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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications,  Treatments,  Therapies >> Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?

Message started by chadb397 on May 19th, 2008 at 5:23pm

Title: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by chadb397 on May 19th, 2008 at 5:23pm
Hi!  I have something that may SAFELY relieve the pain of cluster headaches...  My cycle doesn't usually start until July, so unfortunately I cannot test my theory... We know water is helpful and oxygen works quite well...  I have recently come across a bottled water that is oxygen bonded and I have seen it have other positive effects within two heart beats...  Thats when the thought came to me that this may work with clusters...  I will send someone this water at no charge if you are willing to give it a try...  I won't hurt you, its just water, not flavored, just a bottled water...  Let me know!  Thanks!

P.S.  No one has claimed this works its just a thought...

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Brew on May 19th, 2008 at 5:25pm
Interesting first post.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by AlienSpaceGuy on May 19th, 2008 at 6:45pm
Oxygenated water is a fad of the wellness business.

The minimal amount of oxygen in a bottle (less than in half a lung full of air) will hardly do any good to a human (unless his wallet needs slimming).

Donate it to the fishes in the aquarium, they take up the oxygen with their gills.


Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by George_J on May 19th, 2008 at 7:05pm

AlienSpaceGuy wrote on May 19th, 2008 at 6:45pm:
Donate it to the fishes in the aquarium, they take up the oxygen with their gills.


;;D  ;;D

Wonder what a molecule of "oxygen bonded" water looks like?  <scratches head>  There's already an oxygen atom in the thing, and no more room for another.

Now--you can dissolve gaseous oxygen in water, but that's easily done.  Just shake the bottle.

Conversational aside:  There's a place over around Hagerman, Idaho where water comes up in springs from a deep aquifer.  When it first comes out, it's completely deoxygenated.  Weird stuff.  Until it runs down the hill a ways and bounces around, getting some atmosphere percolating through it, nothing that's oxygen-breathing can live in it--fish, crawdads, snails, aquatic insects--nothing.


Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Barry_T_Coles on May 20th, 2008 at 9:29am
There’s only one way you can get more oxygen into a liquid & that is by turning it into “H2 O2 ” hydrogen peroxide & there is no way in the world that anyone will get me to drop that down my gullet.

With all respect

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by danielpeterson on May 20th, 2008 at 11:14am
I, too, have been pondering the role of oxygen in CH. The doctor that I put a lot of stock in, John Sarno, claims that many mysterious aches and pains we experience --seemingly with no physiological correlation to actual damagings-- are simply the brain shutting down the oxygen supply to a body part. I AM, thus, planning to take one of those new fangled courses in "breathwork," a system of concious breathing, sometimes using hyperventilation. I see that Andrew Weil, the MD, and Gay Hendricks, the relationships guy, are both into using the oxygen intake mechanisms for mediatation, psychotherapy and physical health... My CH has usually come in spring, when my manual labor schedule intensifies, so I AM keeping my Eyes open....

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by AussieBrian on May 20th, 2008 at 2:02pm

danielpeterson wrote on May 20th, 2008 at 11:14am:
....I AM, thus, planning to take one of those new fangled courses in "breathwork," a system of concious breathing, sometimes using hyperventilation... so I AM keeping my Eyes open....

And rightly so, Daniel.  If it does no harm, and may help, only good can come from it.  Importantly, please stay in touch to tell us the results.  

Perhaps it's a complete waste of time and money or maybe, just maybe, there's something in it to help many of our ClusterBrethren.

We'll never know 'til someone gives it a go and all research is good research while no-one gets hurt.

Keep us informed, mate, and thank you for caring.


Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by chadb397 on May 20th, 2008 at 2:26pm
There is a 15- Step Proprietary Purification Process that includes one-Micron Filtration, Carbon Filtration, Multi-Chamber Reverse Osmosis (finer than that of the human kidney), Ultra Violet Chambers and Ozonated for increased quality assurance.  It is enhanced with electrolytes and essential minerals, including Potassium.  Ionized for enhanced Alkalinity (pH).  Microstructured with the proprietary technology, and Empowered with MBO, a proprietary process.  

I appreciate anyone that is interested and thank the rest of you that are negative for wasting my time...  I honestly do not care to here your thoughts on this unless this has been proven to do nothing.  Since no one has tried this exact product on here your opinions are meaningless... Remember you may think you know it all, but obviously you don't, if you did you would have come up with a cure for CH.

