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(Message started by: OneEyeBlind on Nov 29th, 2002, 6:24pm)

Title: Revelation
Post by OneEyeBlind on Nov 29th, 2002, 6:24pm
I am not sure who of you know me and who don't, so a little background might be in order.  I suffer from clusters.  I just finished a four month round with the beast and have been pain free for a little over a month.  This was my first cycle and I truly feel lucky that I am 46 and have gone through life relatively pain free.  This first cycle was an eye opener for me.  How can you go through night after night of such pain and survive.  My husband was a rock for me; leaving me alone while "pacing with pain" and hugging me when I needed it.  I never realized until recently how hard that is to do.  

Right before my first cluster started my husband was diagnosed with HepC and end-stage liver disease.  My husband started the HepC treatments 3 months ago today.  We have been up and down the roller coaster (me with clusters and he with the treatments).  Now that I am pain free I find it so hard to not "hover over" when he takes the chemo-like treatment and finds himself rocking with nausea.  I just want to make it all better for him; but I have come to realize I can't.  I can't do his meds that half kill him; I can't take away his suffering; I can't make him better.  All I can do is love him and stay out of his way when he is not feeling good.  I can however pray that the treatment might work and always be here for him.  Whether it be to fill the water bottle, make sure he does the right amount of pills on time; just give him a hug when he needs it.  

You supporters deserve a pat on the back.  For leaving us cluster heads alone when we need it, and giving us the tender touch when the beast has left.  I never truly understood this while in pain myself; but now, trying to support my husband while pain free.  Well, let's just say, I get it now.  Loud and clear.  

My hat is off to all you people who have to live with someone with a debilitating disease.  And to the strength it takes to stand back when needed, and give the hug when the time is right

Title: Re: Revelation
Post by BobG on Nov 29th, 2002, 8:10pm
You're 100% correct OneEB. Great message.

Thanks for posting it.

Title: Re: Revelation
Post by Jill on Nov 29th, 2002, 10:02pm
 That was a great post.

  You are a great supporter, both for your husband and us fellow clusterheads and because of that, you are a great person.

  There is a strong sense of admiration for anyone who can stick by a person with this dreaded beast and not run away when things get bad....hope that I can find someone like that one day, soon maybe.

 Sorry, just wanted to say thanks for being there, a supporter to so many and hope that your husband feels better soon, you both deserve the best.

  You are in my thoughts and prayers...


Title: Re: Revelation
Post by Margi on Nov 30th, 2002, 12:30pm
Thanks, Nancy - that was a really nice post.

Title: Re: Revelation
Post by Ree on Nov 30th, 2002, 3:24pm
Truly a nice post...  I'm happy for your remission...good luck with your present battle... not easy this thing we call Life... love ya Ree

Title: Re: Revelation
Post by cootie on Dec 7th, 2002, 12:54pm
Sorry I am late on this post topic....anyhow..if it's any brother inlaw was diagnosed with Hep C a little over a year ago and is thru all the treatments and is actually doing pretty good rite now.....if it's any comfort at all thought I'd mention su[rises me how many people have recently found out they have it......guess it can take yers to effect a person if it does at all.......... Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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