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(Message started by: Dianne too on May 9th, 2005, 9:19am)

Title: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Dianne too on May 9th, 2005, 9:19am
Hi! I don't know if this is an odd topic or not, but . . .
has anyone noticed that a headache often (usually) follows an orgasm? I know there are no triggers per se, but this seems to happen pretty regularly!

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by BobG on May 9th, 2005, 9:38am
You'll have to provide more information about your orgasms. You do you acheve it, alone or with whom, how many, etc. Pictures would give us a better insight into your "trigger".

I'm just kidding  ;;D

You're not the first to say a orgasm triggers a cluster. And some say sex will stop a cluster but I believe that if someone is having sex during headache attack then they don't have clusters.

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Dianne too on May 9th, 2005, 10:28am
Very funny! I wish sex stopped an attack! But it's actually that there is no   sign of a headache until right after or shortly after an orgasm.
Trying to have sex during a cycle is, at least on our part, one small way of trying to maintain a semblance of a normal life.
I can't imagine trying to have sex during an attack.
p.s. sorry . . . I'm camera shy.

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by miapet on May 9th, 2005, 10:39am
I just read an article about orgasm-induced-headaches . . .tonight, when I get home, I'll try to locate it and post it here.  
*positive light and energy*

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by thomas on May 9th, 2005, 1:43pm
I know of one sufferer that sex is a definate trigger for, perhaps he will come along and share his insight with you.

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Margi on May 9th, 2005, 2:51pm
absolutely - cluster pain is escalated when blood pressure raises (thus a huge reason to teach yourself to stay calm during attack if at all possible), so guess what else goes up during sex?  Yep, blood pressure. ;)
Adds a whole new angle to supporter guilt.  

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by seasonalboomer on May 9th, 2005, 2:59pm

on 05/09/05 at 14:51:34, Margi wrote:
so guess what else goes up during sex?   

You had me hanging on the answer to that question Margi! I thought you were going to post an x-rated one there ya' dirty ole gal you!

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Dianne too on May 9th, 2005, 10:27pm
All this news is not good. Beyond not good. So you are all saying that for the six or so weeks of a cycle, my beloved and I should abstain?

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by thomas on May 10th, 2005, 9:01am

on 05/09/05 at 22:27:47, Dianne too wrote:
All this news is not good. Beyond not good. So you are all saying that for the six or so weeks of a cycle, my beloved and I should abstain?

No, not saying that at all.  

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Margi on May 10th, 2005, 9:39am
Nope, Dianne - just let him lead.

And, just so you know - the word "trigger" is a real dicey one.  There IS only one known trigger for cluster and that is nitro-glycerine.  It will trigger an attack for a clusterhead even OUT of cycle.  To our knowledge there is nothing else that will do that.

Now, having said all that - there are numerous things that a clusterhead is sensitive to while in cycle - sleep, alcohol, MSG, yeast, sugar, dairy - it's a long list and different for a lot of people.  Sleep, Alcohol and MSG are probably the top three though.  But you know what?  Your clusterhead is going to get attacks no matter what he does.  He can abstain from anything he recognizes that makes him more vulnerable to attack but ... sadly, he's still going to get hit.  It's just a fact of cluster life - when a clusterhead is in cycle, there's not much we've found yet that will let him have that cycle completely pain free.

What treatment program is he using?  That's your best defense, is to find something that helps him get through it all.  Here's some effective routes - different results for different people but quite high success rates for the norm.

1.  Abortives:  Oxygen, Imitrex (or other triptans).
2.  Preventatives:  Verapamil, Lithium, Sansert (only in Canada though anymore I believe).
3.  Preventative Alternatives:  Kudzu, Psilocybin Mushrooms.

It does take a while to find his magic bullet - for my husband it's been lithium pulsing this cycle.  Next cycle, it might be something different.

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by yikes-another-one on May 15th, 2005, 5:07pm
I think I am lucky I am the one to get the clusters.
Even though my hubby claims nothing will stop him form having sex....and he proved to me, when he had back surgery...and within a week or two was back in the saddle....

I have been extremely lucky ot only get one or two
terrible hits just after sex....and if you live lifeas if it is your last day on with a headache is better than no sex at all..... ;)

Like Margi said, you get hit no matter what.
so enjoy your life as best you can....
guilt free and with lots of whipped cream....(just kidding)

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Gator on May 18th, 2005, 2:18pm
As if the normal attacks weren't bad enough, headaches during/after sex really further screw up what quality of life you are able to maintain.  As has been stated there is a thing called a "sex headache" (among other names).

