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(Message started by: OneEyeBlind on Sep 17th, 2003, 7:35pm)

Title: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by OneEyeBlind on Sep 17th, 2003, 7:35pm
Thanks for all the prayers and support for my nephew Christopher.  I visited him again today and he just amazes me wtih his smiles and resiliance.  Wanted to share the update my sister sent out with all of you since we have received so many prayers from here.  Thanks again.  

Dear Friends and Family,
> It's 10:00 on Tuesday evening at Hershey Medical Center and Christopher is
into his 2nd dose of chemotherapy. So far, so good. No sickness whatsoever.
Keep up the anti-vomiting prayers. It makes a world of difference. His great
attitude continues even after finding out he gained 10 lbs. in one day! No
wonder his stomach felt bloated!  And here everyone was willing to donate
some fat to his slight frame!  Sorry:(
> We are blessed by all the visits, cards, gifts and especially prayer
support!  Boy do we feel loved!  Christopher will have 5 days total of
chemotherapy this week and next week start daily radiation treatments to his
brain. We covet
> your prayers for no negative effects on his brain. He's a smart kid
> and we'd like to keep it that way!  The radiation will be for at least 4
to 5 weeks to start.  Anyone who would like to spend time with this
> incredible young man can sign up as his personal chauffeur for one of
> his visits.  Even though I love him to pieces I'm willing to share:)  (You
Can contact Kim if you would be willing to help.  She will be the
>     The doctors expect some quick results to the treatment.  We are
waiting on God to do His will.
>       Special prayer requests would be that Katie and Adam who are
somewhat "on their own" this week would be able to keep up with their
> school work.  Also that God would meet their needs during this ordeal.
> Also pray for Chris who needs to hold down the fort while I play Florence
Nightingale to Christopher.
> I continue to be amazed at how God's presence is overwhelmingly evident
> in our hour of need.
> Philippians 4:6  Be anxious for nothing, but in everything (even cancer)
> by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made
> In His Steps,
> Chris, Maryann and family

Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by kim on Sep 17th, 2003, 8:06pm
Hey Nan,

Kids - We could all learn a ting or two from em, no? :)  I'd say they prioritize betta than us***

Please let Maryann know we are here for the long haul in any way we can be.

Love Ya,
Muck :D

Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by Edna on Sep 17th, 2003, 8:21pm
nancy, thanks a whole big bunch for the post from maryann

To her, the family and especially Christopher, continued prayers and hope that this journey they are going through as a family may be guided by the one all knowing.

Bless you all, and may God keep you close in your time of need.


Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by Tim_w on Sep 18th, 2003, 7:49am
Our thought and prayers go out to you all!!!
Hershey Medical Center is a great place !!
My grandson was born there 10/3/03 at less than 2 lbs he spent 2 1/2 months there!
He will soon be 1 year old - and over 20 lbs
The Ronold McDonold House Is also great!
We are Praying for you Christopher!
By the way my Grandsons name is Christain
     Gods speed   Tim & Robin W

Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by jonny on Sep 18th, 2003, 5:27pm

Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by Ree on Sep 18th, 2003, 6:44pm
No child should suffer like that... prayers and thoughts to your family... sincerely Ree

Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by goaway on Sep 19th, 2003, 7:14am
Hey Guys,

I bet that Chris would get a bunch of cards, etc... if we had an address.


Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by ZAIRA on Sep 19th, 2003, 7:28am


Nan, our prayers have NEVER... NEVER stopped for Chris, you and your family…

God Bless Chris and you all.

Thinking of you, Zaira  :'(

Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by OneEyeBlind on Sep 19th, 2003, 9:58am
I am going to give you guys his home adress as the plan was that he should come home Saturday and then not return to the hospital for 3 weeks.  They were calling the brain surgeon back in ... and plans might change .... but his brother/sister/dad can bring the cards to the hospital if that's where he is.  

Christopher Smith
1003 Dellville Road
Duncannon, PA  17020

Put "clusterbud" under your name ........... he knows all about clusterbuds so he will know who you guys are even if he doesn't recognize the name !!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for all the support you have given !!!!!!!!  I appreciate it more than you know.  

Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by Opus on Sep 19th, 2003, 12:38pm
Thanks for the Update Nan,


Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by cathy on Sep 19th, 2003, 12:42pm
Nancy as you know your in my prayers daily and so is Chris and his family.....Love ya loads


Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by Jackie on Sep 19th, 2003, 4:48pm
Thanks for the update, Nancy......

OK Gang....let's flood this young man with cards and letters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jacks 8)

Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by goaway on Sep 19th, 2003, 5:17pm
Absolutely Jackie!

I'm on my way to the store now for a card.  Hey guys?  DON'T LET ME BE THE FIRST TO GET A CARD TO THIS YOUNG HERO.  Let's cover him up!


Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by Jackie on Sep 19th, 2003, 5:27pm
Good for you, Mike.... :D

If your card beats mine it's the mailmans fault....... ;D

I think we're on a roll here!!!!!!  Let's go gang!!!!!!!

Jacks 8)

Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by goaway on Sep 20th, 2003, 9:42am
I'm bumping this thread to the top for a GREAT cause.

Little help from the group?

Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by goaway on Sep 20th, 2003, 6:31pm

Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by OneEyeBlind on Sep 20th, 2003, 9:37pm
I think everyone that wanted to has gotten the address.  I appreciate the bumps though.  

Here is another email from my sister about Chris. If ya want me to keep this to private email I can certainly do that ... just PM me and let me know.  Otherwise, through thick and thin .... I'm sharing it with my extended family.  

Dear Friends and Family,
Well the first chemotherapy treatment is over and we are back on the farm.  Actually I'm writing this from my sister Nancy's house as due to the storms we have no electric or water for 3 more days (so they say.)
Things like that seem a minor inconvenience, I wonder why:)
Christopher did not get sick ONCE during his treatments!  I was more than pleasantly surprised and of course attribute it to answered prayer.  The steroids have been increased due to some more pressure in the brain.  This is not necessarily a negative as the chemo has probably aggravated the tumors.  Steroids can have numerous effects on people, the one
focusing in on Christopher---extreme emotional fluctuations.  One minute he's laughing, the next crying.  This is unnerving for someone as steady as him.  I'm trying to keep my funnies limited as it can start the roller coaster.  I've told him with the water weight gain and the mood swings he can better appreciate his mother and other PMS women.  That got me one of his winning smiles.:)  This would be the next prayer focus as it's hard to be around
anyone when you feel so out of control.  It's especially hard to be around friends his age
which he needs the support from.  
He also started radiation treatments early.  He's had two so far and that seems to be going well.  All the people at the hospital are friendly and very professional.  Of course with me in tow checking on everything they know they better give him their best!
I am working on the schedule for the radiation treatments.  They will be daily at 1:15 p.m.
at Hershey Med. for the next 5 weeks to start.  The first 12 will be total brain and then they will work on some specific tumors.
He has also started some physical therapy to his right hand.  It is difficult to do as his hand tires so easily and he wants to do it perfect the first time.  Pray that he will have no permanent damage to his hand.
So now it's back to normal.  Ha. ha.  Christopher will probably get very tired over the next 2 weeks due to low blood counts.  While he is convalescing at home, I will try to attend to
the rest of the family.  Keep praying for all of us and thanks for all your love and support.
DOCTORS ORDERS:  Please do not come to see Chris if you have any type of illness (even a little cold or sore throat.)  Also if you have been in contact with any type of chicken pox, mumps or other contagious diseases.  
Also please call ahead.  We love company but sometimes Chris is just not up for visitors.
This goes for when we are at the hospital also.  He slept through a bunch of friends the other day.  (Sorry, at this point naps are essential to good health!)

It is not on our own that we can live above the circumstances.  It is because
"We can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us."
In His Steps,  Chris, Maryann and family

Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by Charlie on Sep 21st, 2003, 3:49am
Some good news anyway.

Know that we're all pulling for him.

You're all doing a great job and you have more vibes than you know.


Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by katethecelt on Sep 21st, 2003, 6:07pm

I've added the suggestions for extra prayers to my daily prayer list.   Thank you for the updates & his address.  You are a very special lady.

Hugs, Kate

Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by jonny on Sep 21st, 2003, 6:19pm
Just wrote down the addy, super duper clusterbud card going out tommorrow morning


Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by surfshi on Sep 21st, 2003, 11:03pm
PSALMS 34,15

Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by ClusterChuck on Sep 23rd, 2003, 4:07pm
Darn that bump in the road, but wanted to make sure everyone who wants to gets Christopher's address to mail him a card.


Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by goaway on Sep 23rd, 2003, 7:31pm
Hey Chuck:

What bump?

Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by CathiP on Sep 23rd, 2003, 8:28pm
Christopher and family...people all over the world are thinking of you, following your progress and praying for return to health.
You are (from what your Aunt Nan tells me) an intelligent, resilient young man with an amazing supply of humor, faith and spirit.
I look forward to meeting you one day, and shaking the hand of such an incredible young man.
Be well,Chris

Sign me, just another fan,

Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by jonny on Sep 23rd, 2003, 8:31pm
Got my card in the truck...going out tommorrow...I know I said I would do it earlier.....sue me ;D


Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by goaway on Sep 23rd, 2003, 10:47pm
Finally got my card tonight!  Hope I don't hit any bumps in the road on the way to mail it. ;)

Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by goaway on Sep 24th, 2003, 1:54pm


Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by OneEyeBlind on Sep 25th, 2003, 7:31am
Thanks for the cards and the bumps and especially the prayers.  Seems like something is working !!!  Here's another update from my sister.  We are all smiling lately !!!!!!

Dear Family and Friends,
Praise God for answered prayer!!!!  Christopher is home 5 days now and is doing great!  His hand is "90%" better and he is thrilled!  He can type on IM to his friends which is a great blessing.  The steroids have run their course and seem to have settled down.  No more mood swings or uncontrollable laughing and crying.  In fact his radiation doctor backed him off his dosage and will continue to do so over the next week.  He is almost back to normal weight and can get his prosthetic back on! (That was a problem with all the water weight gain in the hospital) The normal pattern for someone getting chemo is that a week to ten days after the treatment your "counts" (that is red and white blood cell count) bottoms out.  This means extreme fatigue and susceptibility to infection.  Pray that Christopher will not pick up any germs at this time as it could put him back in the hospital.  (Katie is getting a cold so she's banished to her room with orange juice!) Christopher's eyes have been a little blurry at times and get very tired when he uses them.  This can be frustrating as reading and the computer are two non strenuous activities he enjoys.  Christopher has asked for prayer that he would be able to sleep well at night.  Since the steroids keep him up all day, even when he's exhausted, a good night's sleep is essential. Other than being "really tired" Christopher's spirits continue to be up.  He challenges all of us to put away petty bickering, complaining and negative attitudes as he displays such grace.  I am enjoying all the time I spend with my son.  He travels to Hershey each day for radiation treatments at 1:15.  Friends are sharing the load of driving and getting a chance to spend some time with Christopher.

We continue to be blessed by all the love we are being shown.

Romans 8:35-39  Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?  Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?  As it is written: "For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered."  No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.  For I am convinced that neither angels nor demon, neither the powers present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

In His Steps,  Chris, Maryann and family

Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by Miss_Deleny on Sep 25th, 2003, 7:45am
I'm sorry, I just got his address just now .. I will be getting our (mine and Christopher, Prense's) card in the mail tomorrow. Thank you for keeping us updated on how he is doing. He is still in my prayers and will continue to be until we are informed of total recovery!


Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by Turts on Sep 25th, 2003, 7:56am
sending out good vibes on behalf of all the aussie clusterbuds.

Sending cards via messenger pigeons.

Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by cathy on Sep 25th, 2003, 2:07pm
Hey Nan, tell Chris he has ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzz from across the pond!!!

Cathy  :)

Title: Re: A thanks and a note from Christopher's mom
Post by goaway on Sep 27th, 2003, 8:45am
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