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(Message started by: jonny on Sep 25th, 2003, 2:57pm)

Title: Heeeeere's Ali!!! (Hey Ueli)
Post by jonny on Sep 25th, 2003, 2:57pm
If you got this e-mail disregaurd it, this is a towel headed witch doctor that wants to drill holes in your head.

Dears; I found your e-mail in clusterheadaches web site, and sorry if I disturbe you.

If you received more than one e-mail, that is a mistake, because my assistant write your e-mail more than one time., You will receive e-mail from me just in this day, if you have any question I will answer you, I know if you are a real patients, you will not be angry, only if you sell drugs in this web site, and care only about that, than you will be angry, as Ulei, Frank Capra, and others,,,,and they can eat theire self ...
The end of migraine, Cluster headaches was done by a simple surgery, that can cure all migraine, cluster headaches patients without any side effects.
All are true, and in surgery results talks.
No need to come to me for surgery its a simple surgery, just do a copy about the surgical treatment page and tell any surgeon you know, he can easy do it to you.
If he has any question I m ready to answer him.
All doctors and drugs in the world cant cure even one migraine, or cluster patients, because they think that intracranial arteries also cause migraine, cluster headaches, in my study I prove that only extracranial arteries cause migraine, cluster headaches, while intracranial cause aura and acompanied symptoms.

For many time Ulei and Frank C, said that migraine and cluster are different, I told them, that my simple surgery can cure not only migraine, cluster headaches, but also tension headache, and basilar migraine.

You must understand that, it can cure all kinds of vascular headaches.

What did that possibile, just because only extracranial arteries cause vascular headache.

They called it basilar migraine, and only finger pressure over places # 3 from both sides will make tension, and basilar migraine headache stop completelly all time you do finger pressure.

If you don?t believe that, I give you a simple finger pressure points test, its easy to be done, just do a finger pressure over places# 1, 2, and/or 3 in time of migraine attack and you will see how migraine headache stop completelly all time you do this pressure, in this way you can see the results of surgery, before you do it.

All Cluster headaches patients in time of theire headache attacke, if they do finger pressure over places# 1, and 2 in the side of headache you will see if what I said correct or no, just in rare cases must do also pressure over 1,2,and 3, in the same time.

So you can do this simple operation, or you can do at your home simple band that can do this pressure, in time of your headache, to get rid of headache.

This reality, that only extracranial arteries cause vascular headache, explaine why migraine, cluster headache have normal paraclinical investigation.
My abstract entitled Migraine - New Surgical Treatment - has been accepted for the Oral Poster Presentation category for the 2001 Congress of Neurological Surgeons meeting, September 29 - October 4, in San Diego, California. Abstract Number: 173

Title: Re: Heeeeere's Ali!!! (Hey Ueli)
Post by vig on Sep 25th, 2003, 3:04pm
I just got two copies of it.
I told him to go away and stop preying on sick people.

Title: Re: Heeeeere's Ali!!! (Hey Ueli)
Post by don on Sep 25th, 2003, 3:31pm
I think I saw him in a booth at the flea market Sunday.

He had a whole table full of vibrating glasses.

Title: Re: Heeeeere's Ali!!! (Hey Ueli)
Post by BarbaraD on Sep 25th, 2003, 3:40pm
Hey Jonny - Maybe drilling holes in your head would improve things. YA think?????

Serious - to you newbies here - this kind of "bunk" we don't like, but "it" happens.... sorry....

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Heeeeere's Ali!!! (Hey Ueli)
Post by ave on Sep 25th, 2003, 4:14pm
Curious little detail - he hasbeen accepted for an oral presentation (?) at the 2001 congress...???????

Living backward are we?

Title: Re: Heeeeere's Ali!!! (Hey Ueli)
Post by jonny on Sep 25th, 2003, 4:19pm
LOL...Ave ;D

I love how he tells people here to go eat themselfs and still wants to be looked upon as a serious doctor....LMMFYBO ;D

Back to practicing on camels Ali.....ROTFF :D


Title: Re: Heeeeere's Ali!!! (Hey Ueli)
Post by Charlie on Sep 25th, 2003, 4:39pm

I give you a simple finger pressure point

Me too.

Cattle prod might be more effective.

It's been awhile kids, so sit back and enjoy. Ueli will fill in all you newer types.