Google is a great search engine for finding information.  Here are a few links to this type of headache.,12285.asp

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Margi on May 18th, 2005, 3:50pm

on 05/18/05 at 14:18:30, Gator wrote:

geez, Gator, what ever made you find THAT website? I couldn't help myself, I had to go look.  I'm really sorry if you have a reason to frequent that website.  That's quite the list of maladies, Mike!  If you've got ANYthing on that list, man oh man, it really sucks to be you, buddy!  ;)

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by seasonalboomer on May 18th, 2005, 4:07pm
yeah Margi, now that site is in your browser "history".  one of the family will get a kick out of checking that and wondering what's up? [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Zephrah on May 18th, 2005, 4:48pm
:-[ my sufferer told me that he knew sex would make his CH's worse.  he was exhausted most of the time when his cycle peaked anyway.  :(  This didn't sit well with me at first, we've only been together a few months.  He made an effort to do and say other things to make me feel loved.   :)

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Margi on May 19th, 2005, 9:29am

on 05/18/05 at 16:07:44, seasonalboomer wrote:
yeah Margi, now that site is in your browser "history".  one of the family will get a kick out of checking that and wondering what's up? [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif]

nope, checked it from work.  Even BETTER!  Keep 'em wondering...LOL

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Linda_Howell on May 19th, 2005, 1:31pm

   And if all of the above discussion isn't bad enough... there was a theory brought up  at the convention in Vancouver a few yrs. ago that clusterheads have an unusually high libido too.   :o

Remember that Margi?   Linda

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Margi on May 19th, 2005, 3:21pm
absolutely, Luinda, it nearly brought the house down when our Italian brother, Davide, asked Doc Robinson if it's true that clusterheads are oversexed.  I think we reached unanimous agreement on that point and gave the good doctor a hearty laugh!  ;)

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Ree on May 21st, 2005, 3:45pm
Cluster Headaches and the preventatives there of have ruined my sex life........ bummer.......!!!  

and if you tell Dave I told you this I will deny deny deny...

ree admitting that life sux......

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Gator on May 23rd, 2005, 10:27am

on 05/18/05 at 15:50:23, Margi wrote:
geez, Gator, what ever made you find THAT website? I couldn't help myself, I had to go look.  I'm really sorry if you have a reason to frequent that website.  That's quite the list of maladies, Mike!  If you've got ANYthing on that list, man oh man, it really sucks to be you, buddy!  ;)

No "Sex Headaches" here, Margi.  You have to have sex to get them, right?  LMAO  I just Googled "Sex Headache" and those are a few of the links that came up.  

I've always thought the notion of clusterheads being oversexed was strange.  Between 5 attacks per day and the cluster meds - 99% of which have some sexual side effects - there's not been a lot of excitement in the bedroom over the last 18 months.  A good day can lead to a really good night now and then ;;D  but those have been fewer and farther between than either of us would like.  I suspect the story is the same in a lot more cluster households than anyone would admit.  It's not "manly" to admit anything could interfere with one's ability to have or enjoy sex.  I am somewhat embarassed to admit it myself, but to me the truth is more important than what someone might think of me.

Dianne, hang in there.  From your posts, it sounds like it only happens when he is in cycle.  It will get better - at least for y'all, the cycle will end and you'll be able to make up for lost time.  Doesn't THAT sound fun?  In the meantime, like Margi said, let him lead and keep in mind that you are not doing this to him.  It's not your fault.  It's not his either.  What meds is he taking?  Maybe he could change his dosing times so that he has the maximum amount of meds in his system during the time when the two of you are likely to have sex.  There are also other things you can do to reduce the tension.  Have you met BOB, yet?  BOB can help get you through the rough patches while your man is in cycle and add another dimension to your sexual play when he's out of cycle.  You and he need to have some heart to heart discussions about what is going on, how you both feel about the situation and what steps the two of you can take to help y'all get through this.

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by don on Jun 22nd, 2005, 9:15pm
Well. This all explains why I've been pain free for a while now.

I'd like to research this a little futher though.

