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(Message started by: CC on Sep 24th, 2003, 3:33pm)

Title: Overdose
Post by CC on Sep 24th, 2003, 3:33pm
Does anyone know what the side effects are for an overdose of trex?? just finished my 5th battle with the beast and the day is only half over. I have taken 2.5 full doses so far and i am starting to feel a little dizzy, and lose my balance every once in a while. Would also like to know what the most trex you have used in a 24 hour period! I dont feel overly bad right now but want to be prepared incase i need to take a few more injections this evening! Any input would be greatly appreciated!

Title: Re: Overdose
Post by vig on Sep 24th, 2003, 3:37pm
I've heard some people say 2 a day, but 1 is all I can handle before what you said starts happening.

This is an intense drug, it's not even effective the second time for me.
Of course, we're all different,...

Title: Re: Overdose
Post by jonny on Sep 24th, 2003, 4:57pm
CC Dude,

Dont the Imitrex tip work for you?

You said "2.5" which means you took half a shot....keep it to that if you can.

Becarful Bro!

Anyone got some info on this?? (Im not a regular trex taker)


Title: Re: Overdose
Post by Prense on Sep 24th, 2003, 5:12pm
Well, when the papers that come with trex state clearly that people have died from this med...I tend to do what they say.  Most, of the dead trexsters were considered to have underlying cardio-vascular issues...however, I am not messing around with this med!  I've done 2 full doses in a day (max daily dosage) with no problems at all.  I have not been tired, dizzy or anything like that while taking this.  If you are really concerned, goto the ER (*sigh*) or call the poison control center...  I wouldn't imagine that a half dose over the daily limit would hurt the average person, but you never know.

Are you taking trex for different attacks only?  Also, if you don't have O2, please get it unless there is some reason you cannot.  That may prevent you from needing to use so much trex.

I am fairly certain that I have read from several people here that they have used way more than that in one day.  I'm not ready to see if I can handle that...if I max in one day, I'll dance with the rest.

Best wishes!


Title: Re: Overdose
Post by Cerberus on Sep 24th, 2003, 5:33pm
I've managed at least 4 in a day ......the side effects can start @ 1 but I've gotten way above that. Dunno the "official" stats on it tho. I try to save 'em for the really really bad ones, but have never (thank goodness) had to considder more than that at least so's hoping none of us have to find out.

that count may not be too good for most....I don't halve my injections......and they were spaced out quite a bit, may have been longer that 24 hrs. so don't take this too much to heart.


Title: Re: Overdose
Post by goaway on Sep 24th, 2003, 5:40pm
Be real careful.....

Hey Ramon!

So how you doin' today?

Title: Re: Overdose
Post by CC on Sep 24th, 2003, 6:04pm
ok yhanls for the info, just finished number 5 HA of the day anfd the night is still young.  I've used 3 full doses of the trex and that dizziness i was feeling early seems to have gone!  

Actudally feeling the best i have felt in a fdew days!!

this new way of filling my own syringes really sucks ass too!! damn you glaxo!

Title: Re: Overdose
Post by Stately on Sep 24th, 2003, 6:24pm
Last cycle I was in I used three to five full (6mg) shots a day for over a month.....felt like crap most of the time...but that was it... .and have to admit most of the time it was "rebound" CH that I was shooting up for...but at the time "just" wanted relief...finally the wife got wind of what I was doing.....and that ended that...just two shots a day after that...
Don't know if that answered your question, just my experence

Title: Re: Overdose
Post by ebk3 on Sep 24th, 2003, 6:57pm
I get in cycle 6 to 8 per day have used 4 full dose3 in a day

Title: Re: Overdose
Post by CC on Sep 24th, 2003, 7:07pm
ok good to know! greatly appreciated!! Now i can show my wife that others have used more than me and she wont threaten to tell the doctor!!!  :P

Title: Re: Overdose
Post by Prense on Sep 24th, 2003, 7:10pm
LOL   ;D

Title: Re: Overdose
Post by UnsolvedEquation on Sep 24th, 2003, 7:15pm
Not that i'm recommending it for you but...

