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(Message started by: StressFree on Jun 26th, 2005, 2:48am)

Title: Sharing potential causes of CH
Post by StressFree on Jun 26th, 2005, 2:48am
Some issues from my childhood/teen years that may have caused CH to begin in mid-teens:

-Attacked by bees, stung all over head in hair
-Drug abuse, all kinds - smoking, tripping, you name it
-Allergies-none while young, severe 'hay fever' in desert as an adult. No hay fever in spring time, only if CH cycle arrives instead.
-Tempromandibular Joint problem? I always thought this was a miss diagnosis, but I wonder if it plays a role.
-Popping neck constantly-seems to make an attack worse (if that's possible?) Also broken nose cartellage and habit of crunching/popping nose side to side

Please post reply if any of these things apply to you, and by chance have aggrivated or caused CH's.
Thanks, Rich

Title: Re: Sharing potential causes of CH
Post by nani on Jun 26th, 2005, 3:28am
Hi Rich, I'm sure some of us share some of those experiences with you. I doubt they are the cause of CH. I think, overall, the trait that all of us share is a messed up hypothalmus. Take a look at these links, maybe you'll get a better "big picture". Pain free wishes, nani

Title: Re: Sharing potential causes of CH
Post by burnt-toast on Jun 26th, 2005, 8:31am
I've often wondered about head injuries.  In High School I was flipped in the air and landed on my head just in front of my right ear.  Knocked me unconcious for two days.  I get em' on the right side.  I suppose this type of injury could slightly bung up ones hypothalamus resulting latent CH.  Anyone else experience similar events?



Title: Re: Sharing potential causes of CH
Post by E-Double on Jun 26th, 2005, 8:54am
None of those things caused the CH.
Research being conducted shows that there is a difference in the hypothalmus of CHers compared to non CHers and that activity is present when it might not be with someone who doesn't have it.

The things mentioned may have had something to do with your CH coming on a bit earlier then some or not.

Whether there are more of us out there because CH remains un/misdiagnosed remains to be seen yet it still remains one of the rarest HA's.

I have engaged in or encountered many of the "things" you mention yet I do not know if they played a role.

It most certainly isn't a cause in my opinion or the millions of people who have had the above mentioned might also have CH.

Good question.


Title: Re: Sharing potential causes of CH
Post by BobG on Jun 26th, 2005, 2:49pm

on 06/26/05 at 02:48:39, StressFree wrote:
-Attacked by bees,  Nope
-Drug abuse, Nope
-Tempromandibular Joint problem? Nope
-Popping neck constantly- Nope

Broken hypothalmus - Yep

Title: Re: Sharing potential causes of CH
Post by Marc on Jun 26th, 2005, 7:08pm

Attacked by bees,  Nope
-Drug abuse, Nope
-Tempromandibular Joint problem? Nope
-Popping neck constantly- Nope

Broken hypothalmus - Yep

Ditto here too.

Hey Bob, headed for Vegas tonight?


Title: Re: Sharing potential causes of CH
Post by bnfreeman on Jun 26th, 2005, 7:15pm
Did many different drugs. Favorite being ecstasy and speed, which messes with alot of the chemicals in the brain. I often have wondered if I was being punished for that. I have some TMJ from grinding my teeth at night. And I busted the back of my head open on the diving board when I was in 4th grade. Hard enough to knock me out. (And my mom said I was dropped once as a baby ;)) No allergies though.  But the doc said that these weren't the cause. Go figure.

Best wishes,

Title: Re: Sharing potential causes of CH
Post by StressFree on Jun 27th, 2005, 2:15am
Interesting about head injuries. I hit the back of a camper on my  10 speed going very fast. It didn't move much. I think I was already getting the temple burning cluster headaches at the time though. I was chronic for 5 or 6 years. They got progressively worse until KIP 10's as a young adult. Smoked a lot back then. Also had taken anti-seizure meds for a few years due to petit mal seizures while fairly young (9 to 11 years old). Stayed up days at a time without sleep in early teen years while abusing speed among other things. Hard to tell if some or all of this my have helped cause the "broken hypothalamus" in my case. I sure wish they could fix it!

