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(Message started by: Kenzie60 on Sep 25th, 2003, 10:16am)

Title: The beast is back!!!!
Post by Kenzie60 on Sep 25th, 2003, 10:16am
The beast has come back.  I have been pain free since June.  I have been have shadows Kip 3 for the past week and I know it is just going to get worse.  I have been having panic attacks thinking about what is coming.  I have an appointment with the neuro on Tues and I am back on all the meds and have the O2 ready.  I am going to see my GP this afternoon about the panic attacks.  Talk to you later.


Title: Re: The beast is back!!!!
Post by Cerberus on Sep 25th, 2003, 10:21am
Kenzie......welcome, welcome, welcome.

 sorry you are having a rought time of it. Panic attacks happen to me too, unfortunately, I have to take a narcotic med for it ugghh, sometimes makes the HAs worse. The lighter note about it is that it does help with the panic thing, but makes me drowsy and THAT sometimes aggravates things a bit. Glad to hear you got meds and O2............stick around and do what ya gotta to get relief, we're all pullin fer ya.


Title: Re: The beast is back!!!!
Post by echo on Sep 25th, 2003, 10:23am
Well that just sucks! I can relate to the thoughts of impending doom.  I'm getting ready for my season stomp as well.

Title: Re: The beast is back!!!!
Post by miCHel on Sep 25th, 2003, 11:16am
Hi Kenzie:

This seems like a rotten season for a lot of us.  I've been getting shadows as well during the past week.  Hopefully, it will stay that way and not degenerate.  That is certainly what I am hoping for you too.

Take care!


Title: Re: The beast is back!!!!
Post by Prense on Sep 25th, 2003, 6:06pm
Been getting hit so hard...I look forward to a damn shadow!   ;D

Hope you're doing ok Roseanne...hang in there!


Title: Re: The beast is back!!!!
Post by Kenzie60 on Sep 25th, 2003, 6:34pm
Thanks! ::)  I just got back from my GP and he gave me .25 Xanax for the panic attacks until I can see the neuro on Tues.  I haven't had a Ch above a Kip 5.  But I know that the big ones are coming.  This is how my cycle always starts out.  My neuro also called me back this afternoon and asked if my GP would be willing to do an EKG before I came into the office on Tues so that she can increase the Verapamil.  I am having the EKG on Tues morninig before I go to the neuro.  Wish me luck.

Roseanne ::)

Title: Re: The beast is back!!!!
Post by Mr.Happy on Sep 25th, 2003, 6:39pm
Yo Rosie.....

See _This_ thread:;action=display;num=1063117136

Get thee to Ozzy's on Sat,

Title: Re: The beast is back!!!!
Post by BarbaraD on Sep 26th, 2003, 7:13am
Try Margie's water thingy until Tuesday along with the xanax. Sometimes it helps.

Sorry you're having to come to the prom with the rest of us right now. This morning I'm just shadowing - hope the beast is going away, but wouldn't count on it. I upped my topamax and hope it's taking effect and he'll soon be going on down the road for a while. I've enjoyed about as much of him as I can stand for a while.

There's just something about this time of year that brings out the worst in "him". Guess he's getting wound up for the winter or something.

Hang in there sweetie -- we're all here for you.

Hugs  BD

Title: Re: The beast is back!!!!
Post by Turts on Sep 26th, 2003, 7:23am
Sorry to hear it Kenzie, but welcome back and Im glad to make your aquaintance.

Keep strong, take care

Title: Re: The beast is back!!!!
Post by ZAIRA on Sep 26th, 2003, 7:28am

Hang in there, Roseanne :'( this beast likes to drive us crazy....... :'( try to be strong... there are other out there that understand you....

Good luck, Zaira  :-/

Title: Re: The beast is back!!!!
Post by Lori on Sep 26th, 2003, 12:55pm
I'm sorry it's back.  :'(  I know how you feel..the anxiety because you know what's coming. Just remember that you can fight these things because you have treatments available. Try to find some comfort in that.

Hang in there!

Title: Re: The beast is back!!!!
Post by Kenzie60 on Sep 26th, 2003, 3:44pm

Title: Re: The beast is back!!!!
Post by Kenzie60 on Sep 26th, 2003, 7:36pm
I just wanted to thank eveyone for there support.  I am really tying.  As you all know it is not easy.  I have been taking all  my meds and so far they are not working.  The neuro on the phone wants to increase the Verapami, but first she wants me to have and EKG befroe she increases it.(Beter Safe that sorry?)  I am also going to bring up the lithium.  It seems to work for alot of people, with less side effects.  Anyone else had any side effects that I should be aware of?

Roseanne :o :o :o

Title: Re: The beast is back!!!!
Post by Cerberus on Sep 26th, 2003, 8:23pm

I personally have no experience with lithium ,however, Jonny does and he's chronic. The Only thing ,that I can think of, is from a close friend who's wife takes it. It can be a really really bad thing if you miss the dose. He said she literally went insane until her doc gave her dose again and even then it was a couple of days before she was "right" again.......hearsay yes, but from my perspective extremely reliable. He's NEVER lied to me before. Not that kinda guy, no reason to lie.

Good luck!,

Title: Re: The beast is back!!!!
Post by goaway on Sep 27th, 2003, 8:34am

Get ready.   Are your ready?   OK, here it comes....


Title: Re: The beast is back!!!!
Post by Prense on Sep 27th, 2003, 8:42am

on 09/26/03 at 19:36:39, Kenzie60 wrote:
The neuro on the phone wants to increase the Verapami, but first she wants me to have and EKG befroe she increases it.(Beter Safe that sorry?)  I am also going to bring up the lithium.  It seems to work for alot of people, with less side effects.  Anyone else had any side effects that I should be aware of?

Roseanne :o :o :o

EKG is not normally required for a dosage increase in verap unless you are complaining of side effects from the dosage you are on already or have some medical history that warrants an EKG.  Either way, do what it takes.  I do not think that the claim that lithium has less side effects would be accurate.  It does, at least, require blood monitoring.

Is there any discussions about abortives?  They are nice to have while you play guinea pig to preventatives and then for any attacks that "break through."

Best wishes to you!
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