Negative people never believe in the possibilities of change or positive growth... I work with a few inventors and we have come up with technologies that will revolutionize industries and most of you would think these technologies would not be possible.  Although we have had correspondence with the FDA that resulted in a response saying this is the next 'vital sign'.  So anything is possible.

I have SEEN WITH MY OWN EYES people able to jump higher, be more flexible, and have better balance after about 4oz of this water and two heartbeats... That is not a joke and the company cannot claim that, but it gave me the thought of possibilities and the belief in this product.  My thoughts aren't that this will work with one little shot of water.   I believe that if someone drinks this on a consistent basis during the cycle it may be enough to keep enough oxygen flowing to your brain and deter a CH.

So if you're interested let me know, if not keep it to yourself, you think you know more than you do.


Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Brew on May 20th, 2008 at 2:28pm
Elmer Gantry you're not.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Jean on May 20th, 2008 at 3:04pm
Hello Chadb397,

You wouldn't happen to work for this company that makes this water.... would you?

Just curious.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Charlotte on May 20th, 2008 at 3:29pm

chadb397 wrote on May 20th, 2008 at 2:26pm:
I appreciate anyone that is interested and thank the rest of you that are negative for wasting my time...  I honestly do not care to here your thoughts on this unless this has been proven to do nothing.  Since no one has tried this exact product on here your opinions are meaningless... Remember you may think you know it all, but obviously you don't, if you did you would have come up with a cure for CH.

Hi Chad.  Do you have cluster headaches?

There is a lot of moral support here, and you might want to back up and try another approach.

Normally, I say welcome aboard, and I'm sorry you had to find us, but I am reserving judgement for the moment.


Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by BMoneeTheMoneeMan on May 20th, 2008 at 3:54pm
Chad, it is much more likely that 'Microstructured with your proprietary technology, and Empowered with MBO, your proprietary process', would help with cluster headaches than the additional miniscule amount of oxygen.  You would probably get more oxygen in your system if you bought a houseplant.

And let me ask you.  You say you have seen positive effects within 2 heartbeats?  2 heartbeats for me would take approximately 1 to 2 seconds.  What kind of positive effects did you see within 1 to 2 seconds?  After you open the bottle, it would take approximately 30 minutes for the O3 to break down to O2.  

That being said, typically those who want to make a sales pitch need to speak with the owner of the site first.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by George_J on May 20th, 2008 at 5:01pm

Edit to add:

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Knock yerself out.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Balanchine on May 20th, 2008 at 6:51pm
Can I get a sandwich with the water????

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by AlienSpaceGuy on May 20th, 2008 at 7:25pm
The usual wishy-washy pseudo-scientific flubdub of a scam artist.

There is a 15- Step Proprietary Purification Process that includes one-Micron Filtration, Carbon Filtration, Multi-Chamber Reverse Osmosis (finer than that of the human kidney), Ultra Violet Chambers and Ozonated for increased quality assurance.
What's wrong with distilling water? Not enough mystique to justify an exorbitant price?

Go and peddle your miraculous oxygenated dihydrogen monoxide at a site with dumber people than here.


Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by jon019 on May 20th, 2008 at 9:13pm

chadb397 wrote on May 20th, 2008 at 2:26pm:
So if you're interested let me know, if not keep it to yourself, you think you know more than you do.


Am I dumber than you are? Don't know and don't care. Am I negative? Nope, but I see that you are.

The lack of maturity I see in your msg really tells me all I need to know. I'll listen to anything, hey I'm a clusterhead, we are a desperate people (well, ok, I am anyway). Please, tell us what you find out.

And PLEASE, don't tell me I am not "allowed" to question or disagree (which actually I haven't, just haven't seen anything that would convince me).

Am I feeding a troll? Damn, that's a good question.

Oh, and BTW, you are not allowed to respond to this msg, you may "keep it to yourself". I cannot accept anything else.



Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by George_J on May 21st, 2008 at 1:12am

chadb397 wrote on May 20th, 2008 at 2:26pm:
I honestly do not care to here your thoughts on this unless this has been proven to do nothing.  Since no one has tried this exact product on here your opinions are meaningless...

Waterboy, you can totally bite me.


Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by chadb397 on May 21st, 2008 at 3:40am
No I do not work for the company... A friend showed it to me saturday and I was amazed by the effects, had a thought, talked to my scientist, pharm-D and PA-C and we all thought it could possibly work on a CH... I have someone that is wanting to try so I should know within a couple weeks and thats all I needed.
Thanks for the help.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by seasonalboomer on May 21st, 2008 at 6:24am

chadb397 wrote on May 20th, 2008 at 2:26pm:

I have SEEN WITH MY OWN EYES people able to jump higher, be more flexible, and have better balance after about 4oz of this water and two heartbeats... That is not a joke and the company cannot claim that, but it gave me the thought of possibilities and the belief in this product.

Next time I have worries over my jumping ability I'll check it out.



Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Brew on May 21st, 2008 at 8:01am

chadb397 wrote on May 21st, 2008 at 3:40am:
No I do not work for the company... A friend showed it to me saturday and I was amazed by the effects, had a thought, talked to my scientist, pharm-D and PA-C and we all thought it could possibly work on a CH... I have someone that is wanting to try so I should know within a couple weeks and thats all I needed.
Thanks for the help.

How cool is that? You have your own scientist.

I wish I could have my own scientist.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Audre on May 21st, 2008 at 8:33am

Brew wrote on May 21st, 2008 at 8:01am:
How cool is that? You have your own scientist.

I wish I could have my own scientist.

I thought everyone had their own scientist?

Mine follows me around every where I go.  He's like one of those stray dogs that you feed once then won't leave you alone.   :o

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Jean on May 21st, 2008 at 9:41am
Hey Audre,

Maybe with the special powers from this water you would be able to run away from your scientist that keeps hangin' around.  If you're trying to shake him. [smiley=bash.gif]

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Brew on May 21st, 2008 at 9:57am

wrote on May 21st, 2008 at 9:41am:
Maybe with the special powers from this water you would be able to run away from your scientist that keeps hangin' around.

Why would anybody want to run away from their scientist? Nancy Reagan has her astrological advisor, B. Hussein Obama has his preacher, I want my own scientist.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by BMoneeTheMoneeMan on May 21st, 2008 at 10:31am

chadb397 wrote on May 21st, 2008 at 3:40am:
No I do not work for the company... A friend showed it to me saturday and I was amazed by the effects, had a thought, talked to my scientist, pharm-D and PA-C and we all thought it could possibly work on a CH... I have someone that is wanting to try so I should know within a couple weeks and thats all I needed.
Thanks for the help.

So, you aren't gonna answer the questions I asked, then?  Why not?  What are you afraid of, little buddy?

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Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Audre on May 21st, 2008 at 10:39am
You can borrow mine if you'd like.  He's more of a vanity scientist though.  When people start bragging "Oh I just bought this" or "I just bought that" or "Today's my birthday" I'm like "Yeah? Well, I have a scientist!" Then he pops out from behind me wearing his white lab coat, does a few tricks and everyone's oh'ing and ah'ing.   ;;D

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Brew on May 21st, 2008 at 10:44am

Audre wrote on May 21st, 2008 at 10:39am:
You can borrow mine if you'd like.  He's more of a vanity scientist though.  When people start bragging "Oh I just bought this" or "I just bought that" or "Today's my birthday" I'm like "Yeah? Well, I have a scientist!" Then he pops out from behind me wearing his white lab coat, does a few tricks and everyone's oh'ing and ah'ing.   ;;D

That's not gonna git 'r dun. I want my own real scientist. Not a Sears scientist. ;)

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Jean on May 21st, 2008 at 10:47am
Hey with my luck my scientist would be one of them "mad scientists"  That's how things work for me.  

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by George_J on May 21st, 2008 at 11:17am

Brew wrote on May 21st, 2008 at 10:44am:
That's not gonna git 'r dun. I want my own real scientist. Not a Sears scientist. ;)

Good luck with that.  

A couple years ago, a patent-water salesman sold me one that he SWORE was a real scientist.  I found out later that it was just a Scientologist.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Balanchine on May 21st, 2008 at 11:29am
I still want a sandwich! Audre, could your scientist at least make me a sandwich?

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Audre on May 21st, 2008 at 1:11pm
Sure, when he's not popping out doing weird science tricks, I have him working as my maid and chef.  He looks really cute in the little maid outfit I bought him.

wrote on May 21st, 2008 at 10:47am:
Hey with my luck my scientist would be one of them "mad scientists"  That's how things work for me.  

hehe.  Don't we all feel like that's how it is at times?

