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(Message started by: jefferator on May 16th, 2005, 4:49pm)

Title: 02 vs Trex-question
Post by jefferator on May 16th, 2005, 4:49pm
Thank the good lord, o2 is virtually 100% effective as an abortive agent for me.  Granted I feel a little foolish strapping on the mask in between the 6th green and 7th tee.  Question is, I need convincing why to even consider sticking myself if O2 works almost every time.  Granted sometimes it works for 10 minutes to an hour and sometimes provides a full nights sleep.  Will Trex last longer? I thought Trex was a migraine aid, but guess not.  Also, I travel alot and have been hit on a plane, where O2 isnt available.  Will TSA let you take a needle on the plane (STAT Imitrex?), as I foresee some of you responding that use Trex when you cant breathe.  Thanks a bunch


Title: Re: 02 vs Trex-question
Post by E-Double on May 16th, 2005, 5:00pm
If O2 works for ya that well then don't bother giving a jab.

Some people use injection....
Some use both.

Some do not use a thing for nothing works for them.

As far as the depends on the airline......
Check their guidlines.
I did not have a problem flying with syringes yet some have.....I was told that they should be sealed and labeled upon entry but could be used as needed.

Also if you read about many of the meds that we take...They were first found effective for migraine....CH is so damn rare that research and funding goes more towards migraine relief.

We use the same meds ...just more of it.
That's the problem we face with insurance.

Good luck

Title: Re: 02 vs Trex-question
Post by thomas on May 16th, 2005, 5:00pm
If the O2 works that good for you, you  are much better off without trying the imitrex.

Title: Re: 02 vs Trex-question
Post by vig on May 16th, 2005, 5:44pm
Funny, I thought you broke your cycle in the other thread... why worry about Oxygen?

Title: Re: 02 vs Trex-question
Post by jefferator on May 16th, 2005, 5:51pm
No need to play private detective with me Vig.  That was describing a previous cycle.  I am not on any meds right now, just breathing when necessary.  Went 2 years approx without a cycle, and just returned.  I am going on a business cruise shortly and Verap constipates me too badly.  Plus, my Dr. advised to stay on the Verap and Naproxen timed released cocktail for a full 30 days after full relief, and its just too invasive for my current work schedule.  Meds make me cloudy and I do a lot of public speaking.  I am trying a no med, breathe to abort method this cycle unless it gets unbearable.  I have had to deal with this shit for 20+ years now and believe meds prolong breaking the cycle based upon my past experiences. I know there are agenda scum hounds on this sight, but I assure you I am not one of them.  

Title: Re: 02 vs Trex-question
Post by Bob P on May 16th, 2005, 5:55pm

O2 works for me but I also take an abortive agent before sucking the O2.  If you are going to take something to keep the attack from resurfacing, you may want to look at the triptans with half-lifes longer than Trex.  Amerge has a 4+ hour half-life compared to the 2+ hour half-life of Trex.

Title: Re: 02 vs Trex-question
Post by jefferator on May 16th, 2005, 6:05pm
Great info and much appreciated Bob P.  If the 02 starts to only give temporary relief, I will give it a go.  Thanks again,


Title: Re: 02 vs Trex-question
Post by BlueMeanie on May 16th, 2005, 10:03pm
Hi Jeff,

If the 02 works use it. If you don't NEED trex don't take it. It's not real good for the ticker. For me 02 works about 25% of the time so I pretty much have to do the trex thing. Most people get lots of small bottles so they can have them for different places that they go. I have a large bottle for home and do trex when away. Everyone kinda does there abort a little different.

Hope your cycle is short this time arond.

Take care.

Title: Re: 02 vs Trex-question
Post by Mr. Happy on May 17th, 2005, 12:16am
Ahhhhhh, there's nothing like a good O2 thread to stoke the fires. And Jeff, you've been a real hoot to follow these past few days. Great bedevilrement.

Thank the good lord, o2 is virtually 100% effective as an abortive agent for me.

Praise Wotan. Me too.

I feel a little foolish strapping on the mask

The only thing more foolish than strapping on the mask, is having no mask to strap on. See: Praise Wotan.
Also, no real CHead would be cought dead with a mask strap. You have to cut it off, so you don't suffocate when you fall asleep after a hit and the tank runs dry.
Which is a Crock of Shit.
If death was so imminent, then the following wouldn't be necessary:

1. Cut the strap off the mask.
2. Make sure the intake valve (between the bag and mask) is functioning properly.
3. Put tape over the exhaust valves on the sides of the mask so they don't work.

1. Turn on the O2 and let bag fill.
2. Press mask against face with one hand and squeeze the bag with the other hand, inhale deeply.
3. Release the bag and pull mask slightly away from face, exhale through mouth, blowing the air down away from the mask.
4. Repeat #2 & #3.

Getting full benefit of the gaseous gold is the key. The whole "press the mask against face" thing is about getting a good seal. Difficult at best with most cheesey damned NRB masks. If you die from a $1.88 mask, then you probably shouldn't play poker or buy green bananas.

Thankfully, there is an answer to this dilemna of mask seals, and strangely enough, it originates in the Land of Limes. The Big BenTM NRB mask should be available in the US soon, in _very_ limited quantitties. Works like a charm, but talk about embarrassing on the golf course, let alone pubic speaking......

No need to play private detective with me Vig.

Bugger, ya twit. Vig is a shit sniffer by choice......nay, by destiny. One day, you'll be glad to call him friend. Until then, pay the bastid double, just like the rest of us.

I know there are agenda scum hounds on this sight

You're related to my wife, aren't you?

About the Trex thing. Bag that, and try the Zomig nasal snorts. It reminds you of the 60's, lasts longer than Trex, works quick, and gives some veterans a truly remarkable post nasal drip kind of thing.

Regulators. Masks. Bodok washers. Step right up.
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