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(Message started by: Carl_D on Sep 26th, 2003, 3:26am)

Title: What gets you through the pain?
Post by Carl_D on Sep 26th, 2003, 3:26am
Just an interesting thought I wanted to share with you guys, so share yours...

For me, I am a music junkie. Seriously. When I was a babe, they said they had to leave the radio on for me to sleep, otherwise I would wake up crying. Throughout my life, I have fallen to sleep with music, woke up to music, snuck my headphones into school. I live for music.
One asswipe that was here trying to audition for drums asked me, "Is that all you think about is music?" I said "Yeah, pretty much."
I eat, sleep, breathe music. If it were a drug, I'd be the biggest junkie in the land. The fact that I have the ability to play and write music is a gift from the gods. It has been a release for me. When I was a kid and would get beatup by the bullies, I'd come home and pick up my guitar and play for hours. Nothing has changed. The beast rivets my head, I escape afterwards into music.If it wasn't for music, I wouldn't still be here.
I love to share music with others, and hope that someday people will be entertained by my music the same way I have been entertained over the years.

Again, what gets you through?

Carl D

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by Svenn on Sep 26th, 2003, 3:43am
Beside the oxygene trying as hard as possible to take the focus away from the pain.
Using a special instrumental "song" to do that.
"Il Silenzio" with Eddie Calvert makes wonders for me on that.Sometimes it helps and sometimes not.

I feel we can do a lot of help to ourself if we manage to take the focus away from the pain.

We just cant let the bastard "General Cluster" win,can we ?

The very best from Svenn

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by Elaine on Sep 26th, 2003, 5:35am
Carl I need to intruduce you to my son. Thats what he says he lives and breaths is music. You two would get along great.

Knowing I have a family to take care of gets me through my pain.

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by Turts on Sep 26th, 2003, 5:44am
I too, like to get deep into music to escape the pain.

I cant play or write, however I am trying to learn the guitar at the moment.

I like to throw on some U2 and sink into sound. I dont know why but, its always U2.

Thoughs of travel and sunfilled days after cycle also gets me through.

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by BarbaraD on Sep 26th, 2003, 7:01am
I write... When the beast subsides I focus on writing.... I never thought about it before, but I guess I've always done that. As soon as I can see, I hit the computer and begin to write....

I guess it takes concentration and takes my mind off my head (at least for a while), but that's what I do.  

I actually get a lot of work done after a HA subsides. I write policy manuals, procedure manuals, business plans, editorials - anything that takes "serious" thinking and concentration. I put all my "focus" on it and block everything else out. Weird ain't it......

Oh well, I guess we all have our ways of coping with these things.

You know, back when we were running all our survey's, the one thing we all (or at least the majority of us) had in common was that most of us had an artistic talent of some kind (music, art, literature, etc). Ummmmmmm. Maybe that's how we manage these things. Ya think....

Hugs BD

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by taraann on Sep 26th, 2003, 8:02am
During and after an attack I love listening to music.  

After one I sometimes write.  Sometimes do my crafts.  But mostly I just go back to everday life, like cooking or cleaning.

BUT most of ALL what gets me through LIFE PERIOD is my kids.  They might drive me nuts alot lately, but they never fail to make me smile or laugh.  

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by jminmilwaukee on Sep 26th, 2003, 8:14am
The only thing that gets me through a bad one is knowing it WILL END.

With mine, the bad ones always get continually more painfull, almost to the point of passing out (wich I could) and the BAM.....its gone.

I just keep telling myself, the worse it feels the closer I am to the end.

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by Jackie on Sep 26th, 2003, 8:25am
Blake says it is faith that gets him through......Faith and Hope...

'Faith' that tomorrow will be better and 'Hope' that a cure will be found.

Jacks 8)

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by JDH on Sep 26th, 2003, 8:33am

on 09/26/03 at 08:14:05, jminmilwaukee wrote:
The only thing that gets me through a bad one is knowing it WILL END.

Ditto...that and o2


Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by drnoe on Sep 26th, 2003, 8:35am
What ... gets me...through...The Pain?
Hmmmm. OH YEAH!
And reading this board.
Coincidentally I've been thinking of a thread asking what everyones favorite "UP" music is.
Right now it's the old "Forever Changes" album by LOVE.
for me.
How about you, Carl_D?

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by Ann on Sep 26th, 2003, 9:22am
What gets me through an attack is counting minutes.  I know that mine don't usually last more than an hour.  So if my imitrex isn't working...I do my exercises and continually check the clock.

What gets me through a cycle?  That's different.  The good times get me through...knowing that there will be some.  It could be sailing, skiing, snowshoeing (I'm Canadian..shoot me! ;D)  laughing my ass off with my hon and my sister.  Things like that.  Knowing that there are better times ahead.


Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by nancyc on Sep 26th, 2003, 9:48am
What gets me thru the pain? First of all, Imitrex shots...LOL....then knowing i have a wonderful family here that understands my pain...also, my grandson who is just learning to talk...he has his own language of course...and knowing I will make it thru it and the pain wont last forever...I cant listen to music during an attack...I want complete silence...dont know why, but I do...After it is over, I love the peace that flows thru I have been thru labor and had the baby ...smiles, nancyc

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by Tiannia on Sep 26th, 2003, 10:21am
For me it is crazy but during an attak it is my kids.  I would love peace adn quiet but with a 13 months old and a 6 year old that really does not EVER happen. Watching them, trying to play with them even if all I can do is sit there and watch my 1 year old push his truck around.  Cause he will be so happy at what he does then come walk over to me to get a hug.  But afterwards or even when I feel a shadow before one, singing, drawing (when my kids allow me to) anything that allows me to focus on anything but my head.  

