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(Message started by: Cerberus on Sep 25th, 2003, 10:37am)

Title: last night , and today.....
Post by Cerberus on Sep 25th, 2003, 10:37am
WEll folks..........

  Here I am again, same story, same channel. The Beast visited three times last night, the first two I O2ed him away with relative ease, the last one required a trex injection (please don't flame me for this, I'm working to correct it) had to use a full 6mg shot (no vials or syringes) played a pretty little tune on my heart and throat but did its job effectively. Seems the beast is really toying with me this year, every couple of days he hits one more time than the last, at this rate I'll be doin 12-20 hits a day by mid October.......perish the thought.

  Anyway thats the daily update......I hope everyone is doing better than me. PF to all my peeps.


Title: Re: last night , and today.....
Post by JDH on Sep 25th, 2003, 10:58am
Sorry to hear it Ramon.
Hopin' you can kill most of it with the 02. Please be careful with that 'trex and try and use it sparingly.
as always, hang in there and lemme know if I can "help."


Title: Re: last night , and today.....
Post by 5-string on Sep 25th, 2003, 11:10am
Hang in there Ramon.........
......Happy Autumn.........positive thoughts coming your way...

Title: Re: last night , and today.....
Post by JDH on Sep 25th, 2003, 11:47am

on 09/25/03 at 11:10:30, 5-string wrote:
......Happy Autumn.........

Unfortunately Mark I think autumn is the problem.


Title: Re: last night , and today.....
Post by Edna on Sep 25th, 2003, 12:00pm
Now see there Ramon, if ONLY you would have listened to me the other night and eat you some supper......sheesh......hard headed men.......

           :-/ :-/ :-/ :-/

What can I say........don't know that eating supper would have helped you right now.......but hell, you would of felt better then!!!!!!!   (LOL)

Really wishing the best in pain relief for you friend.....and hoping that your pf moments continue to grow in length......meanwhile, use us for whatever you know we're here.

Hugs to ya,

Title: Re: last night , and today.....
Post by Roxy on Sep 25th, 2003, 2:31pm
Hey ' thoughts are with ya'.  Glad the 02 is helping.....are you going to be able to get some vials?  Maybe the beast will settle down, and your hits will stop climbing....I sure hope so.  I'm getting slammed right now too......when you're aren't walking alone...... :'(.


Title: Re: last night , and today.....
Post by cathy on Sep 25th, 2003, 3:49pm
Cerebus...sorry your having such a rough time....try to see the beauty of Autumn don't let the beast make you miss it....PF vibes to you and Roxy...


Title: Re: last night , and today.....
Post by tsayswhy on Sep 25th, 2003, 5:09pm
sorry for you both ramon and roxy  :'( i may be done but i never forget the pain so from the bottom of my heart i wish you both a speedy cycle and pf days to come!

Title: Re: last night , and today.....
Post by jonny on Sep 25th, 2003, 5:25pm
Hey Bus,

I know my mail containing this never made it to you and im glad cause I had the puter sickness, hopefully this link will work and make your ass smile alittle.

here goes

2 mins on a cable connection......even if its 5 on dial up its worth it to dudes like us, Bus!!

.................................jonny ;D

Hee hee hee...Im throwing this one in for the woobster ;D

Title: Re: last night , and today.....
Post by Cerberus on Sep 25th, 2003, 5:37pm
Thanks you guys......I'm sure Rox appreciates it also.

 J.........The dude can wail can't he? fuckineh!

Peace and PF to all,

Title: Re: last night , and today.....
Post by Cerberus on Sep 26th, 2003, 9:37am

Well...Had to leave chat for the beast last night......dammit. Awoke promptly at 6 am with an O2 jones and again an hour later......I'm gettin REAL sick of this.
 The odd lump on the back of my neck, (on the wrong side) no less disappeared as mysteriously as it came. And to those who know what I'm talking about.......the Pain is still on the Right side...THANK GOD, thought the bastard was trying to put a shift on for the right handers. Upping my Verap dose today gonna try 240 for the week and pray it works. "Plan B" will not be too far off if I can't get this sucker to break his choke hold on my head.
 Hope everyone is doing better n me....
PF all,

Title: Re: last night , and today.....
Post by drnoe on Sep 26th, 2003, 9:47am
Hi Cerberus,
Yeah, I know bout the lump and and the fear of "new tactics" by the enemy.
 I saw Dr. Kudrow yesterday and got Verapamil and Cafergot for the first time and had my first PF night in two weeks. Hooray for US.
You hope we're all doing better than you but I'm not doing any better or worse than the sum of everyone here. Sharing the pain sharing the gain.
When you suffer I suffer.
Hang in there and lemmee know how I can help,okay?
PS I like your style.

Title: Re: last night , and today.....
Post by nancyc on Sep 26th, 2003, 10:16am
You are in my prayers...those nites of no sleep, fighting the beast all nite , are still fresh in my mind though i slept all nite last nite.....sort of like going thru labor...but with chs, YOU remember that pain...smiles,nancyc

Title: Re: last night , and today.....
Post by ZAIRA on Sep 26th, 2003, 11:49am

Hey Ramon... insert your foot in the beast's ass... hang in there.... Anti beast vibes coming your way.... :'(

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