Title: Re: Sharing potential causes of CH
Post by birdman on Jun 27th, 2005, 10:33am
When i was a teenager got a bad concussion and headaches started about a year later.  I was misdiagnosed for ten years as migraine, they told me it might be because of the accident.  Turns out not to be clusters, after realizing my nuero was a quack.  He doesn't think it is related to the accident though.

Title: Re: Sharing potential causes of CH
Post by burnt-toast on Jun 27th, 2005, 12:54pm

on 06/27/05 at 02:15:20, StressFree wrote:
. Hard to tell if some or all of this my have helped cause the "broken hypothalamus" in my case. I sure wish they could fix it!


Title: Re: Sharing potential causes of CH
Post by marlinsfan on Jun 28th, 2005, 8:06am
2 ski-related concussions same winter before my first headache: one I was buckling my boot on the side of the hill when an idiot out of control connected his knee to my right temple. 2 months later, same winter, hit a tree head first, though middle of the head, not right side. Ended up in the hospital both times.

Headaches started after that, all on the right side. All other questions, my answer is nope, except the broken hypothalamus, I'm also yes.  ;;D


Title: Re: Sharing potential causes of CH
Post by jcmquix on Jun 28th, 2005, 6:10pm
I have had these headaches (CH) ever since I was a teen, I did alot of the similiar things mentioned here also. I raced BMX & Motocross, took many a hard falls on the head, never seemed to change the CH cycle though..

But before I was DX with CH about 3 years ago, my Dentist said he could get rid of my HA, he pulled all my Molar/Wisdom teeth (uppers & lowers) well I still had the HA (CH).

The he told me I had the TMJ thingy (Bi-Laterial), so he said I need the surgery, So I had Bi-laterial TMJ surgery.
It did not get rid of the HA (CH), He called about a year ago and told me I needed another surgery, I informed him I was DX with CH, guess what, I have not heard from him since.

Relly ck all options before you do any TMJ surgery, they told me I would only be down a couple of weeks after the surgery. Well turns out they had me under almost 13hrs and I was almost a year before I could eat solid food again.

I even got a second opion from a different Dentist, all I am saying is BEWARE the TMJ thingy is still pretty popular with the Dentist, mine cost almost $60,000 + Therapy.

PFDAN to ALL !!!

Title: Re: Sharing potential causes of CH
Post by StressFree on Jun 30th, 2005, 11:36am
Terribly sorry to hear of your experiences with the unsuccessful surgery. Thanks for sharing that with us. I was chronic from around 15 years old until about 21. I had wisdom teeth pulled, eyes checked, was told it was allergies, then diagnosed with TMJ by a childrens specialist. He should have given a correct diagnosis. I had mild electric shock stimulation from an orthodontist who was basically experimenting with me, then a mouth piece made from a different dentist. I even tried the chiropracter for a while. Some of this seemed to help for a few days or even a week at a time, but later I realized it was the muscle relaxents they had prescribed that was helping some - probably more than any of the actual treatments. Never had the surgery, thank goodness. Best of luck to you, and many pain free years. They say that often Cluster Headaches go away later in life, just as mysteriously as they arrived. Not sure how often this is the case, but I hope it's true. Rich

Title: Re: Sharing potential causes of CH
Post by hdbngr on Jul 6th, 2005, 4:53pm
I had a minor car accident in 1997 where the air bag deployed and smacked the heck out of the left side of my head, which is the same side my headaches occur on. If you have never had an airbag experience before, those suckers hurt when they deploy!

Anyway, headaches started about two weeks later, Some Docs say it was the accident, others say it would have happened anyway. Been a fair amount of discussion on the relationship between head injuries.

I didn't experiement with any strange substances but have seen from the site that the neck popping and the teeth grinding seem to go hand in hand with CH. It's all chicken or the egg theories on which one came first though.

Title: Re: Sharing potential causes of CH
Post by vig on Jul 6th, 2005, 5:05pm
'No' on the neck-popping, TMJ, Bee stings, drug abuse, and teeth grinding.

