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(Message started by: Carl_D on Sep 7th, 2003, 3:47am)

Title: Ready to break!!!! Venting and STRESSED!!!!!!!!!!
Post by Carl_D on Sep 7th, 2003, 3:47am
Is there any rule of thumb that says the harder you try the greater you fail?
We went to City Limits tonight... 4 bucks a head and 6 of us..... shit!
Never met up with Greg, we left with Mike assuring me that we'll get this set up, even if it is not when I want it.
I know a few people want to make the trek here, and I keep telling these guys I need SOLID information on this event so people can make plans.
You know what sucks worse than working? Working your ass off without a paycheck!
Been working with this band several months, and trying to pull things together. We have a happening thing going, but no one pays you to rehearse, write, work, beat your brains out with a collective, no one can imagine.
Being a musician SUCKS!!!! Sure people think you are cool, but no one knows the work behind it.
Been in a level 1 or 2 for a couple of hours... again, once more afraid to fall asleep, but it is near.
I wanted my next post to be a date, time and etc. as to OUCHFest, but for a few more days, things are up in the air.
I argued with Mike for awhile tonight that time is of the essence, as some people are planning to attend this event. Long story short, I am broken.

MY HEAD HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tired of thinking and wracking my brain. for 5 days i have had 2 1/2 hours sleep. I AM BROKEN!!!!!

Only highlight here is that I confirmed PowerTrip as the headliner for OUCHFest, and at Wicks in Alton tonight, they pulled me onstage to do Eulogy from TOOL and Everything about You from Ugly Kid Joe.... I LIVE TO BE ONSTAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Period!!!!!!!!!!! Erice gave me kudos for the screams. Made my weekend.
Those guys are awesome, and getting up there with Eric was a privelidge. I loved it! As a musician, I live for music. Some musicians merely play music. I eat, breath, sleep, eat and dream music. It is my life.

Everybody is passed out except for me - the brain that WON'T shut off. It is my nature to worry, and right now I am worrying myself chinese about making OUCHFEST a reality. One way or another IT WILL happen.
Now, I have to try and sleep. I am dragging. Have had 2 1/2 hours sleep since 5pm Wednesday, and I know the consequences once I hit the pillow. I know one thing: I am damned tonight. My stress level is very high, as I have failed in many things, and OUCHFest HAS to happen. It is a monkey on my back.
I am shadowing so heavy, I know I will wake up with a 10 (or as Nigel Tufnel of SPINAL TAP says, these go to 11!) Not something I am proud of, but going to beat my head into a pillow and cry for awhile til I wake up with something REALLY to cry about.


Title: Re: Ready to break!!!! Venting and STRESSED!!!!!!!
Post by jonny on Sep 7th, 2003, 4:02am

on 09/07/03 at 03:47:32, Carl_D wrote:
You know what sucks worse than working? Working your ass off without a paycheck!

HEY!, thats my life your talking about ;D

Give it a rest Carl....OUCHfest will happen when the time is right.


Title: Re: Ready to break!!!! Venting and STRESSED!!!!!!!
Post by BarbaraD on Sep 7th, 2003, 4:42am
Guess misery loves company. Went to bed late and woke up at 2:30 with some bad shadows at about a 4 - nothing to write home about - live with that one, but had to get up anyhow. Same thing yesterday morning. This NO SLEEP thingy is for the birds.

Got a property dispute going on at my place. HAve an auction house next door and they've been using my parkin lot for their auctions. Two weeks ago a drunk from their auction ran over one of my signs and broke it. I called them and "thought" they'd take care of it (they don't even pay rent for my parking lot and have been using it for about 6 years). They haven't even bothered to say "I'm sorry". SO, I sent them a letter and told them they couldn't use my parking lot any more. WELL... now we've got world war III going on.

They used my parking lot last week without permission and when I called the police I was informed that they couldn't do anything because it was private property. So I called the mayor (a classmate) and NOW we're doing something. My attorney told me what kind of signs to post (also put wire across the entrances) and it seems they have some "serious" code violations that are being addressed. The nice city inspector sent them a certified letter telling them they had 10 days to clear up the violations or they start getting fined $2000 a day. Then the fire chief called me (he's an old friend) and said he didn't think the fire marshall had been out to inspect in a couple of years.

I'm such a BITCH when I'm shadowing and someone messes with me. But this morning when it gets light I've got to go take down the wire around my parking lot. FUn time..... Give me something to do to work off this HA. I'm too antsy to go to the office and do any "detail" work. Guess I'll spend the day on "manual" labor chores today.

Carl, hope you beat the beast and get a few hours sleep. OUCHfest will work out.  Hugs  BD

Title: Re: Ready to break!!!! Venting and STRESSED!!!!!!!
Post by taraann on Sep 7th, 2003, 7:12am
Hey Carl_d....vent vent vent away But Hang in there things WILL eventually get better!  As for ouchfest...what jonny said "it'll happen when the time is right"!

And BarbaraD YOU GO GIRL ;D Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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