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(Message started by: RichardN on Apr 1st, 2005, 3:28am)

Title: MRIs Potential for Information?
Post by RichardN on Apr 1st, 2005, 3:28am
 A recent post from one of Dr. Goadsby's patients (sorry, don't remember the name) gave the link that had an MRI photo of his head/hypothalmus.  

 I couldn't help thinking that if research of the hypothalmus as primary cause of CH is ongoing (Goadsby or whatever institute), then the potential on this board for such research would seem to be enormous.

 How many of us have had MRIs? - I have

  Aren't all MRI images stored on accessable databases?

  I would think the only thing required would be the proper form filled out by each individual and submitted to whatever agency we might be able to offer our info to.

  Would be curious to know how many have had MRI specifically because of head pain and I'm sure most of us have had CATscans . . . . but the MRI info is evidently far  superior.

  I may be being naive here, and OUCH may have already started the process, or it's been discussed and I missed it. Just a GHOF who couldn't get something out of my head on this late night.

  Be Safe,     PFDANs


Title: Re: MRIs Potential for Information?
Post by E-Double on Apr 1st, 2005, 8:15am
I would honestly think that most if not all of us have had some type of imaging to rule out something "worse"...except for the few who were diagnosed prior to such though they have probably had since.

Wasn't it also a new type of PET scan that Goadspoy used??

I don't know......All the images for me found this...

I keep waiting for the mother ship to arrive ;)

Anyway, it would be something if the major researchers of the world would gather such a sample of clusterheads and their imaging......Where could they gather that type of info??? I wonder........


Title: Re: MRIs Potential for Information?
Post by Ueli on Apr 1st, 2005, 8:56am
Richard, you are referring to ben_uk's post Ingenious UK Sufferer (;action=display;num=1111520707).
Ben was the first who had a PET scan (Positron Emission Tomography) while under a cluster attack.

Most of us had a MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). Goadsby used many MRI images to get an averaged picture of clusterhead brains and on comparing that with an average 'normal' brain found the increased hypothalamus.

For this averaging process it is mandatory that all scan were made on the same machine; not even an other machine of the same model will do.
Therefore, the hundreds of MRI's we all had are useless for this kind of research since they were made on many different machines.

PFNADs, Ueli                 [smiley=smokin.gif]

Title: Re: MRIs Potential for Information?
Post by jokrs2 on Apr 1st, 2005, 9:12am
I have had a couple of MRI's, but on both occasions I was not in the middle of a hit. My EEG was quite interesting though. That one showed "pain activity" on one side of the brain, and while in a sleep state induced by barbituates it showed that I did not reach REM. PFD's Joe

Title: Re: MRIs Potential for Information?
Post by LeeS on Apr 1st, 2005, 10:21am

on 04/01/05 at 09:12:08, jokrs2 wrote:
My EEG was quite interesting though. That one showed "pain activity" on one side of the brain, and while in a sleep state induced by barbituates it showed that I did not reach REM. PFD's Joe

That's very interesting to me Joe.  When you say that you didn't reach the REM sleep stage, did they (the docs) think it was because of the barbs, or because of a possible abnormality due to your CH?

Any other clusterheads had EEGs whilst sleeping?

Cheers mate.


Title: Re: MRIs Potential for Information?
Post by Bob P on Apr 1st, 2005, 11:24am

Title: Re: MRIs Potential for Information?
Post by eyes_afire on Apr 1st, 2005, 9:33pm

on 04/01/05 at 10:21:39, LeeS wrote:
Any other clusterheads had EEGs whilst sleeping?

Yup and it was 'abnormal'.  My results were opposite... I progressed to REM sleep at an abnormally rapid pace.

--- Steve

Title: Re: MRIs Potential for Information?
Post by RichardN on Apr 2nd, 2005, 12:50am
 Sorry bout' that.

    I knew when I was typing the above that it was so obvious a presumption, it had been explored/investigated/discarded a long time ago . . . . you'll have to forgive me, I've lost quite a few brain cells myself these last two years  . . . .  and I certainly can tell it.

    I've had two EEG s, one unconscious and one awake (drugged but awake) Not CH . . .  encephalitis . . .  . talk about "messin'" with your mind . . .damn!

Title: Re: MRIs Potential for Information?
Post by LeeS on Apr 4th, 2005, 11:02am

on 04/01/05 at 21:33:51, eyes_afire wrote:
Yup and it was 'abnormal'.  My results were opposite... I progressed to REM sleep at an abnormally rapid pace.

Thanks Steve - anyone else?


Title: Re: MRIs Potential for Information?
Post by sandie99 on Apr 6th, 2005, 1:12am
I had MRI scan last spring in the UK. My neuro back then promised to send me the pics, but I never got them. I was told, though, that there's nothing to worry about, but it would have been kinda cool to see inside my head... ;)

But I've understood that MRIs don't show ch, now do they? I think they wanted to do MRIs to check that ch isn't caused by a brain tumor.

Best wishes,
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