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(Message started by: Lori on Apr 23rd, 2005, 9:49pm)

Title: New to O2..the risks or explosion?
Post by Lori on Apr 23rd, 2005, 9:49pm
Ok, I know I might be paranoid but I'm new to using O2. I've read the info about safety and risks and it scares the crap out of me that when I go to turn it on it could expode! What could I do  wrong?? I used it last night for the first time and it worked in 15 minutes!! I was so pleased but a bit nervous about turning the thing on. They gave me portables as I requested because i use to always get hit in the daytime. But this time I am getting hit at night. I used one cylinder up last night for 2 hits!! So, I am going to have my doc order me a tank for bedside as the portable is not going to supply enough. So again..I don't want to blow up!! Please help reassure me! It's coming from a medical supply company so what could I do wrong to cause a problem????

Thanks for input!

Title: Re: New to O2..the risks or explosion?
Post by BobG on Apr 23rd, 2005, 10:07pm

what could I do wrong to cause a problem????

That's a very confusing question.  ;;D

One thing you could do wrong is smoke while using the O2. Don't have lit candles near the O2. And don't be leaning against the water heater in the garage while sucking on it.

Are you using a non-rebreather mask? You are, right? Cut the band that goes around your head off. That's so if you fall asleep the mask will fall away from your face.

Did you get a bubbler? That's to add moisture to the O2 to help with the dry throat syndrome.

And, the tank is not going to explode when you turn it on.

Title: Re: New to O2..the risks or explosion?
Post by Lori on Apr 23rd, 2005, 10:15pm
Well, no bubbler with the small tanks I have but i will request that when I ask for a big tank Monday. No one smokes and i WON'T light ANY candles or store it in the garage.  :) They gave me a face mask but it doesn't have a bag. The said it was a non-rebreather mask? It worked though and hopefully will continue.

You sure it won't blow up when I turn it on???? I don't know why it makes me nervous. I feel real stupid.  :)


Title: Re: New to O2..the risks or explosion?
Post by BobG on Apr 23rd, 2005, 10:36pm
On the left side of your screen is a 'oxygen info' button. Click it and scroll down just a bit. There is a picture of a non-rebreather mask.

No need to feel stupid. Just turn it on and watch the gauges go up. Stick the mask on your face and breath deeply.  And do it early, when you first feel the attack coming on. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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