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Balanchine on May 21st, 2008 at 1:15pm
Great! I'll have an Imitrex sandwich on Topomax bread, hold the Lithium. And fries.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Audre on May 21st, 2008 at 1:40pm
If my scientist/chef/French maid had those pills just lying around, I'd be in my own personal drug-induced heaven right now, not contemplating murdering everyone at my insurance company for not letting me have more medicine.  [smiley=bigguns.gif]

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Balanchine on May 21st, 2008 at 1:57pm
Audre, assume you've perused the canadian pharmacies...? I can't  speak for the injectable form, but I'm getting 100 mg Imitrex tabs generic for about 7 bucks each from our good friends to the north instead of the 20 they were charging me here in LA. And I'm an amateur. Some of the more experienced hands here on the board might be able to help you with an even better price.

david, the un-mad un-scientist

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by wildhaus on May 23rd, 2008 at 9:37am
I have just seen this post…..

As you promised, Chadb397, and I quote:

chadb397 wrote on May 19th, 2008 at 5:23pm:
I will send someone this water at no charge if you are willing to give it a try...  ...

I would like, you to ship (air fright,
Fed. Ex )
a case of the “O2 water” on your
account (as you have promised)
do not forget custom costs,
and documentation costs
I will try it, and let you (and all) know,
and I will be honest.

It is you now that should put deeds
where your word where.

PM me for the shipment address


BTW, I do have  Cluster Cycle (CCH) all the time.....

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Annette on May 23rd, 2008 at 10:30am

chadb397 wrote on May 20th, 2008 at 2:26pm:
....  I believe that if someone drinks this on a consistent basis during the cycle it may be enough to keep enough oxygen flowing to your brain and deter a CH.

Please check with your scientist these facts!

Blood gets oxygenated via your lungs, not the oxygen from any fluid swallowed into your stomach ! To get oxygenated, haemoglobins need to exchange carbon dioxide for the oxygen. This only occurs in the alveoli of the lungs, not the digestive system.

If you have good strong healthy lungs, the normal oxygen saturation in your arteries at all time is around 98-100%, no matter how much more oxygen you "drink" into your body, this wont change.

Any oxygen available in the food and drink will be broken down by the digestive juice in the stomach before going any further.

Only fish benefit from oxygenated water. We dont have gills. Its against evolution !

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Brew on May 23rd, 2008 at 10:39am
Are we not fish?

We are Devo.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Balanchine on May 23rd, 2008 at 11:30am
Annette.... shhhh!  I want the guy to ship a case of water to Switzerland!

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by wildhaus on May 23rd, 2008 at 12:07pm

Balanchine wrote on May 23rd, 2008 at 11:30am:
Annette.... shhhh!  

Annette....  I want the guy to ship a case of water to Switzerland.....

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by LeeS on May 23rd, 2008 at 1:27pm

Brew wrote on May 23rd, 2008 at 10:39am:
Are we not fish?

Yes Brew. If anyone ever get hiccups, they are a fish 8)

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Modified for grammar ::)

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Brew on May 23rd, 2008 at 5:07pm
No wonder my neck hurts.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Annette on May 24th, 2008 at 12:49am

Brew wrote on May 23rd, 2008 at 10:39am:
Are we not fish?

I have to say some people are more fishy than others and maybe thats why they find oxygenated water beneficial ?  [smiley=huh.gif]

PS: Sorry Michael, but do you really believe that you will get a crate of this miracle water sent to you free of charge?

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Linda_Howell on May 24th, 2008 at 1:14am

 Let me see...this guy is from Sarasota, Fla.  has some special water that makes him jump higher and his heart beat faster and is convinced that if someone wants to try this to see if it would help CH he'd be happy to provide it.

 Why not just tell us the name of this water and we can buy and try it on our own.?

  But then again I'm blonde and he seems to be a know-it-all and very condescending to the rest of us here who know nothing at all (LMAO)  so I suppose I am talking in a vaccuum here anyway.    ::)

  Doesn't it make ya all wonder how much people like this read the board here as well as OUCH... BEFORE they post insulting crap like this?  It does me.

  Water-boy? Please  Go here:

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Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by hollygolightly on May 24th, 2008 at 7:10am

wrote on May 21st, 2008 at 1:12am:
Waterboy, you can totally bite me.


