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(Message started by: Ree on Apr 5th, 2003, 10:11am)

Post by Ree on Apr 5th, 2003, 10:11am
I wanted to write about my supporter... but I didnt want to change the subject of the thread that jonny started... This is a CH site and we should keep to that but since this is a supporter area... I wanted to just write and say that even through all this war stuff and it is dreadful... my son is supporting me.  His bravery supports me... His words support me and through all this I will come out stronger and a better person for having known him...

I won't brag about him in as a Dad might with all the hoorah and guns... I will tell you that he is kind and sensitive to the things I need to hear.  He recently wrote me an email after being in the "field" (desert) for a week... it said ...stop worrying so much. I'm as safe as a man can be.  I'm surrounded by a bunch of Marines! I know he means this, he believes this... that one sentence brought me more comfort than any thing ANYONE could do for me in these past weeks.  He is so lucky to be part of that family of true supporters.  It is why I am so defensive to the protests of a few members of this board.  He has his job and he is accomplishing it.  How many of us can say that they had anything to do with something as great as freeing an oppressed nation... The pride I feel out weighs the fear as I write this... and that's a good thing.  I'm getting used to the idea that he is there and I'm not so helpless. It is his strength that makes me strong...
Love to you all...  and I mean YOU ALL...I hope you all have a chance to know someone like him someday.
Lets put up some yellow ribbons and flags and show our sons and daughters that we love them... Ree  

Post by BonnieW on Apr 7th, 2003, 6:03pm
Ree -

I have four sons - two of whom live away from home and I miss them like crazy.  I cannot even imagine the stress you are feeling (as well as the pride).  My second son is trying to get into the Canadian Military - it scares the heck out of me, but it is his dream - and I will have to live with it.  I think of you lots and pray for all the boys and girls over there now.  Take care,

Post by Ree on Apr 16th, 2003, 10:03pm
Hi Bonnie... My sons grew up wanting to be in the military... If your son wants to do that I think its great.  Don't discourage him.  Sometimes we are called to jobs that others cannot understand.  I myself am the most docile type.  To have two boys that meet the criteria of my sons almost makes me want to check the hospital records to be sure I brought home the right kids.  Everything they are doing now they do on their own and only they can take credit for it.  Though I have always supported them they are so independant in what they want for themselves... and though it scares me at times I would or could never stand in the way of that... They are brave men... with hearts of steal for their countrymen.  Its the best feeling a mom can have to have kids that are selfless and not selfish like most young men and women today... Let your son try it... He will come back all the better for it... thanks for the nice note... Ree

Post by Donna on Apr 24th, 2003, 6:55am
Oh Ree Ree-you are such a special woman, wife and mother.  You must realize that your sons grew up to be wonderful men because (in the most part) because of the people you and your husband are.  I know, many people are good parents and are not so fortunate, but if you weren't, your sons wouldn't be who they are.

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