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(Message started by: Tiannia on Sep 25th, 2003, 4:05pm)

Title: Lose of appatite
Post by Tiannia on Sep 25th, 2003, 4:05pm
I know I am spelling terribly and sorry for that right now.  I felt better for a few days and the damn things came right back. I had hoped I was done after 10 weeks.  Oh well, guess I should get used to them at this point.  

But my hubby is getting really worried cause I dont want to eat.  It is like, when it hurts there is no way I can eat and in between I just dont feel hungery.   Is that a norm thing or is it just how my body is dealing with this?

Title: Re: Lose of appatite
Post by 9erfan on Sep 25th, 2003, 4:09pm
When I get hit REALLY REALLY hard, eating is the last thing on my mind.  Food doesn't sound good to me at all.  And because I get so much pain in my face & jaw, the thought of actually chewing something is not appealing at all.  It's not uncommon for me to lose 10 lbs in a week when I get hit the hardest.  Try to eat a little toast and juice or something.  Just to keep your strength up.

I hope you start feeling better soon.


Title: Re: Lose of appatite
Post by Tiannia on Sep 25th, 2003, 4:16pm
Luckily I dont get hit at this point as hard as many of you.  I'm only had a few 8+ times / but it is wearing me down a lot.  

I envy you all your strength.  You all amaze me in the way that you all deal with it for so many years.

Title: Re: Lose of appatite
Post by tsayswhy on Sep 25th, 2003, 4:27pm
HI Tiannia I dont eat my self when i get hit but i have to agree with virginia try some toast and juice {orange juice} the last thing you want is to create a problem on top of another. Good luck and stay healthy!


Title: Re: Lose of appatite
Post by taraann on Sep 25th, 2003, 5:11pm
I've been in cycle since end of june (I had been saying july but sat down and thought about it and realized it started sometime in June) and these past few weeks I just can't eat.  In between CH hits I just feel naseous, that has always been my bodies reaction to pain or stress so not abnormal.  But i do force my self to eat a little plate of something at least once a day or atleast I try really hard to.  You should too cause you dont want to get sick from a virus during a cycle.

Hope your cycle ends soon!

Title: Re: Lose of appatite
Post by Cerberus on Sep 25th, 2003, 6:05pm
kinda hate to say this but......I don't eat much regularly.

 When in cycle, though, I seem to eat less than normal. Its gotta have something to do with the meds and just plain fatigue and malaise. So I got a shrink.....and guess what all I wanna eat now is if that is gonna help. My recommendation is no matter what ,even if its a bowl of plain white rice, eat SOMEthing. Plus it'll help take away that nasty feeling in your tummy from all the meds n stuff. As long as you eat when you are hungry things should end up ok.

and for those who are dieting?...........I learned this along time ago. Obesity is rampant in america because we overdo everything, when you until you aren't hungry anymore, NOT I repeat NOT till you feel full.


Title: Re: Lose of appatite
Post by Tom K on Sep 25th, 2003, 10:03pm
When I am having a big cycle of CHs I usually try to stay on toast and Gatoraide.  At least keep my fluids up, I lose weight when I am in a bad cycle, too.  If I have a really bad CH, like the start of a cycle where it is only 1 or 2 a day, when the trex kicks in and the beast is beaten back, I am starving...can't eat enough.  But, that only happens at the begining and end of cycles.

Title: Re: Lose of appatite
Post by Turts on Sep 26th, 2003, 6:43am
I usually feel that nauseaous, seedy feeling of a morning and dont eat much during the day.

But when I actually do feel like eating i gorge myself, and dont feel full after maybe its the roids.

Generally put on weight due to the way I eat when in cycle.

Title: Re: Lose of appatite
Post by JDH on Sep 26th, 2003, 8:40am

on 09/25/03 at 18:05:47, Cerberus wrote:
 and for those who are dieting?...........I learned this along time ago. Obesity is rampant in america because we overdo everything, when you until you aren't hungry anymore, NOT I repeat NOT till you feel full.


Brought to you by a Partnership for a Healthier America  ;D


Title: Re: Lose of appatite
Post by andy on Sep 26th, 2003, 8:52am
I usually dont eat much when in cycle. Although foods are not a trigger for me, just alcohol             ...............andy                                           Turts, the roids, LOL

Title: Re: Lose of appatite
Post by ShariRae on Sep 26th, 2003, 2:22pm
I too lose weight when in cycle...the only thing I want is strong black coffee,water & cigarettes...for me the exhaustion is what plays the biggest role...I am just to damn worn out to eat..cant be bothered...and as Virginia said...everything hurts to much to even think about chewing...
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