This board has really cheered me up, I especially love the above quote. In fact I'm going to start using 'waterboy you can totally bite me' in general conversation. Even if I can't be PF today I can still laugh at waterboy and his ridiculous fake advertising.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by purpleydog on May 24th, 2008 at 1:03pm
Who is the company, and where do they sell the water? Surely, you aren't trying to get people to try water that could very well be a biohazard?

What is the name of the water? Why won't you tell us?

I'm glad your scientist, et al, have concurred this may possibly work for CH. There are a lot of things that may possibly work for CH. Why are you so hell bent on sending someone water, have you tried it? What is the name of the company?

I wouldn't try your water if you sent it to me for free, without knowing who the company is, the name of the water, and proving to me it wasn't just dipped out of a sewer somewhere... For all I know, it's a hazardous material.

Why don't you wait for your own cycle, and try it, and let us know how it works. Since you won't provide us the info we would like to have about the water. What are you afraid of?

Or maybe it's oil.

Snake oil.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by purpleydog on May 24th, 2008 at 1:09pm

wildhaus wrote on May 23rd, 2008 at 9:37am:
I have just seen this post…..

I would like, you to ship (air fright,
Fed. Ex )
a case of the “O2 water” on your
account (as you have promised)
do not forget custom costs,
and documentation costs
I will try it, and let you (and all) know,
and I will be honest.

It is you now that should put deeds
where your word where.

PM me for the shipment address


BTW, I do have  Cluster Cycle (CCH) all the time.....


Michael, that cracked me  up. Good one!

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Balanchine on May 24th, 2008 at 3:23pm

Linda_Howell wrote on May 24th, 2008 at 1:14am:
 Let me see...this guy is from Sarasota, Fla.  

Sarasota is just down the pike from Clearwater.... Clearwater is the east coast center of Scientology... hmm.....

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Jonny on May 24th, 2008 at 3:29pm

Brew wrote on May 23rd, 2008 at 10:39am:
Are we not fish?

We are Devo.

LMMFAO....Brew!!!!  ;;D

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Brew on May 24th, 2008 at 3:42pm

wrote on May 24th, 2008 at 3:29pm:
LMMFAO....Brew!!!!  ;;D

I was waiting to see if anyone would catch that.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by gore2424 on May 27th, 2008 at 1:07am
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I dont have a scientist BUT have a CNA that lives with me and works at a hospital on the neuroscience floor & she reads a lot I mean a really really lot of books and mags about health & drugs & and anything to do with the human body she is my wifey Chris of 26 years sooo I guess "I dont need no stinking scientist" Ü Terry (the builder)

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by wildhaus on May 27th, 2008 at 1:45pm
"bottled water that is oxygen bonded"

I have taken the idea very seriously…..
We have very good water in our little village
real alpine water…..
I took a soda water maker (soda stream), took out the tank in the back
took it with me to work, and asked one of our technicians
to fill it up with pure (technical grade) O2, having the
cylinder filled with O2 now I put it back into the
soda maker, put a bottle of that very good water  in,
pushed the button…. and miracle, I had O2 water
or soda water made with O2… pored it into a glass,
took a big sip.........
hoping for a boost, the positive effects within two heart beats,
nothing, nada, just normal sparkling water (interesting flavour)

Oh well one more dream of a cure is of into thin air, and back
to reality of meds, and for me injection, and O2 (with out water)
just a can of coke to take the dry mouth away


Sorry for the sarcasm….  just cant stand this type of deceiving,
and most of all self serving posts, it just hurts.   >:(

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Brew on May 27th, 2008 at 1:52pm
I wish that prick would come back here to try to defend himself.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by George_J on May 27th, 2008 at 1:59pm

wrote on May 27th, 2008 at 1:52pm:
I wish that prick would come back here to try to defend himself.

I think he's decided to hold his water.



Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Annette on May 27th, 2008 at 6:10pm

wildhaus wrote on May 27th, 2008 at 1:45pm:
"bottled water that is oxygen bonded"

I have taken the idea very seriously…..
We have very good water in our little village
real alpine water…..
I took a soda water maker (soda stream), took out the tank in the back
took it with me to work, and asked one of our technicians
to fill it up with pure (technical grade) O2, having the
cylinder filled with O2 now I put it back into the
soda maker, put a bottle of that very good water  in,
pushed the button…. and miracle, I had O2 water
or soda water made with O2… pored it into a glass,
took a big sip.........
hoping for a boost, the positive effects within two heart beats,
nothing, nada, just normal sparkling water (interesting flavour)

Oh well one more dream of a cure is of into thin air, and back
to reality of meds, and for me injection, and O2 (with out water)
just a can of coke to take the dry mouth away


Sorry for the sarcasm….  just cant stand this type of deceiving,
and most of all self serving posts, it just hurts.   >:(

Micheal, you never fail to amaze me !! Your scientific mind is incredible and your willingness to literally try anything ( well almost ) for CH is amazing !