I've taken 8 shots in a 20 hour period. all were about 4 mg apiece. Helped me like it always does !!

( I told my doc and he was like ...  :o  WOW !! )

Title: Re: Overdose
Post by CC on Sep 24th, 2003, 7:24pm
LOL if i told my doc she would be like.....No more imitrex for you sir! :o

Title: Re: Overdose
Post by OneEyeBlind on Sep 24th, 2003, 8:12pm
For real, try the O2 as a backup.  It never gives ya rebounds.  Trex and O2 are my best friends !!!!!!!!  Oh, and 2 a day is the most I ever did.  When my doc heard ....... I got the O2 right away !!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Overdose
Post by CC on Sep 24th, 2003, 9:10pm
i am not covered for the o2  so unless i decide to pay for everything i guess i am screwed!!  go figure, all my meds are free but i have to pay for oxygen!!  Bastards!

Title: Re: Overdose
Post by Tom K on Sep 24th, 2003, 9:22pm
I have tried this and it has been ok'd by a my bud who is a pharm.  Do trex halfs of each type.  If you do the trex trick, then you get one full (6mg) vial, then switch to NS, you get a total of 4 for a day, so that gives you 2 more.  Then switch to tablets, you get a total of 6 (I think) a day, so that gives you 3.  When you add it all up you get 8 for a full day and you are at the max then.  I know it suks cuz the shot works so well, but it beats giving yourself a heart attack!  I have done this before and haven't had any of the side effects you have talked about.  When you do the NS and the tab, make sure you O2!

Title: Re: Overdose
Post by Svenn on Sep 25th, 2003, 2:02am
Glaxo says 2 max/24hours
1 Neuro say that we can use 4-6/24 hours
I have taken up to 10/24hours without trouble as far as i know.
We are talking about the full 6ml here
My neuro said to me that clusterheadache is so special that those with that should take what they need.
HELL,they even let me use it after the heartattack i had back in 2001."That was familyrelated and NOT medicalrelated"
Had a bit of a fight with my neuro that time,but my cardio overruled him ans said that i SHALL have all the trex i need to live a normal life.

HELL it seems that some docs are able to think after all,or ?

The best from Svenn

Title: Re: Overdose
Post by BarbaraD on Sep 25th, 2003, 6:20am
Everyone reacts differently. I never could take the Imitrex - well I did for a while (took 4 to 5 a day) but it did strange things to me. Nervous, hyper, felt like the devil and my heart felt like it was going to burst. I got scared of it.

I switched to cafagot and don't have the side effects (an the cafagot lasts longer I think). There are some sdie effects from both, but .... what doesn't have side effects.....

Better watch it. If the symptoms persist you'd better talk to your doc about switching to something else. The ergots DO work (regardless of "most" opinions here! LOL!) and don't make your heart jump out of your chest as bad.

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Overdose
Post by zanychef on Sep 25th, 2003, 5:11pm
hi all
did 14 in 18 hours once whilst driving felt like s**t after but still went out for a drink with my mates but i wouldn't advise it everyday

Title: Re: Overdose
Post by fubar on Sep 25th, 2003, 10:52pm
14 in 24 hours?  What's the mortgage on that run ya?


Title: Re: Overdose
Post by CC on Sep 26th, 2003, 12:17am
just got 36 viles today, retail value $1586.00

Praise the lord for ceverage or i'd be dead and broke! :'(

Title: Re: Overdose
Post by Turts on Sep 26th, 2003, 6:19am
Hey CC,
Sounds like youve found a bargain with those viles.

We really are downunder here. I get cheap as oxy ( only started it today though) and other meds are expensive with no rebate. go figure

I hope your cycle settles down so you simply dont need the meds
wishing u PFDs

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