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(Message started by: Carl_D on Sep 25th, 2003, 10:15pm)

Title: Back in the studio for the weekend
Post by Carl_D on Sep 25th, 2003, 10:15pm
After last weekend being a bust due to my head and getting nothing done, I am back here for the weekend, wish me luck.

Oh yeah, has anyone ever gone into a CH while sitting in a dentists chair? Just an interesting situation I thought of while they dug my tooth out of my skull. They tried to pull a tooth but it crumbled, so they had to dig the root out. Waited for over an hour for my ride to pick me up, and by the time I got to the pharmacy, all of the novocaine had worn off, and man - it was like having a CH in my mouth.
I did get some much needed sleep this week, and actually feel pretty good today. I just hope I can maintain this for the weekend. We have alot to do, since all of our recordings thus far have only been writing demos, now we are working on the actual album.
Again, wish me luck.

Carl D

P.S. - What is the most interesting inconvenience the beast has given you (i.e. during a wedding, graduation, anything?)

Title: Re: Back in the studio for the weekend
Post by Cerberus on Sep 26th, 2003, 9:11am
wooohooo......really glad you got some zzzzz's!

 Hoping that you can get some work done this weekend. The worst inconvienince so far was while trying to handle a customer complaint  at work. All I wanted to do was ........well It wouldn't have been pretty I work in a resturant ;)  (really trying to not let guests bob for french fries)

mama, let that boy play some rock n roll!!!!!!!!!!!

PF wishes,

Title: Re: Back in the studio for the weekend
Post by JDH on Sep 26th, 2003, 9:23am

on 09/25/03 at 22:15:09, Carl_D wrote:
Oh yeah, has anyone ever gone into a CH while sitting in a dentists chair?

Carl D

P.S. - What is the most interesting inconvenience the beast has given you (i.e. during a wedding, graduation, anything?)

Yep, got hit right there in the dentist office and surprisingly enough the dentist knew about ch's and said "that's it for today."...fuckenh it was.

Too many inconveniences to mention. Everytime this bastard comes around my whole life is an inconvenience.


Title: Re: Back in the studio for the weekend
Post by SFChris on Sep 26th, 2003, 9:41am

I was the foreman on a jury, and during the trial I got hit big time.  I had to exit the jury box as the Judge and defense attorney yelled after me.  The judge stopped the trial for the remainder of the afternoon - I had to show them my imitrix and explain why I ran from the courtroom.  It was really hard to show up the next day (which thank God was the last day of the trial), because I swear everyone thought I was insane...

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