To be honest though, I dont think your oxygenated water is the same as oxygen bonded water. Your version was simply water with bubbles of oxygen mixed in it, like carbonated drink ( sparkling drinks ) where the oxygen is mixed in but separated from the water molecule itself.

I think what the OP is referring to is this stuff

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The testimonials are interestingly only from the manufacturers and the claims are very vague like how stamina is increased and how one feels better after consuming these water. Most likely this is due to placebo effect and is not quantifiable nor qualifiable.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Balanchine on May 27th, 2008 at 8:41pm
I live in Los Angeles, where the "air" is 4 parts CO2, 3 parts truck exhaust, 2 parts smoke from seasonal fires, and one part hot air from Hollywood publicists. Don't get me started on the water...

That little alpine village sounds like heaven on earth.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by sandie99 on May 28th, 2008 at 3:53am
Michael, if you'll ever get some of that water, let us know if it works! ;)


Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by hurts_so_good on May 28th, 2008 at 9:36pm
I'm new to Do we really get many people trying to sell us ultimate cures like this?

All I can do is wish Chad the best of luck and a good cluster so's he can try his miracle cure out on himself.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Brew on May 28th, 2008 at 9:46pm
Every once in a blue moon.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by hurts_so_good on May 28th, 2008 at 9:56pm
What concerns me is those who might just be passing through the site, pick up on a post like that and actually get in touch with our friend.

If you don't know the background to cluster headache you could be tempted to try anything.

Let's hope "Chad" has a really good cycle to try it out on before he comes back and tells us how great his treatment is.


Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Brew on May 28th, 2008 at 10:07pm
That's why we attempt to maintain eternal vigilence.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by George_J on May 28th, 2008 at 11:04pm
Sometimes it gets a little lively around here when itinerant peddlers of miracle cures drop in.

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Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Balanchine on May 28th, 2008 at 11:19pm
I was really hoping he'd come back, as I wanted to trade him some water for a little piece of architecture I just happen to own up New York way. Quite splendid really, a noble span over the mighty East River linking lower Manhattan with the up-and-coming borough of Brooklyn. It's rugged, handsome, suitable for automobile and pedestrian traffic both, all-weather, a marvelous bit of engineering all in all that's stood the test of time and can be his for the low, low price of 3 dozen cases of miracle CH cure-all water. Now I ask you, is that a bargain or what??

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Linda_Howell on May 29th, 2008 at 12:34pm are cracking me up. Since I've lived most of my life in Burbank.

Your "air" post made me spit my coffee all over my keyboard..I live in Redding at the moment but have to go down to the "Valley" every other month or so.  Surprises me how many up and coming script writers are working as waitresses, mechanics etc.  lol

I like you.  You'll fit right in here with the rest of us brain-damaged crazies.


Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Kevin_M on May 29th, 2008 at 5:58pm

wrote on May 23rd, 2008 at 10:30am:
We dont have gills. Its against evolution !

Not quite against evolution, a part of it.  Our head is built from a simple blueprint, every head on every animal from a shark to a human shares four arches in embryo development, gill arches, and point by point comparisons can be made.  
 Four little swellings develop in the area that will become the throat.  After about three weeks we see the first two, the others emerge about four days later but then whole batteries of genes turn on and off.
 When you think trigeminal nerve, think first gill arch, which also forms some ear bones.  The cells of the second gill arch divide and change into cartilage and muscle; cartilage breaking up to form the stapes bone and also the hyoid.  The third and fourth gill arches formed structures we use to talk and swallow.
 Four indentations correspond to each gill arch swelling.  The first elongating to form our Eustachian tube and some structures in the ear.  The second foms the cavity that holds our tonsils.  The third and fourth form important glands, including the parathyroid, thymus, and the thyroid.

In rare cases gill slits fail to close and remain open as pouches or cysts, a branchial cyst is often the failure of the third and fourth arch to close.

notes from: "Your Inner Fish", a journey into the 3.5-billion-year history of the human body.

