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(Message started by: Margi on Dec 14th, 2002, 2:32pm)

Title: A Reminder to Supporters
Post by Margi on Dec 14th, 2002, 2:32pm
For those of you out there that are trying to run interference for your clusterheads, during the busy holiday season....just a reminder.

Don't forget to make some time for yourselves.  We get so frazzled this time of year - not only with trying to get everything ready for Christmas, but also in trying to keep that bubble of safety and serenity around our clusterheads.  It's not an easy task, that's for dang sure.  

I'm living proof that even a 30 minute soak in the bathtub with the door shut locked and candles glowing can be enough to re-centre yourself and emerge with a fresh attitude.  Between attacks is a great time to do this, guilt free.

Attitude is really everything in the battle with the beast - our sufferers watch us for signs of wear and tear and they feel so guilty when they see us crashing.  If you're feeling stressed beyond belief - take yourself out for a walk, go to the gym, go punch the hell out of a pillow - whatever it takes to blow off some steam.  But DO it.  Being a supporter is like being inside a pressure cooker sometimes and chances are, somethin's gotta explode at some point, right?  Don't let yourselves get to that point.

As to the sleep deprivation?  He/she will get through just ONE night without you, trust me.  Take sleep aids if you have too (although I doubt we need that at the peak of the cycle, huh?), but make sure you don't have a deficit in the sleep department.  Your clusterhead relies on your strength, especially this time of year.  

And, if the walls really start closing in - don't forget the Family Services Team.  We're at and there's always someone around to talk to who's walked miles in your shoes.

Merry Christmas, Supporters - stay strong.

p.s. Jackie - I'm talking to you.  You too, Ree, Monique, Tina, Pam, Georgia, Dennis, Rain, and all other supporters out there right now.  Make and take time for YOU.  :o  (there isn't an icon with a raised eyebrow, so that one will have to do.)

Title: Re: A Reminder to Supporters
Post by Svenn on Dec 14th, 2002, 2:34pm
you said it all again Margi



Title: Re: A Reminder to Supporters
Post by cathy on Dec 14th, 2002, 2:41pm

I will DEFINATELY take your advice..... ;)

Have a great christmas and hope it is PF for you all.

Title: Re: A Reminder to Supporters
Post by Ree on Dec 15th, 2002, 9:37pm
so sweet MarGi girl... you are so right... just reading that sounded so sooooooooothing... love ya and merry ho ho... reebananaorangebodonabreak

Title: Re: A Reminder to Supporters
Post by firebrix on Dec 15th, 2002, 11:58pm
Thanx Margi!
Needed that! Good advice and I'll try to take it!
Mopar is to have both wrists operated on for carpal tunnel(CT) release this Friday. This means I'll have to be his arms for six weeks or so. He will be unable to do anything at all. On Saturday a mate and I will have to demolish a boiler without him - no prob really, but the clients look a bit suspicious when the chikki brikki arrives - with jackhammer and minus her husband!! They'll have to get used to it I guess! Keep us in your thoughts.
At least after this operation Mopar will have only his head to worry about. The CT interrupts sleep every hour and I wonder if this has anything to do with his CH. He has suffered from CT longer than he's had CH. All brikkis get it eventually - his turn for repairs this summer, mine next!
He's missed doing the work he's so good at and doesn't enjoy being a supervisor who does not work, so at least this is a step in the direction of getting him a little happier.
Thank you all for your support, and kind words
Love to you all

Title: Re: A Reminder to Supporters
Post by rain on Dec 16th, 2002, 4:16am
Happy Holidays to everyone  :) Wishing you all a  wonderful time with your loved ones.

Margi, thank you for that post ...guess it was just what I needed...and I just today received some candles as a gift ..I work with such nice people. So I think I'll take your advice and seek refuge in a bath....*sigh

Ohhh firebrix..I might have TS (tarsal tunnel) !! Great huh !! My feet hurt so much and yup guess Rich will have to take care and be my feet for about 6 weeks. Although, the L&I refused my claim...said it wasn't work related...well let them come down to the rest. and work on there feet all night !! be a different story then ! at least Rich has been PF for 2-3 weeks now. I am grateful for that !
OK sorry I'm rambling...Life is crazy sometimes and this has been a hard year for my little family.(my daughter has kidney problems)
Glad to have found you guys. You all understand so much.


Title: Re: A Reminder to Supporters
Post by firebrix on Dec 16th, 2002, 5:43pm
O GOSH! ;D ;D ;D

The hospital just phoned - the op's TOMORROW now! :o
Wish us luck?

Title: Re: A Reminder to Supporters
Post by Margi on Dec 16th, 2002, 7:20pm
Best of luck to you both.  He'll be fine.  ;)

Be strong, girl - like we all know you can.

Title: Re: A Reminder to Supporters
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Dec 17th, 2002, 9:24am
good luck firebrix,
Take care of YOUR hands...or none of ya will have hands!!  :)

Title: Re: A Reminder to Supporters
Post by Jackie on Dec 17th, 2002, 12:47pm
Yes, dear Margi......I hear ya loud and clear... :)
I promise to take care of myself.....when I have a little more time... ;D

That's our Margi....always tending to her flock... :)  Thank you!!!!!

Sounds like several of you have "full plates" right now.....bless your hearts.  Keep the faith.  All will be well :)

Jacks 8)

Title: Re: A Reminder to Supporters
Post by Margi on Dec 17th, 2002, 1:28pm
Riddle:  what's more stubborn than a clusterhead?
Answer:  their supporter.

Man, oh man, Jackie - what AM I going to do with you?   ::)

Did all y'all just see this?  Jackie just called me Lil Bo Peep.  I'm tellin DJ's mom.  

Title: Re: A Reminder to Supporters
Post by Jackie on Dec 17th, 2002, 1:39pm
LMAO Margi.....I'd never call you Lil Bo Peep.  I've heard to many of Dice-Man-Clay's rhymes..... ;D

Jacks 8)

Title: Re: A Reminder to Supporters
Post by firebrix on Dec 17th, 2002, 5:45pm
I can HANDle this ok Mast!
love to y'all

Title: Re: A Reminder to Supporters
Post by cootie on Dec 17th, 2002, 9:09pm
I go ta Wallyworld for a break...imagine that..whatz the world comein to....I live out in the country so a trip ta the city and all the rush and crowds 'n traffic really takes me Calgon....ina busy differen't sorta way. I "THINK" to much when it's quiet and by the hectic few hours away does me good. Lookin forward to a PF holiday....wasn't sure when the cycle started in was hell 3 years back when it was durein the holidays...we got thru blindly but didn't collect to many good memories that year !! Good luck with the op firebrix.....Pam Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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