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by stuey on Sep 26th, 2003, 10:52am
Cursing, swearing and calling on God.  I can not stand any noise, that noise or light exists horrifies me.  I pace and ask god to intervene and somehow someway eventually it ends and i'm left wondering how i could actually survive someting like this and then make sure to take a imitrex or relpax or someting maybe the next time.  can't always do it though cause the meds run out.  i just am thankful that finally i found out that 960 of verapamil eased my cycle along with elavil.  don't know when the next one will come back but i hope for those in pain right now to have courage and hold somebody's hand if you gotta.  stuey

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by Lori on Sep 26th, 2003, 11:12am
God. Praying and asking (sometimes begging) God to stop the pain if He wishes to and to give me the strength to endure it if He doesn't stop it.

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by 5-string on Sep 26th, 2003, 11:32am
I know what you mean about music.
Music is my religion. I started playing piano at the age of 4. Started playing banjo at 8. Music is my escape. I did poorly in school because music was all I thought about and studied when I was at home.
I play and record with several bands and whenever I'm in pain,physical and/or mental music takes me to a pleace of peace and calm. Works every time. With the exception of kip 9 or 10's. Those are tough to rise above to say the least.
I'm blessed with that ability and never take it for granted.
Good luck with your musical adventures.

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by ave on Sep 26th, 2003, 2:51pm
No music during an attack or I'll be sick on your shoes, LOL.

What pulls me through is sheer bloody mindedness. Nothing else.

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by brad267 on Sep 26th, 2003, 3:07pm
I like to turn off all the lights, and watch my goldfish...  Someone told me that they don't have memories, not sure if it's true or not....


Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by jonny on Sep 26th, 2003, 4:09pm

on 09/26/03 at 03:26:08, Carl_D wrote:
When I was a babe

Dude....say it aint so!!!

You was a chick?, ive talked with you at length and never would have guessed ....LMMFYBO ;D


Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by Prense on Sep 26th, 2003, 4:13pm
Like others...knowing an attack will at some point subside gets me through.

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by Big_Dan on Sep 26th, 2003, 4:15pm

on 09/26/03 at 16:09:37, jonny wrote:
Dude....say it aint so!!!

You was a chick?, ive talked with you at length and never would have guessed ....LMMFYBO ;D



... anyway... after discovering that hitting my head on the wall or floor produced collateral damage, I get on my knees at my bedside, and slam my face into the mattress about once per second (going from being fully upright, and making a 90 degree bend at the waste)untill it goes away.... or I pass out from exhaustion.  With 'trex... that's usually for about 20 minutes or so...

(that's only from an 8 - 10... otherwise... I sit and rock)

-Big Dan

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by Cerberus on Sep 26th, 2003, 4:41pm
my wife and You guys get me through this....


Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by stevegeebe on Sep 26th, 2003, 5:43pm
Perfect Ramon.

Steve G

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by CLR on Sep 26th, 2003, 6:17pm

Good question,  I came to this site after almost 4 weeks of waking up almost every darn night with the worst pain Ive every had in my life.  Good gosh I remember  running through the house thinking Im going to die.  My husband was right behind me, so many nights.

My husband  was there for me or I would have lost my mind. My brother who also has clusters gave me a boost. Kim helped me beyond belief.  I swear if it hadnt been for her I would have lost it.

What really kept my mind going was helping others. I put myself last and put my thoughts on helping someone else get through the nasty hurtful clusters.

All I know is I thank the Lord for getting me through that stuff.

painfree days to all,

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by Carl_D on Sep 26th, 2003, 7:57pm

Coincidentally I've been thinking of a thread asking what everyones favorite "UP" music is.
Right now it's the old "Forever Changes" album by LOVE.
for me.
How about you, Carl_D?

Lately, it has been "Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral" (the soundtrack to my crumbling life back in '98 when I became chronic)
But now fluctuating between Mary Mansons "Golden Age of Grotesque" and the new one from "A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step"

When feeling miserable though, there is still no replacement for the epic "In the Court of the Crimson King" by King Crimson.
For writing though, I love to listen to the American Beauty and Schindlers list soundtracks.

I be a music FREEk,
Carl D

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by Carl_D on Sep 26th, 2003, 8:00pm

When I was a babe  

Dude....say it aint so!!!


"and he can kick some ass too. Even in high heels!"

Im dying laughing,

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by taraann on Sep 26th, 2003, 8:31pm
Oh and I want to add what you hear from me during an attack......."Oh F*CK, OH GOD, OH DAMN IT, OH JESUS CHRIST" (repeat in any order)

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by taraann on Sep 26th, 2003, 8:34pm

on 09/26/03 at 19:57:33, Carl_D wrote:
Lately, it has been "Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral"

Good album and Pretty Hate Machine is an awesome one too.

The only concert I've ever been to was a NIN concert.  I have always wanted to go to another concert (by anyone) but never had the time or money.

Title: Re: What gets you through the pain?
Post by Damon on Sep 27th, 2003, 2:54am
Before meds I'd smoke, rock back and forth, sweat, and try to concentrate on winning a hand held solitare game. Now it's O2 then if that dosent work I go for a trex.


Title: tonka tonka tonka tonka
Post by rumplestiltskin on Sep 27th, 2003, 6:55am
Lately it's been a CD of American Indian drums that I dance to with the O2 mask on...facing N, then E, S, W....I found North is the least painful...go figger.

Carl...I saw King Crimson live while hitching thru Pheonix in the early 70's...small venue,,,round revolving stage...still remember that that that that trip trip trip trip. I recently introduced young G to that masterpiece "birdman" on the Mcdonald and Giles album...2 King Crimson original members.

Music is Love
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