An offbeat wonder could pass a thought about the battery of gene development with our first arch, the trigeminal nerve and its connection to the hypothingy.    :)

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Annette on May 29th, 2008 at 6:42pm

Kevin_M wrote on May 29th, 2008 at 5:58pm:

wrote on May 23rd, 2008 at 10:30am:
We dont have gills. Its against evolution !

Not quite against evolution, a part of it.  

What I meant was we are not going back to developing gills just so we can benefit from this miracle oxygenated water, that would be against evolution.

Some people though seem to be a bit slower in the process of natural evolution and remain largely fishy.

Fish do have 12 cranial nerves including the trigeminal. They could suffer from cluster headaches but saved by the fact that they dont get REM sleep while still in water. Reptiles may be ?

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Balanchine on May 29th, 2008 at 6:44pm
Annette, if reptiles don't suffer from clusters... that means that all those agents out in Beverly Hills are off the hook!

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Kevin_M on May 29th, 2008 at 7:44pm

wrote on May 29th, 2008 at 6:42pm:
What I meant was we are not going back to developing gills just so we can benefit from this miracle oxygenated water, that would be against evolution.

I see, Annette.  :)

Yeah, I'm a Pisces.  If I was a fish with clusters, I'd probably swim across an ocean to try it,... and then figure out I'm surrounded by water with oxygen and swim all the way back.  What would the guys think if I came back breathing bottled water.

"Sooo, how'd it go?  You uh, get the bottled water with oxygen?

"Oh no.  I was visiting the southern coast of France for... checking out the Mediterranean spawning beds."

"Yeah sure."  

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by BMoneeTheMoneeMan on May 30th, 2008 at 2:22am
I cant think of a single fish that suffers from cluster headaches.  

Maybe the cure is in the gills.  I'm gonna have my scientist check into getting me a set of gills.

I'll let you know how that goes.   ::)

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Balanchine on May 30th, 2008 at 10:26am
Everybody has scientists. I want a scientist.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Jean on May 30th, 2008 at 10:45am
Hey Balanchine,   You can have mine.  I have to warn you though, He is crazy!


Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Balanchine on May 30th, 2008 at 10:54am
Does he have rotary valves and goatskin heads?

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Jean on May 30th, 2008 at 11:02am
OMG!!!   How did you know?!   Also, if you have small pets you'll need to keep an eye on them.

Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by sandie99 on May 30th, 2008 at 12:27pm

Jeannie wrote on May 30th, 2008 at 11:02am:
OMG!!!   How did you know?!   Also, if you have small pets you'll need to keep an eye on them.

Oh crap... I have quinea pigs in the house. That means: no scientist for me! ;)


Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Balanchine on Jun 1st, 2008 at 11:12am
Jean, Everyone..... great news.

I have a scientist! I HAVE A SCIENTIST!

This morning, early, I was out baying at the moon per usual, it was just after dawn, and lo and behold there shambling up the street was a man with grizzled hair and a dirty beard, wearing a white coat and muttering differential equations to himself in Latin. I waited until the sun had juuuuust peaked over the hill and then I stepped in front of him and blinded him temporarily with the Light of Reason.

Then I grabbed him and whisked him off the street and into the basement, into the cage right next to mine.

I filled his water dish and made sure he had plenty of beakers, test tubes and several sizes of Rubik's cubes. I lectured the rats to stay away, and I felt they understood.

I made potato salad.

He doesn't seem like a bad guy at all, once you get past the Latin. Today I'm going out to buy him a blackboard and chalk, and some random forms that he can fill out to give himself the illusion that he's applying for government grants.

I'm open to suggestions from here. What the heck should I do with him?


Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Jean on Jun 1st, 2008 at 11:59am
Don't forget to pick up bottled water and a straw so he can blow bubbles into it.  We need to try out some of that great oxygenated water!

BTW,  Congrats on the new scientist!


Title: Re: Anyone currently having a Cluster Cycle?
Post by Balanchine on Jun 1st, 2008 at 12:15pm
Thanks, Jeannie. And that's a good suggestion. Maybe I'll get him some baby aspirin too so he can have fun with chemicals. I still have fond memories of the old ad (do thick Irish accent).... "It's all right, sir, it's St. Joseph's....".

But I digress.

I know! Along with the water I'll buy him some magets... and... and... he can pull the pain right outta my head!


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