Researcher seeking researchee's

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Belka on Jun 23rd, 2005, 2:00pm
My husband and I have just figured out that he is not crazy, but gets cluster headaches. Before we figured out what kind of headaches he was getting, we were trying to figure out any "trigger" that might be causing them. He is currently clustering, and we did notice he would get worse headaches after we had sex. We started joking, "Not tonight, Dear, I'll get a headache!" Of course, I think a lot of it is the fact that the only time we can have sex is before we go to bed when our 2 1/2 year old is asleep, and he has a tendency to almost always get a headache about 1 hour after going to bed. With us, it seems like sex intensifies the attack, but doesn't bring it on. We keep trying anyway, just to see if our theory is right!   ;;D

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Happeh on Aug 2nd, 2005, 1:02am

on 06/23/05 at 14:00:55, Belka wrote:
My husband and I have just figured out that he is not crazy, but gets cluster headaches. Before we figured out what kind of headaches he was getting, we were trying to figure out any "trigger" that might be causing them. He is currently clustering, and we did notice he would get worse headaches after we had sex. We started joking, "Not tonight, Dear, I'll get a headache!"

With us, it seems like sex intensifies the attack, but doesn't bring it on. We keep trying anyway, just to see if our theory is right!   ;;D

All of you are correct. I do not know why you do not have the self confidence to trust your own discoveries. Doctors do not know everything. As adults you must trust yourself even if your decision contradicts common advice.

It is my personal belief that doctors and hospitals are in business to make money. It is also my personal belief that western medicine doctors do not have a correct body view to diagnose health problems such as these.

IMHO, yes it is sex that is causing the headaches. The most simple way to describe is like this.

Inside your belly is an air tank. This air tank needs a certain amount of pressure for your body to work properly just like a tire needs a certain amount of pressure to work properly. This air tank feed air pressure to the rest of the body. The arms, legs, head and genitals.

In a healthy person, this airtank is full and the body is always producing enough "air" to keep it full. An unhealthy person either does not have enough air pressure or their body does not replenish it fast enough.

What happens when you get a headache is simple. Your brain has lost air pressure. For whatever reason, ill health or some other factor, your brain or perhaps the main air pressure in your belly "tank" has gone down. This is where sex enters the picture.

The sex organs are a pressure relief valve for the air tank in your belly. In a healthy person, with the air being replenished all of the time, the persons body is full of energy. If they have to much energy, they can bleed off the excess thru sex. It is just like a pressure cooker bleeding off excess steam with the valve on top.

In a person with low air pressure, if they have sex, their air tank goes "empty". Their air pressure is so low that there is not enough to inflate the brain. The brain responds by getting very bad headaches.

It is not air pressure in your body. It is energy. There are a couple of different permutations of this example that all cause headaches. A person who is tight, with lots of "air pressure" inside of them will get headaches. The pressure is too much for the brain to handle. There is the low air pressure person example above.

Another example that people must be honest about is the amount of sex. A person engaging in excessive sex is more prone to have problems. This is because their "air tank" becomes malformed from the excessive sex. Instead of the air tank being a round cylinder like a propane tank, the "air tank" in the belly might get dents or bumps or change shape totally. This odd shaped "air tank" causes pressure buildups within the body in abnormal places. Places not designed for high pressure. This places can cause pain under that too high pressure.

I would be interested in talking about this subject with people. I would like to hear some specifics about areas of the head that the headaches strike, type of work and play you engage in,(are you hard work hard exercise, or desk work watch TV person), body type(Thin and bony or heavy and meaty) and, if it is not too personal, sexual activity frequency.

IMHO, people should notice an increase in headache severity or frequency if they participate in frequent sex. Sex in this usage includes masturbation.

I had incredible headaches for years the doctor could not fix. I finally had to cure them myself. The doctor threw her hands in the air and said there was nothing she could do. She was a good doctor. It was not because she was a bad doctor. She tried everything and nothing worked.

I had to figure it out myself if I wanted relief. That is why I say you are adults. You must trust what your own decisions tell you, even if it goes against common wisdom. Many people do not accept my explanations. All I know is that I get headaches maybe once every 6 months where I used to eat Ibuprofen, Advil and pain medication for snacks.

