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(Message started by: tommyD on Aug 14th, 2005, 6:40am)

Title: Four years of shroom success
Post by tommyD on Aug 14th, 2005, 6:40am
Well, about a month or so ago, the long, slow ramp-up was ramping up pretty good, so after a  couple K5’s, I again tried very small doses of friendly fungi. But I made the tea while under the influence of a K4 and got it in my head to sip from the first steep. Turned out, that was a very strong  couple ounces of tea, and I had a not-unpleasnt little experience - about equivalent to a couple of beers.

This knocked the beast back, but still having a few shadows and the occasional K4, I did a few daily very-small doses. But I got impatient, and decided to use the old-school  “half-recreational-dose-on-the-weekend” method.  

Had a couple more two-beer trips (not really trips - just some grinning and giggling), and I’m pretty much ready to declare victory. All that’s left are a few K1 shadows, and an occasional brief idiosyncratic phantom attack I call the “itchy eye.”

Digression - the itchy eye: eye red, nasal congestion and discharge, but instead of pain, an itching sensation in the inside corner of the eye. They usually show up in the cycle before the attacks start or after they end. The itchy eye can be intense (I mean CLUSTER itchy) and last an hour or more, but now they are mild and last maybe five to ten mnutes.  Oddly enough, the shadows and itchy eye hit on the left this time, while the attacks come on the right.

Anyway, this makes the fourth year of success using psilocybin mushrooms to treat clusters. I’ve done four treatment sequences:

Summer-Fall 2001 - Six mild recreational doses in groups of two every two months or so. Pain free (except for mild shadows) for two years.

February 04  - Daily very-small, sub-hallucinogenic doses, one week on, one week off, one week on, ending wiith a larger dose - call it a one-beer trip.  About ten months PF.

Dec. - Jan. 2004/05  - Daily very-small doses for about ten days. Slow fade of mild attacks and shadows over next three weeks to PF. About five months PF.

July 05 - Basically, a two-beer dose, another a week later and a third two weeks after the second.

Notice, I am getting less PF time after each treatment sequence, but also notice trip levels are lower (zero instead of one) and the total amount taken is less. This last treatment I upped the individual and total dosage again. We’ll see how long it lasts.


Title: Re: Four years of shroom success
Post by clarence on Aug 14th, 2005, 7:47am
congrats man!  That sounds great.

Thanks for the update.  May your PF time continue!


Title: Re: Four years of shroom success
Post by E-Double on Aug 14th, 2005, 8:46am
That's Aweseom Tommy!!!!!!!!!!

Continued success!

Title: Re: Four years of shroom success
Post by lionsound on Aug 14th, 2005, 9:12am
Thanks for telling us about it.

Wonderful to hear!:)


Title: Re: Four years of shroom success
Post by nani on Aug 14th, 2005, 10:44am

Man... I love success stories! That's great Tommy!
I hope to be posting something similar in 4 years.  ;)

hugs, nani

Title: Re: Four years of shroom success
Post by rextangle on Aug 14th, 2005, 1:17pm
Great news Tommy... really happy for you!

Made me laugh with "Had a couple more two-beer trips" and "I mean CLUSTER itchy" ;;D

Title: Re: Four years of shroom success
Post by Flounder on Aug 14th, 2005, 1:29pm

Congrats Tommy!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Four years of shroom success
Post by Sandy_C on Aug 14th, 2005, 3:12pm

Cool Tommy!  Keep it up.  More PF time for you!   :)

Title: Re: Four years of shroom success
Post by SteCo on Aug 15th, 2005, 4:09pm

Notice, I am getting less PF time after each treatment sequence, but also notice trip levels are lower (zero instead of one) and the total amount taken is less. This last treatment I upped the individual and total dosage again. We’ll see how long it lasts.

Good catch on your observations. Could very well be something to this. Happy to hear about your continued success!!!


Title: Re: Four years of shroom success
Post by vig on Aug 15th, 2005, 6:12pm
fantastic Tommy!

Title: Re: Four years of shroom success
Post by Carl_D on Aug 16th, 2005, 2:58am
Kickass bro! Glad the fungi works well with kicking the beasts ass. Hope it continues.

Carl D

Title: Re: Four years of shroom success
Post by birdman on Aug 16th, 2005, 9:45am
Congrats Tommy.  You are officially the straw that broke my back.  I am giving in and gonna try this approach with my next cycle.  Gonna start preparing soon.  

Title: Re: Four years of shroom success
Post by tommyD on Aug 17th, 2005, 6:28am
Thanks for all your thoughts.

I can’t imagine what it would be like had I come down with this disease before this web site exsted. ... My good fortune amazes me...this disease came on at a relatively late age  - I was 48 when the Beast first visited. It is as if the Beast waited until the Internet was flourishng  and DJ had this site up and running and Flash had announced the strange new treatment he found.... so that when the doc told me “you have migraines” I was able to look it up on the Internet, and I found this site and others which made it clear what I had was not migraine at all...

So some day maybe I will write up my story for Reader’s Digest or some supermarket checkout  magazine and I’ll gve it a hoaky title - “Miracle of the Shrooms; How Magic Mushrooms and the Internet Saved Me From a World of Pain.”

So I appreciate the congratulations, but congratulate instead the pioneers who made this possible .

All my thanks go to DJ, Flash, Pink Floyd, Pink Shark, and everyone else battling the Beast and helping other get pain free.


Title: Re: Four years of shroom success
Post by rextangle on Aug 17th, 2005, 1:15pm
Well said Tommy! Cheers to all pioneers and endless PF time to you! [smiley=thumb.gif]

Title: Re: Four years of shroom success
Post by LeeS on Aug 18th, 2005, 9:04am
Great stuff Tommy.  Keep updating the history files (so useful), and keep battling.


Title: Re: Four years of shroom success
Post by Roxy on Aug 20th, 2005, 12:04am
Congrats!!  That is awesome news.  Very happy it's working for you.....may it continue indefinately.


Title: Re: Four years of shroom success
Post by Chillrmn1 on Aug 20th, 2005, 8:57am
Yes, very well said Tommy! Great to read success stories such as yours.

Title: Re: Four years of shroom success
Post by Beastfodder on Aug 23rd, 2005, 9:50am
Tommy - fantastic news all round. Not only are you breaking the beast but also the fear surrounding the alternative therapies that seem to work so well for us, well me at least.

Ironic now I've found a cure for CH that the UK Government has acted to try and put it out of our reach.  

I spoke to a retailer in the UK who sold all this head shop paraphenalia (when it was legal) who couldn't work out why they kept getting middle aged respectable women buying Colombian strain cubensis mushrooms.

You got to feel sorry for these people now if the cure worked.

Title: Re: Four years of shroom success
Post by brainfreeze on Aug 26th, 2005, 12:49pm
Thanks for the exciting news and the details.  It sounds like a wonder-shroom.  If I were chronic,  I'd definitely consider it.  Hell in the middle of a cycle,  I'd consider it :)

I'm on day 16 of painfree.  Cycle over..  whoopee!!!!

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