'Yes' on a couple of head injuries, allergies, Shingles, stress, and excessive sleep deprivation.

Title: Re: Sharing potential causes of CH
Post by Sandy_C on Jul 6th, 2005, 5:14pm

on 06/30/05 at 11:36:18, StressFree wrote:
 They say that often Cluster Headaches go away later in life, just as mysteriously as they arrived. Not sure how often this is the case, but I hope it's true. Rich

Later in life????  My first Ch cycle began in 1999 - I was 53 years old at the time.  I won't HAVE a later in life to look forward to PF days.  

Title: Re: Sharing potential causes of CH
Post by Pinkfloyd on Jul 6th, 2005, 5:33pm

on 07/06/05 at 17:14:39, Sandy_C wrote:
Later in life????  My first Ch cycle began in 1999 - I was 53 years old at the time.  I won't HAVE a later in life to look forward to PF days.  

It all depends on how you look at it.

You could look at it and rejoice that you didn't spend 1970-1999 banging you head against the wall when clusters were much less understood and there were many fewer treatment options.
Many people watch their children grow from infants to adults, watching through tearing eyes and oxygen masks.
Not to minimize or make light of your situation, after all, I too have clusters, and whenever in life you become a member of this club, it sucks. It's just important to always try to find something good to hold onto with a chronic pain condition.

Glass half full?
Glass half empty?
Glass just too damn big?  ;)

good luck. Hang in there. I don't think there is any evidence that people that get them later in life grow out of them any later in life than those that began earlier. Hopefully you'll be free of them soon.


Title: Re: Sharing potential causes of CH
Post by mcf69 on Jul 7th, 2005, 12:23am
I personally don't think any specific event/events can bring about CH on their own, most credible research points to structural problems with the hypothalmus as the casue of CH.  It is an interesting link with head injuries and CH though, about 3 months before I started with CH's I was hit by an axe in a burning building which was dropped through the sheetrock on the ceiling by guys ventilating the roof, giving me a serious concussion and bad case of smoke inhalation from having my air mask knoked off, had CH's ever since.

Title: Re: Sharing potential causes of CH
Post by Topical on Jul 7th, 2005, 2:58am
-Eposodic CH once per year lasting approx. 2 months. Typically in the summer/fall. Starting at age 26.
-Cigarette smoker
-Heavy caffiene consumption
-No desire for alcohol(bad hangovers)
-Pain on left side, one inch diagnally up from the eye.
-Left side of brain is slightly smaller than right side. (MRI)
-Epilepsy onset at age 28.
-Always preferred to stay up late/get up late.
-No asthma, hayfever, or allergies other than FAB detergent.
-Always lived in a dry climate. Hate humidity.

-Kicked on the head at age 5 from a child on a swing. (This is exactly where my CH pain is located.)
-Hit on the head from a big tree branch on the side opposite of where my CH is located at age 10 while horseback riding.
-Drugs(multiple types but no ecstasy, heroin).
-Fire in house at age 16. Massive smoke inhalation but no loss of consciousness.

CH has been around for a long time. This would eliminate many modern items. Smoking, many drugs, burning plastic, etc.  

I have no idea if the hypothalamus is the cause but the timing of eposodic clusters points to some interaction involving it. Why do I get them every other day? What makes it go away for a day? Why do children and teens get them? The timing of the hypothalamus is very odd, unless the earth once rotated every two days. There has to be more to it than that.

Title: Re: Sharing potential causes of CH
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Jul 7th, 2005, 9:01pm
No to all head injuries, drug use, bee stings, and most things nasty.

Mine started with the onset of perimenopause at the age of 40.  Never had a headache before then.

To my knowledge, I'm just one of the lucky ones who didn't experience the beast until later in life.  I guess my hypothalamus was on a time-delay!


Title: Re: Sharing potential causes of CH
Post by chyuck on Jul 7th, 2005, 11:54pm
Definitely had allergies and lots of sinus infections.  Recently diagnosed with sleep apnea which I control by watching my weight.  Any relation to lack of oxygen?
No concussions
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