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(Message started by: Tom K on Sep 26th, 2003, 10:36pm)

Title: I was a wonderin'...
Post by Tom K on Sep 26th, 2003, 10:36pm
I was wondering if anyone had this happen.  I had brochitus a few weeks ago.  They gave me the Z-Pack, zithromax.  A week after finishing the Z-Pack, my CH cycle starts up.  It seemed to happen last year, too, or it was really close to it.  Maybe it is just a coincidence.  Probably is, but wanted to get some input from other people.

Title: Re: I was a wonderin'...
Post by Dave_Emond on Sep 27th, 2003, 12:10am
Hmmm.... tough call Tom.
I would tend to suspect coincidence to a degree. Back when I was episodic my cycles hit every year at the same time and for the same duration.
This of course caused a lot of stress as that time of year grew closer and closer. Just thinking out loud, I wonder if you might have been more subject to getting sick due to high stress? Just a thought. Then again, there could be something in the medications that are a trigger for you. Have you had to take these meds before and not follow up with a Cluster cycle?
Now that I'm chronic, I can't keep a log of things I do, eat, weather, etc., like I used to before when I was episodic. But back then, I would be asking the same question. Wish I had an answer, but I tend to lean toward the cycle would come regardless, it's just a bastard in it's ability to hit us so precisely.
Hope this is a short cycle and you return to pain free days,

Title: Re: I was a wonderin'...
Post by Carla_Comiter on Sep 27th, 2003, 12:52am
Oh Man, say it isn't so!  I just finished a Z-Pack on Sunday.  Have been fighting shadows all week.  Took a Zomig this PM.

My cycle ended about 6 weeks ago and it was the first full-blown episode I had had in 12 years.

Oh Man, Please no no no no.


Title: Re: I was a wonderin'...
Post by KingOfPain on Sep 27th, 2003, 3:31am
Zithromax has never caused me any problems.

I have taken it several times in the past
with no CH cause & effect result.

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