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(Message started by: snyder on Dec 20th, 2005, 5:30pm)

Title: A drug called Lyrica.
Post by snyder on Dec 20th, 2005, 5:30pm
I just talked to my Neuro. I called to renew my scrip for Zomig. She wants me to start on a drug she says is new called Lyrica. She says it is supposedly a super-Neurontin.

Anyone here have experience or anything to share about Lyrica?


Title: Re: A drug called Lyrica.
Post by MJ on Dec 20th, 2005, 6:11pm
Dont know about super neurontin but it is being used to substitute for neurontin (Gabapentin) supposed to have less of an effect on moods and the depression sometimes associated with neurontin.

My wife just started on it 2 weeks ago as neurontin substitute for nerve pain. Seems to be a difference that way. Says it doesnt seem to work any different otherwise.

Title: Re: A drug called Lyrica.
Post by catlind on Dec 20th, 2005, 6:32pm
Pregabalin is the drug.  Pfizer at one time, prior to the drugs release,  was interested in doing a study with ch sufferers to evaluate it's potential as a CH preventative.  We talked at length with the rep and the docs and apparently the mode of action affects the receptors dealing with the hypothalamus and seratonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine agonists.

Not sure if it is any good for CH or not, but at the time, (Jan 04) Pfizer was keenly interested in it's potential as a preventative for migraine and CH.


Title: Re: A drug called Lyrica.
Post by snyder on Dec 20th, 2005, 6:37pm
" Not sure if it is any good for CH or not, but at the time, (Jan 04) Pfizer was keenly interested in it's potential as a preventative for migraine and CH."

Ah-hah! Thanks Cat, now I have something to go with. I can s\do some research based on this tidbit. Perhaps I can find something before I pick up the Lyrica in the morning so I have some more information about what I might swallow.

This message board is a gob-send!

Title: Re: A drug called Lyrica.
Post by bejeeber on Jan 27th, 2007, 8:45pm
My wife was prescribed it for nerve pain and it did work for awhile, but after several months she went thru horrible withdrawals when she tried to go off, then bad mood swings after upping the dose back up. I think she found online that others were starting to report the same thing.

disclaimer: My wife is WAY more sensitive to drugs and everything else than the average individual. I probably would still go ahead and try Lyrica myself if I thought it would help with a CH cycle....

Title: Re: A drug called Lyrica.
Post by Red_Eye on Mar 26th, 2007, 2:54pm

I was prescribed Lyrica last September, since cannot take imigran. lyrica was quite a strong med, made me very very dizzy, almost didn't make it to my work the next day as was so dazed after the first dose. I recommend you start Lyrica on weekend if you have regular schedule during the week or if already feeling weakish due to verapamil ( i was also on verapamil while taking lyrica). As for the long term effect, it didn't work for me as a preventive. Got very dizzy, thats all  :P. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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