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by vig on Aug 2nd, 2005, 8:14am

on 08/02/05 at 01:02:52, Happeh wrote:
What happens when you get a headache is simple. Your brain has lost air pressure. For whatever reason, ill health or some other factor, your brain or perhaps the main air pressure in your belly "tank" has gone down. This is where sex enters the picture.


on 08/02/05 at 01:02:52, Happeh wrote:
The sex organs are a pressure relief valve for the air tank in your belly. In a healthy person, with the air being replenished all of the time, the persons body is full of energy. If they have to much energy, they can bleed off the excess thru sex. It is just like a pressure cooker bleeding off excess steam with the valve on top.

bzzzzzzzzzzt.... wrong again.

on 08/02/05 at 01:02:52, Happeh wrote:
In a person with low air pressure, if they have sex, their air tank goes "empty". Their air pressure is so low that there is not enough to inflate the brain. The brain responds by getting very bad headaches.

lay off the glue

on 08/02/05 at 01:02:52, Happeh wrote:
It is not air pressure in your body. It is energy. There are a couple of different permutations of this example that all cause headaches. A person who is tight, with lots of "air pressure" inside of them will get headaches. The pressure is too much for the brain to handle. There is the low air pressure person example above.

Another example that people must be honest about is the amount of sex. A person engaging in excessive sex is more prone to have problems. This is because their "air tank" becomes malformed from the excessive sex. Instead of the air tank being a round cylinder like a propane tank, the "air tank" in the belly might get dents or bumps or change shape totally. This odd shaped "air tank" causes pressure buildups within the body in abnormal places. Places not designed for high pressure. This places can cause pain under that too high pressure.

IMHO, people should notice an increase in headache severity or frequency if they participate in frequent sex. Sex in this usage includes masturbation.

I had to figure it out myself if I wanted relief. That is why I say you are adults. You must trust what your own decisions tell you, even if it goes against common wisdom. Many people do not accept my explanations. All I know is that I get headaches maybe once every 6 months where I used to eat Ibuprofen, Advil and pain medication for snacks.

Me neither bloke.
what a 'pile' of misinformation.... and where did you find it?  got a source? or did you make it up?
Whether you're one of the few unlucky ones that get hit related to sex, and it's not everybody... this bs is NOT the reason.
Open a book and read CHumley.
and put a leaCH on your forehead for good measure.

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Margi on Aug 2nd, 2005, 8:47am

on 08/02/05 at 01:02:52, Happeh wrote:
I had incredible headaches for years the doctor could not fix. I finally had to cure them myself.

Well, I'm really happy to hear that.  Guess you don't have much use for this support board.  Off you go, then.

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by BobG on Aug 2nd, 2005, 10:27am

on 08/02/05 at 01:02:52, Happeh wrote:
doctors and hospitals are in business to make money.

No shit , Sherlock. When did you get your first clue?

The wife is just out of the shower so I'm goin' to empty my air tank (and I hope her's too) before she goes off to work.

Hope it doesn't give me one of those damnned sex headaches. I hate it when that happens.

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Linda_Howell on Aug 2nd, 2005, 10:51am

  Good Grief!  I just saw that he lives in Burbank. !!!!!!!!!

  My kids all live there and my oldest is a Burbank Cop.

I think I'll give him a call and tell him to be on the look-out for a strange person carrying around an extra air tank and covered with leeches.  Shouldn't be too hard to spot.


Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Sandy_C on Aug 2nd, 2005, 1:40pm
If what he says is true,I must be the exception to the rule.  My hubby just let all the air out of my tank this morning and I didn't get a CH.   ;;D

Me thinks there might be a "troll" amongst us!

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Carl_D on Aug 2nd, 2005, 2:31pm
Happeh, if you research cluster headaches, you will find it is an altogther different type of headache from what is medically known as "orgasm headache". An orgasm headache is very brief and in the back of the head, like a migraine. Clusters on the other hand are totally different and though sex may be a trigger for some, it is not a direct cause of CH and is the cause of an altogether different condition.

Carl D

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Happeh on Aug 2nd, 2005, 7:10pm

on 08/02/05 at 10:27:02, BobG wrote:
No shit , Sherlock. When did you get your first clue?


Hello. I am pleased to meet you too.

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Happeh on Aug 2nd, 2005, 7:13pm

on 08/02/05 at 13:40:28, Sandy_C wrote:
If what he says is true,I must be the exception to the rule.  My hubby just let all the air out of my tank this morning and I didn't get a CH.   ;;D

Me thinks there might be a "troll" amongst us!

Why are people so quick to judge? I said I was using a simple example so people could understand.

People on the internet will call another person names based on one post. If I met you on the sidewalk and we talked, I would get about 5 pages of posts worth of conversation before we judged each other.

But for some reason, you get one post on the internet and people treat you like you are their family or something. You can say any old rude thing to them.

