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(Message started by: survivor13 on Nov 15th, 2004, 10:56am)

Title: pets can be very understanding.
Post by survivor13 on Nov 15th, 2004, 10:56am
i have a 12 year old 100lb. black lab. he usally is very demanding ( barking or nudgeing my hand to to petted), but during an attack he seems to know exactly what to do. he will silently place his nose between my knee and thigh and wait until its over. this sometimes help defer my mind from the pain. after the attack he goes back to barking. :)

Title: Re: pets can be very understanding.
Post by racer241 on Dec 3rd, 2004, 3:06pm
OMG that is funny you say this.

I have 2 pugs, extremely insane dogs.

Now most of the time during my attack periods my wife will get up out of bed and go sleep on the couch with the dogs. Well last night I knew a attack was coming and decided to let her sleep on the bed and I would go cry for the night on the couch.

Both my dogs sat at the foot of the couch staring at me in the dark for a few minutes. Then they both slowly got on the couch and just sat on my feet ( I was bent over with my head mashed in a pillow) silently. Almost like they were trying to ease my pain a little bit by warming up my feet or something.

I was thinking they know I am in alot of pain and they are trying to help.
After the first few clusters went away they snuck up to sleep next to me.


Title: Re: pets can be very understanding.
Post by nani on Dec 3rd, 2004, 3:21pm
Dogs are the best supporters... :) All they want is for you to be happy.

Title: Re: pets can be very understanding.
Post by ccbiggsoo7 on Feb 2nd, 2005, 12:40pm
The only one that is truely happy to see you every day when you walk in the door. Bet ya can't say that about your spouse! HA!

Title: Re: pets can be very understanding.
Post by TonyG1 on Feb 6th, 2005, 10:33am
Interesting -- I've had my dog since she was about 8 weeks old and she is now 13 years old.    My hits are always at night and when I'm in the zone, I usually try to sleep in my recliner (head above the heart thing) ---She will lay at my feet on the recliner, quiet and waiting for the storm to pass ...  I think she may be trying to provide whatever level of comfort she can.  Dogs are amazing creatures ... unconditional love and support to the end ...

She is getting on in years and I often wonder what I'll do when she goes to doggy heaven  :'( (Yes, in my mind I think there is such a place!)

Title: Re: pets can be very understanding.
Post by sandie99 on Feb 7th, 2005, 12:52pm
I bet dogs are great supporters! I wish my pet, guinea-pig, Olivia would still be alive... holding her comforted me on many occasions. I bet her presence would make CH days easier to handle. :)

Title: Re: pets can be very understanding.
Post by Frank_W on Mar 3rd, 2005, 10:03am
I have an orange longhaired tabby named Kiki. She loves to jump in the laps of my wife and daughter, but she never jumps in mine. (although she loves for me to pet her) But after a bout with the beast, when I'm sitting on the couch, wrung out... She'll hop into my lap and begin purring loudly. It's like she knows and she's trying to comfort me... Makes me cry, everytime...

Title: Re: pets can be very understanding.
Post by Kim Y. on Mar 10th, 2005, 1:34pm
My Annie and Chance (gray tabbys) take turns.  Chance is more tuned in and she appears out of no where stuffs her face into mine in between attacks and sits and patiently waits when the pain begins.  Then when I am exhasted they curl up beside me and purr lovingly.  Of course they compete for my love all the time.  They are my babys and they sit by the door when they hear the sound I my car pull up in the drive.

Title: Re: pets can be very understanding.
Post by Kim Y. on Mar 12th, 2005, 9:31am
Talking about our pets lately my cat is jelous of my computer and all my fellow CH suffers.  She jumps up on my lap and demands attention nonstop.  She is my baby right now anyway.

Title: Re: pets can be very understanding.
Post by maffumatt on Mar 15th, 2005, 4:21am
the only time my cat wants anything to do with me is when I am haveing an attack. She will sit at my feet and stare at me. I dont know if she thinks that Im funny or what, but when the pain leaves so does she.

Title: Re: pets can be very understanding.
Post by firecracker7481 on Jul 12th, 2005, 7:34pm
I used to have two cats Chance and Honey.  Unfortunately do to roommate issues and not being able to find a temporary home I had to find put them up for adoption.  :'(

When I would have my attacks Honey would jump up onto the bed and would purr intensely as she paw/kneaded at my neck.  Once the attack died she would curl up and sleep on my neck until the next one hit.  Chance was funny he would generally curl up at my stomach with one of his toys and entertain himself next to me until the attack passed then he nibble and lick my hand as he dragged the toy to my attention.

No matter how much I tried to push them away they always came back and did the same thing.  It got to be very relaxing and going through this last cycle without them was hell.  I really missed the gentle massage and genuine concern from my animals.  People are great but they just can not relate during those intensely private and lonely moments the way an animal can.

Title: Re: pets can be very understanding.
Post by burnt-toast on Jul 13th, 2005, 1:05pm
We have two cats and one dog.

One cat couldn't care less.

Seems strange but the other cat and dog seem to take turns being there during attacks.  I can always count on one of em'


Title: Re: pets can be very understanding.
Post by sassy_lady on Jul 28th, 2005, 6:09pm
out of 8 animals, 6 of them sit by the bathroom door & wait for Charlie to come out, but with the dogs being big dogs, they some time trip him, he yells, they scatter, then when he gets back in bed, they surround him, have to take a picture. & post it, it's cute. mostly when our 1/2 bobcat sits on his pillow & lick his bald spot!! [smiley=laugh.gif] (lick message) .

   lol Jolene

Title: Re: pets can be very understanding.
Post by Sandy_C on Aug 2nd, 2005, 2:01pm
I have a black lab mix, who doesn't have a clue (or care?) when I'm getting hit.  I also have a calico cat, Charlie, who is the most independent, selfish creature on this earth.  She will never sit on my lap, wakes me at all hours if she's hungry, demanding that I get up and feed her (I throw her out the door).  But, when I get hit with a CH, Charlie rides it out with me, every time.  She will sit on my legs, pawing/kneading me, and literally watches my face, and my eyes.  I could laugh hysterically if I wasn't in so much pain.  As soon as the Ch starts ramping back down, she knows it, and leaves me again.
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