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(Message started by: grumpett on Sep 25th, 2003, 8:49am)

Title: nail biting!
Post by grumpett on Sep 25th, 2003, 8:49am
Just curious, But........ Was wondering how many people suffering from CH bite their nails?



Title: Re: nail biting!
Post by CC on Sep 25th, 2003, 9:00am
i sure do!

Title: Re: nail biting!
Post by BobG on Sep 25th, 2003, 9:03am
I sure don't.

But I smoke too much.

And drink too much coffee.

And eat too much fat, salt and sugar.

Title: Re: nail biting!
Post by ave on Sep 25th, 2003, 9:11am
I never felt the urge, although I am wont to put almost anything in my mouth. Hmmm...

Title: Re: nail biting!
Post by CC on Sep 25th, 2003, 9:16am
No Comment LMFAO!
I never felt the urge, although I am wont to put almost anything in my mouth. Hmmm

Title: Re: nail biting!
Post by jimbo on Sep 25th, 2003, 10:02am
I can't get my foot up that high!LMMFAO

Never have bit my nails.



Title: Re: nail biting!
Post by echo on Sep 25th, 2003, 10:20am
Yep -- nail bitter!  big time during the "damn this hurts" hits.  But not during the "Holy shit just shoot me" hits.

Drink too much

Eat too much red meat.

Stopped smoking fairly recently.

Title: Re: nail biting!
Post by Ree on Sep 25th, 2003, 12:48pm
if Dave did I would just have to put hot sauce on them but i think he might like that oh well..........Nope Dave doesnt................................I used to but Im just a Migrainer I dont count............ree

Title: Re: nail biting!
Post by Melissa on Sep 25th, 2003, 1:02pm
unfortunately, been biting mine since I was 9yrs old :-[  doesn't help my ch's, LOL ;)


Title: Re: nail biting!
Post by tsayswhy on Sep 25th, 2003, 5:29pm
all the time but did before i had c/h. I think i do it more   when i get nervous about somthing.

Title: Re: nail biting!
Post by Cerberus on Sep 26th, 2003, 12:40am
don't bite em......unless I can't find the clippers :)

 rather bite the beast......wish I could.


Title: Re: nail biting!
Post by Turts on Sep 26th, 2003, 6:10am
I never have and still dont.

There not the most appetising nails going around though. Maybe Ill have to find a significant other who likes theirs being nibbled?

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