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(Message started by: marlinsfan on Aug 23rd, 2005, 1:22pm)

Title: CH Gene found in Italy?!?
Post by marlinsfan on Aug 23rd, 2005, 1:22pm
So, once in a while I go to the Italian OUCH web site to see how things are going on that side of the planet. Their web site is:

In one of the forums today I see an article published by La Stampa, a recognized magazine, which states that Dr. Lorenzo Pinessi, director of the Neurology Dept of teh Headache Center of Molinette, discovered that the gene that causes CH is one called Hcrtr2. Here is a link for those who read italian:

Link to thread:;action=display;threadid=2181

Link to the actual article:

It also states that this has been published in the US magazine called Neurology.

Has anyone heard of this news?

Title: Re: CH Gene found in Italy?!?
Post by E-Double on Aug 23rd, 2005, 1:39pm
Here are a bunch of sites.

Here is the actual "Neurology" mention:

Title: Re: CH Gene found in Italy?!?
Post by floridian on Aug 23rd, 2005, 2:03pm

on 08/23/05 at 13:22:24, marlinsfan wrote:
... which states that Dr. Lorenzo Pinessi, director of the Neurology Dept of teh Headache Center of Molinette, discovered that the gene that causes CH is one called Hcrtr2.

Hcrtr2 is not THE gene that causes CH, it is one gene that increases the risk. It is possible to have CH without that gene, and not everyone with that gene gets CH. But it is good to know which genes are linked to increased risk, because that helps us figure out the puzzle.

Title: Re: CH Gene found in Italy?!?
Post by AussieBrian on Aug 23rd, 2005, 4:49pm
Australian scientiests this week found the gene involved in migraine. They expect to know much more about it within a year or so and suggest it may well even lead to a 'cure' within five years.

Title: Re: CH Gene found in Italy?!?
Post by Frank_W on Aug 24th, 2005, 7:19am

on 08/23/05 at 16:49:04, AussieBrian wrote:
Australian scientiests this week found the gene involved in migraine. They expect to know much more about it within a year or so and suggest it may well even lead to a 'cure' within five years.

This is exciting news... :)

Title: Re: CH Gene found in Italy?!?
Post by Sandy_C on Aug 24th, 2005, 7:33am
This is exciting news!  Wouldn't it be wonderful if medical science could prove this, and somehow find a way to eliminate the gene, or neutralize it.  I'm gonna send prayers and vibes to those docs!!!!


Title: Re: CH Gene found in Italy?!?
Post by rextangle on Aug 24th, 2005, 1:14pm
Fuckin' find the fuckin' cure already, cause I'm fuckin tired of that fuckin shit ruining my fuckin nights and fuckin shit! >:(

Title: Re: CH Gene found in Italy?!?
Post by nani on Aug 24th, 2005, 3:17pm

on 08/24/05 at 13:14:12, rextangle wrote:
Fuckin' find the fuckin' cure already, cause I'm fuckin tired of that fuckin shit ruining my fuckin nights and fuckin shit! >:(

:'(    [smiley=hug.gif]

Perhaps it's time for another trip to the post office?   ;)  :-*  hugs to you, honey, nani

Title: Re: CH Gene found in Italy?!?
Post by seasonalboomer on Aug 24th, 2005, 3:25pm

on 08/24/05 at 13:14:12, rextangle wrote:
Fuckin' find the fuckin' cure already, cause I'm fuckin tired of that fuckin shit ruining my fuckin nights and fuckin shit! >:(

We'll forward your request to the medical community and see how they respond. I thought the limit was 4 F-bombs per sentence, but you've clearly raised the bar to 6, even punctuating the last one with the exclamation point. Wording it the way you have I'm certain the medical community will understand in a more clear fashion why they should get on with finding a "cure" for us.


Title: Re: CH Gene found in Italy?!?
Post by marlinsfan on Aug 24th, 2005, 3:53pm

on 08/24/05 at 13:14:12, rextangle wrote:
Fuckin' find the fuckin' cure already, cause I'm fuckin tired of that fuckin shit ruining my fuckin nights and fuckin shit! >:(

I will translate this to Italian and post it over there ;;D

Title: Re: CH Gene found in Italy?!?
Post by Frank_W on Aug 24th, 2005, 4:11pm
Who is this "Gene" and where does he live? I want to kick him in the yambag about a hundred times!  >:( [smiley=mad.gif]

Or maybe I'll buy him a shiny new bicycle!;action=display;num=1124917423

Title: Re: CH Gene found in Italy?!?
Post by don on Aug 25th, 2005, 7:51am

CH Gene found in Italy?!?