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Happeh on Aug 2nd, 2005, 7:15pm

on 08/02/05 at 14:31:26, Carl_D wrote:
Happeh, if you research cluster headaches, you will find it is an altogther different type of headache from what is medically known as "orgasm headache". An orgasm headache is very brief and in the back of the head, like a migraine. Clusters on the other hand are totally different and though sex may be a trigger for some, it is not a direct cause of CH and is the cause of an altogether different condition.

Carl D

Hello. Carl D. I have never heard of an "orgasm headache". I will accept your word that their is such a think.

I do not accept your absolute authority about what does and does not cause CH. There has been no conversation between us for me to accept your authority. The same way you refuse to accept my explanation based on one post only.

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Happeh on Aug 2nd, 2005, 7:17pm

on 08/02/05 at 08:14:41, vig wrote:
bzzzzzzzzzzt.... wrong again.
lay off the glue
Me neither bloke.
what a 'pile' of misinformation.... and where did you find it?  got a source? or did you make it up?
Whether you're one of the few unlucky ones that get hit related to sex, and it's not everybody... this bs is NOT the reason.
Open a book and read CHumley.
and put a leaCH on your forehead for good measure.

Hello Vig. Nice to meet you.

I think you might want to check your arrogance at the door if you are looking for relief for your problems. The answer could be looking you right in the face. Since you are so certain you know all the answers, you would never bother to look at what was right in front of your face.

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Happeh on Aug 2nd, 2005, 7:22pm

on 08/02/05 at 08:47:37, Margi wrote:
Well, I'm really happy to hear that.  Guess you don't have much use for this support board.  Off you go, then.

Hello Margi. I see that you are a mod for the CH board. Is this how you greet all your guests? With an invitation to turn around and leave?

This board is on the internet and it says Cluster Headaches. It says it is open to anyone to register.

The easy way with which you and the other members throw hatred at strangers makes me wonder if I have wandered into your private playground.

If this is your exclusive club with your friends, and you have named it Cluster Headaches so that you feel like you are big people with a big internet presence, I apologize for intruding. You should be more truthful in the info banner about the site.

If this site does truly exist to help people with headache problems, my advice to you would be to befriend any stranger that walks in with an explanation. You never know what it is that might be the answer for a problem. Answers can come from doctors or neighbors or the bum on the sidewalk.

You and the other members hatred and ridicule will drive these helpful people away. Then you will be nothing more than a group of complainers who remain in that miserable existence for the rest of your life.

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Jonny on Aug 2nd, 2005, 7:31pm

on 08/02/05 at 19:22:14, Happeh wrote:
The easy way with which you and the other members throw hatred at strangers makes me wonder if I have wandered into your private playground.

No, this is how we say FUCK YOU JOHN!!

Get it....your a scumbag and no matter what name you have we will own you ;;D

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by purpleydog on Aug 2nd, 2005, 7:32pm

on 08/02/05 at 19:15:06, Happeh wrote:
Hello. Carl D. I have never heard of an "orgasm headache". I will accept your word that their is such a think.

I do not accept your absolute authority about what does and does not cause CH. There has been no conversation between us for me to accept your authority. The same way you refuse to accept my explanation based on one post only.

I think talking to any of us that have had these headaches for years and years (excuse me Carl, I can't quite remember how long it's been for you) would get you much, much more information than talking to your doctor about them. But then, who would you listen too? Not yer doc, he's only out for cash. Not the voice of experience from this site, because you haven't "talked " to anyone... hmmmm.

Whether you choose to accept our "authority" or not is totally up to you, but you won't find anywhere else on the web or in the world with more correct info on CH than here. I think I would listen to someone who has had these things for awhile and tried every trick and med in the book to get rid of them, and to learn what works, than to listen to a newby trying to explain the theory of pneumatics within the human body, and how that causes CH.

How would you know? And you expect us to believe you? Hell, we haven't talked to you yet! What authority do you have?  How rude.

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Sean_C on Aug 2nd, 2005, 7:54pm

on 08/02/05 at 19:31:31, Jonny wrote:
No, this is how we say FUCK YOU JOHN!!

Get it....your a scumbag and no matter what name you have we will own you ;;D

He's a definate scumbag, whata Troll ;;D

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by pubgirl on Aug 2nd, 2005, 8:00pm

on 08/02/05 at 19:22:14, Happeh wrote:
If this is your exclusive club with your friends, and you have named it Cluster Headaches so that you feel like you are big people with a big internet presence, I apologize for intruding. You should be more truthful in the info banner about the site.

