from the time they hit high school until the time they moved out in to their own apartments were constantly, continuously and forever at odds.  Once they left and were on their own, suddenly Mom wasn't such a dummy after all, and now that they are in their early 30's and having children of their own, Mom is GOD AND KNOWS EVERYTHING!.  Who would thunk that???

As to raising boys, never did it, but I sure had an education as to how other boy parents raised their sons based on the guys my daughters dated.  I truly pity their parents.

Oh, and BTW, yes Cat, hamsters are much easier to raise than either boys or girls.


Title: Re: Why boys are easier than girls to raise ?¿?
Post by Charlotte on Jun 24th, 2008 at 9:05pm
I think it depends on the sons.  Mine communicate, but all 5 of mine (3 daughters, 2 sons) have been a challenge.


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