So thats where the little bastard has been hiding.

Lucky you Italians dont have oil reserves or we would bomb your country.

For a noble cause of course.

Title: Re: CH Gene found in Italy?!?
Post by brainfreeze on Aug 25th, 2005, 3:52pm

on 08/24/05 at 13:14:12, rextangle wrote:
Fuckin' find the fuckin' cure already, cause I'm fuckin tired of that fuckin shit ruining my fuckin nights and fuckin shit! >:(

I know where you are at,  Rex.   I feel putout with it all too.  Hang in there buddy.  Rest easy,  we're here for you.

Title: Re: CH Gene found in Italy?!?
Post by don on Aug 26th, 2005, 4:29am
CH Gene
If you spot him, whack him with a canolli.

Title: Re: CH Gene found in Italy?!?
Post by rextangle on Aug 26th, 2005, 11:39am
Scott... LMAO!

I apologize for my regular punkrock moments...
When my head is sore I have a very short fuse and go in my "fuckin" rampage... or occasionally blame the F***ing Post Office for all the miseries of the world....

But if the medical community is interested in my reaction, let them read the fucking post already!!! ;)

I like the Italian name for CH... Cefalea a Grappolo!!!

I'm gonna start telling people that I have Cefalea a Grappolo instead of Cluster Headaches...

Gimme Cappuccino and Cefalea a Grappolo!!!!  ;;D

Title: Re: CH Gene found in Italy?!?
Post by seasonalboomer on Aug 26th, 2005, 11:52am

on 08/26/05 at 11:39:14, rextangle wrote:
I like the Italian name for CH... Cefalea a Grappolo!!!

I'm gonna start telling people that I have Cefalea a Grappolo instead of Cluster Headaches... ;;D

I like that too. It needs a short pause after it is spoken, a shifting of the eyes to the left and right and an organ chord played like in the silent films.

"What is it?"
"It's the Cefalea a Grappolo (pause - look right and left - organ chord)"
"No (arm to forehead, head backward), not that (faints  at the news)"

I like it very much -- what's the proper pronunciation -- anyone know Italebonics that can help?

Title: Re: CH Gene found in Italy?!?
Post by rextangle on Aug 26th, 2005, 12:01pm
You're too funny man!!!! LOL ;;D

Or you can do the french version...

Hold a glass of red wine and a Gitane cigarette and say (with strong french accent):

- Non! it iz ze algie vasculaire de la face bourgeois yankee bastard!

Title: Re: CH Gene found in Italy?!?
Post by Frank_W on Aug 26th, 2005, 12:11pm
LMAO, Rex!

Vowels in Italian are the same as in Spanish.

a - Like the first "o" in octopus
i - Like "i" in "onion"
u - Like the "u" in "tube"
e - Like the "a" sound in "bay"
o - Like the "o" in "row"

(edited for clarification)

Title: Re: CH Gene found in Italy?!?
Post by BobG on Aug 26th, 2005, 1:30pm

on 08/26/05 at 12:11:36, Frank_W wrote:
LMAO, Rex!

Vowels in Italian are the same as in Spanish.

a - Like the "o" in octopus
i - Like "i" in "onion"
u - Like the "u" in "tube"
e - Like the "a" sound in "bay"
o - Like the "o" in "row"

Dang! That language is worse than English. Sure glad I was born speaking American.

Title: Re: CH Gene found in Italy?!?
Post by marlinsfan on Aug 26th, 2005, 5:46pm

on 08/26/05 at 11:52:50, seasonalboomer wrote:
I like it very much -- what's the proper pronunciation -- anyone know Italebonics that can help?

chef-A-lea a gra-PPO-lo

that looks funny. Cefalea is pronounced like CHEF l(ike the cook), but with a strong C, then accent on the A, then soft lea " chef-A-lea". Then Grappolo is with a accent on the PPO, with exageration on the P, that' why it's 2 ps.

I'm confusing everyone. Must be the 30 hours without power after hurricane Katrina that has my brain fried. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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