You and the other members hatred and ridicule will drive these helpful people away. Then you will be nothing more than a group of complainers who remain in that miserable existence for the rest of your life.

Same old phrases, heard them before somewhere, I wonder where? Oh, yes, OUCH Uk.
Time to get a new rant- this one's boring.

Oh and by the way, what was that you edited in or out of your earlier posts just now?


Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Redd715 on Aug 2nd, 2005, 8:01pm

If this site does truly exist to help people with headache problems, my advice to you would be to befriend any stranger that walks in with an explanation.

I'll say this once and only once....I do not have too much sex.  I don't have ANY sex.   And you know what?  My head still f*cking hurts.  Blows your theory all to hell now doesn't it?  

This site is exclusively for CH sufferes and their supporters.

Guess you didn't read the sign on the front door didja.  This is almost as entertaining as Ali and his surgery and home made device for headaches.  

What ever rock you crawled out from under....the rest of the pebbles are missing the the village idiot.  

Ok now Bye...Bubbye....Bye....Bye...Bubbye...


Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by purpleydog on Aug 2nd, 2005, 8:25pm

on 08/02/05 at 19:22:14, Happeh wrote:
This board is on the internet and it says Cluster Headaches. It says it is open to anyone to register.

Anyone with clusterheadaches.

on 08/02/05 at 19:22:14, Happeh wrote:
You should be more truthful in the info banner about the site.

More truthful than what? That this site is here to help people who suffer from clusterheadaches?

on 08/02/05 at 19:22:14, Happeh wrote:
If this site does truly exist to help people with headache problems, my advice to you would be to befriend any stranger that walks in with an explanation.  

It doesn't say headaches. It says clusterheadaches. You obviously don't know the difference.

Please take yourself and your cure to a meegraine site, or better yet, how about a tension headache site, and peddle your gas theories there. We've all been around the block too many times to listen to the stuff coming from your direction.

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Sean_C on Aug 2nd, 2005, 8:28pm

on 08/02/05 at 20:01:58, Redd715 wrote:
I'll say this once and only once....I do not have too much sex.  I don't have ANY sex. !

Dammit woman............ thats just not right >:( You better come see me right away ;;D

Love ya  ;;D


Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by maffumatt on Aug 2nd, 2005, 8:40pm
well this is just sad.

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Linda_Howell on Aug 2nd, 2005, 8:51pm

Hello Vig. Nice to meet you.  

I think you might want to check your arrogance at the door if you are looking for relief for your problems.

Paul(vig) is probably the LEAST arrogant person here.


Hello Margi. I see that you are a mod for the CH board. Is this how you greet all your guests?

Nope.  Normally she greets them with compassion and understanding.  Unless they are a troll or a snake-oil salesman. Then she has a uncanny ability to...(fill in the blanks)

Maybe if you back out the door and come back in as a real person with CH and ask questions, say polite, and realize we've all been here for a lot longer than will be welcomed in a more hospitable way.  Just a thought.


Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by ExplodingEyeBall on Aug 3rd, 2005, 9:28am

on 08/02/05 at 19:17:22, Happeh wrote:
Hello Vig. Nice to meet you.

I think you might want to check your arrogance at the door .......

Now I know this guy is just looking for trouble. Vig??? Arrogance??? Yeah... Right...  ::)

Read a little first and find out a little about the people here before you start making comments about them.

I'm the arrogant one and don't you forget it!!!

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by seasonalboomer on Aug 3rd, 2005, 9:57am
Hey there happeh! Happeh to see you're so easily offended. Will be even happeher to see you go.

Modified to say:

Your post was one the most idiotic pieces of writing I've seen on this board. Unless you were trying to be funny -- which it fell short of if that was your intention --- I would say that you need to stop sniffing whatever it is you're sniffing and go find some cult to join that might "dig" whatever it is you're into.

Title: Re: Sex as a trigger?
Post by Margi on Aug 3rd, 2005, 10:14am
OK, folks, this is gettin old.  This thread is now locked.

Happeh, this is a place for spouses and significant others who supporter cluster headaches sufferers.  DJ set it up for us so we could talk to each other in a safe environment, without risk of being ridiculed or questioned.  The odd time, a sufferer drops in to help us and let us know they appreciate what we do.  

You said you suffered from bad headaches, but that you've been able to cure yourself with your theories.  In that case you qualify for neither of the categories I mentioned above.

Got it?  Please don't start a new thread just because I've locked this one.  It WILL be deleted, fair warning. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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