Title: Re: Heeeeere's Ali!!! (Hey Ueli)
Post by 5-string on Sep 25th, 2003, 4:54pm
I was coming on to tell y'all about this.
Thanks Jonny for the whole note.
I recieved 3 of them and politely told him to go away.
Who the hell is this guy?? Can't we have a "DO NOT CALL"list for jokers like this? ;D

Title: Re: Heeeeere's Ali!!! (Hey Ueli)
Post by Prense on Sep 25th, 2003, 5:26pm
Heh, thanks for the breakdown Jonny...was wondering who this fool was sending me this crap.

Title: Re: Heeeeere's Ali!!! (Hey Ueli)
Post by Mark C on Sep 25th, 2003, 5:38pm
I think Ueli will be quite proud to be on this snake oil salesman's list...Frank too!

Hey Ueli...looks like they got your number!  ;D

Geez.....if squeezing your head would work...I would squeeze my head...either one....I tried, it didn't help!

Onward through the fog,

Title: Re: Heeeeere's Ali!!! (Hey Ueli)
Post by Cerberus on Sep 25th, 2003, 5:47pm
HEHE.......Unsolved Equation has a whole shitload of assault rifles............nuff said.


Title: Re: Heeeeere's Ali!!! (Hey Ueli)
Post by Melissa on Sep 25th, 2003, 6:07pm
I reported him as spam ;D

Title: Re: Heeeeere's Ali!!! (Hey Ueli)
Post by Mr.Happy on Sep 25th, 2003, 6:19pm
Damn. Where's mine? 17 ad's for "Mule Enlargement" today......but nada from Dr. Feldercarb.
He makes perfect sense, except for the parts where he tries to actually speking in Egnlisch, witch is almost making understandibbly, but that other part what isn't not the sameish. Many times not understnding improperly, but sergikally correctness.  Oi vey.......

Oil of Ueli _This_,

Title: Re: Heeeeere's Ali!!! (Hey Ueli)
Post by Cerberus on Sep 25th, 2003, 6:25pm
;D  LOL......LMMFAO@Happy!!!!1 :D


Title: Re: Heeeeere's Ali!!! (Hey Ueli)
Post by jonny on Sep 25th, 2003, 6:35pm

Go easy on Ali the imagrant.....lets give him the ability to drive even though hes here illegally and worry about his drilling and dirty bombs later.

WTF...Cali is the US right?

Fucking idiots!


Title: Re: Heeeeere's Ali!!! (Hey Ueli)
Post by Ueli on Sep 25th, 2003, 7:36pm
We had some fun with this crack pot back in April and May 2001 (look it up in the old archives).

In his often quoted abstract (click here if you are interested ($retrieve?value=43363&field=RecID&html=detail&doscript=counter)) he says he performed his operation on 1224 patients, but neither there, nor answering my questions of 2 years ago, he said anything about success rate or long term outcome. If that isn't a sure fire indication for a quack then what about his claim to cure not only migraines but also almost any kind of headaches, including clusters of course?

I put "Ali Sultaneh" into Google and got a hundred hits. Mostly of spamming of all kinds of message boards, but strangely he never got a positive reply. :D
One of his gems, and typical of people like him:
Drugs Companys don,t want you to know about my new treatment, because they care about your money more than your health, Dr; Diamond (medweb), and Dr; Frank Capra (clusterheadaches) works with them to disturb my work.
Hey, Frank, you never told us that you are a doctor, carry a famous name and that you are only after our money, ROTFLMFAO. But thanks to your effort the web is littered with Ali's broken links, and it apparently took him over 2 years to get a new e-mail addy to take up spamming again.

;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D

Title: Re: Heeeeere's Ali!!! (Hey Ueli)
Post by jonny on Sep 25th, 2003, 7:50pm
Hey ueli,

lets hope it takes Dannyboy ten years to get back here......LMAO ;D


Title: Re: Heeeeere's Ali!!! (Hey Ueli)
Post by surfshi on Sep 25th, 2003, 7:58pm
Oh now come on, even my pressure points that I use dont cure the beast, and Ive had 20 years to practice. The pressure point thing can help me go through the fog but still, cure all, I don't think so. And thats not using his he pulled out of his spell book, or werever it came from...Surf

Title: Re: Heeeeere's Ali!!! (Hey Ueli)
Post by Cerberus on Sep 25th, 2003, 8:15pm

 if pressure points were the cure all I would look like pin-head from hellraiser


Title: Re: Heeeeere's Ali!!! (Hey Ueli)
Post by ebk3 on Sep 25th, 2003, 11:05pm
boy! you guys are hard on a brother out there trying to make a buck.
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