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(Message started by: PaulL on Mar 31st, 2005, 11:49am)

Title: How do shrooms work?
Post by PaulL on Mar 31st, 2005, 11:49am
Here's an interesting article from the New Scientist on how Prozac helps with depression.  The key idea is that the chemical gets into the blood stream quickly but it takes three to four weeks to see an effect.  This is because the Prozac induces a secondary chemical that helps the brain regenerate neurons in the hippocampus, a three to four week process.

The reports on shroom therapy have the same thing in common.  It can take two or three doses and several weeks before it becomes fully effective.  Could the psilocybin be inducing some kind of secondary chemical that helps the brain regrow neurons or other cells and heal itself?

Title: Re: How do shrooms work?
Post by LeeS on Mar 31st, 2005, 12:17pm
Interesting spot Paul.  I'm currently working on a theory based around this hypothesis, mainly to do with the pineal gland.

Early days yet, but a lot of data is coming together, just need to bounce a few things off Floridian 8)


Title: Re: How do shrooms work?
Post by Pinkfloyd on Mar 31st, 2005, 1:17pm

on 03/31/05 at 11:49:46, PaulL wrote:
 Could the psilocybin be inducing some kind of secondary chemical that helps the brain regrow neurons or other cells and heal itself?

Thanks very much for the article Paul.
It is possible IMHO that there is some "healing effect" going on. The fact that many people are able to spread out their maintenance doses and still remain cluster free leads me to believe that the dose is doing more than just "maintaining" things. If this was the case, I'd think these people would need to stay on a regular maintenence schedule and not be able to spread them out longer each time.
What confuses the issue a bit is that many people begin to get lighter and further spaced cycles as they get older, even without the shroom treatment. So, it could just be a coincedence but the expanding necessity for a maintenance dose appears for most shroomers and not just us old-timers.
All very interesting with answers somewhere in the long as the research continues.  ;)


Title: Re: How do shrooms work?
Post by Flash on Apr 3rd, 2005, 1:13pm
I used to have to dose every 3 months.  Now 12 years on I can dose every 2 years.  The last time I dosed was April 1993, hopefully I'll set a new record.  I've had 2 phantom episodes since April 1993, both during the past year and both 7 months apart which fits my original cycle.  BUT nothin over a kip 2 and both episodes terminated on their own.

Title: Re: How do shrooms work?
Post by PaulL on Apr 3rd, 2005, 2:49pm

on 04/03/05 at 13:13:08, Flash wrote:
I used to have to dose every 3 months.  Now 12 years on I can dose every 2 years.  The last time I dosed was April 1993, hopefully I'll set a new record.  I've had 2 phantom episodes since April 1993, both during the past year and both 7 months apart which fits my original cycle.  BUT nothin over a kip 2 and both episodes terminated on their own.

I assume that the 1993 is a typo and you really mean 2003?

Title: Re: How do shrooms work?
Post by Flash on Apr 4th, 2005, 5:10am
Yes 2003 was the last time.  1993 was the very first time LOL!

Title: Re: How do shrooms work?
Post by Marta on Apr 12th, 2005, 10:28am
OK, what are shrooms?


Title: Re: How do shrooms work?
Post by seasonalboomer on Apr 12th, 2005, 10:51am

Shrooms, when put together shide by shide, work to create a Shouse. In between each shroom are shwalls with shdoorways cut out. Inside a shroom you put appropriate shfurniture for its intended use. For example one shroom might be a bedshroom, or a shkitchen, or maybe even a dining shroom, or a bathshroom. They are covered by a shroof that might have shingles covering it. Ideally you would have it surrounded by a beautiful green shlawn with a shdriveway with a sharage to put your shcar in it.

Title: Re: How do shrooms work?
Post by nani on Apr 12th, 2005, 10:54am
LOL, Scott....Marta shrooms are the alternative treatment. Look here for info: Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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