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(Message started by: seasonalboomer on Feb 21st, 2005, 1:26pm)

Title: Meditation
Post by seasonalboomer on Feb 21st, 2005, 1:26pm

I’ve been an episodic Cluster sufferer for approximately 15 years or so. First I would say I am “blessed” with only suffering from usually two to three episodes a year, lasting for 2-4 weeks each. I’ve never given any “med” a try as I had watched my father try everything med under the sun for his. Nothing ever worked for my Dad except for the Imitrex shots, and then only sometimes. Whenever I’d read about the side effects from everything he took I chose the “gut it out” approach. I like my liver and other organs and felt the trade off might not be worth it.

With my most recent episode (I am in the middle of one now) I have been able to control them, for the first time,through some pretty intense meditation. This seems to allow me to disassemble the onset and focus on prevention of the subconscious panic and anxiety associated with the arrival of a cluster headache. While it has not allowed me to escape completely unscathed, it has stopped me from the headbanging and floor-squirming episodes that most of my Cat-8 to 10 Clusters usually reduced me to. In two cases I was able to completely side-step the oncoming train and go about my day. Most importantly, after the cluster passed I was able to function at a much higher level than I usually had been in the past.

The other aspect that was probably more debilitating for me was the coinciding depression that arrived with each episode. Using the meditation I have sidestepped the deep blues I would sink into with the onset of another phase.

In between episodes last year I started the meditation as a practice so as to prepare for the time when I would call upon it. As is often repeated," if it works for me great." I am pleased with the success and hope I can keep it going.

If it all goes to heck in a handbasket i'll let you all know as well.

Title: Re: Meditation
Post by floridian on Feb 21st, 2005, 1:54pm
Glad you found something that helps!

Charlie has written up a post on the "circulatory technique" which describes how he can sometimes limit the course of a cluster headache using focused attention. Maybe it is similar to what you do?

Some types of meditation can increase melatonin levels,  which could also have a preventive effect in the medium to long term.

Title: Re: Meditation
Post by BobG on Feb 21st, 2005, 2:02pm
Welcome to the board s'boomer. Glad you have success with your meditation.

Cat-8 to 10
I know, I'm nit-picking, but it's Kip 8 or 10. Named for a long time member here, Mr. Bob Kipple.

Title: Re: Meditation
Post by seasonalboomer on Feb 21st, 2005, 2:11pm
Yes, you are nitpicking.

I know i'm a "newbie" but i've been reading these boards for years -- and never had much to say to be honest. But could always recognize the cluster "snobs".  Always found it strange to be provincial on a subject as #$%&'d as this one.


Title: Re: Meditation
Post by sandie99 on Feb 21st, 2005, 2:30pm
I'm glad you've found something which works! :)

I use affirmations, which is quite the same. It requires concentration, closed eyes and saying out loud/on my mind 15 times (at least) "I'm free from all the pain". But I'd like to learn how to meditate one day... :)

Best wishes & PFdays,

Title: Re: Meditation
Post by maureen on Feb 21st, 2005, 2:48pm
I to use affirmations and meditation, Sandie people tend to make meditating sound harder then it is all you need to do is sit quietly and relax your body starting with your feet up, try this while reciting your affirmations, then you can say you know how to meditate. The hard part is sticking to it.

Title: Re: Meditation
Post by BobG on Feb 21st, 2005, 3:03pm

on 02/21/05 at 14:11:26, seasonalboomer wrote:
Yes, you are nitpicking.

could always recognize the cluster "snobs".   ;)

Just for your information the Kip scale is used worldwide to measure and explain the pain levels of a cluster headache and not just by people on this message board.

Care to explain what a cluster "snob" is?

Title: Re: Meditation
Post by sandie99 on Feb 21st, 2005, 3:03pm

on 02/21/05 at 14:48:09, maureen wrote:
ISandie people tend to make meditating sound harder then it is all you need to do is sit quietly and relax your body starting with your feet up.

Thanks for the good advice, Maureen! :)

Title: Re: Meditation
Post by seasonalboomer on Feb 21st, 2005, 3:19pm
Okay, okay, i'll admit it. I used "cat" instead of "kip". Shoot me. But could you do it right through my right eye. There was no disprespect for Bob Kipple intended. One of my side effects when I'm in an episode is that my vocabular retrieval is impaired and I end up using whatever word I can pull out at the time.

As I said, I've had these things for 15 years and watched my dad suffer with them for years before that.

A cluster "snob" is part of the roving "cluster" establishment that reminds people that "worldwide" people that describe their headaches exclusively use the word "kip" instead of "cat" - even when they know exactly what the person meant.

Another side effect during my episodes is the temptation to overreact. Glad I averted that temptation this time.......

Title: Re: Meditation
Post by BobG on Feb 21st, 2005, 6:30pm
Hmmmm....Let's see

You have been reading these boards for years and never had much to say. Then when you do say something you use the incorrect terminalogy and when it is pointed out to you, you go on the defensive and claim your "vocabular retrieval is impaired", so, in your mind, it is ok to just make up words as you go along. And you seem to think there are roving cluster snobs out to get you.
You've made yourself quite the victim. Good work.

But, I don't buy it.

See you Tommorrow.


Title: Re: Meditation
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Feb 21st, 2005, 8:02pm
Bob's right - everyone here wants to help.

Just by sharing your experience, you've probably helped someone.  You're very lucky to have such short cycles - though I'm sure you don't feel lucky.  After being here for awhile though, I feel lucky that my cycles only last 2 months!

I also use a form of meditation (before the Trex kicks in or before I've gotten the prescription filled).  I use the Lamaze breathing I used for natural childbirth.  I don't have a mantra, but I do focus on an object in the bedroom, do my ("stage 3") breathing, and gently pull the hair on the opposite side of my headache.  At least it helps me cope.  Glad you've found something that helps you.


Title: Re: Meditation
Post by seasonalboomer on Feb 22nd, 2005, 9:38am
No, actually I've not made myself much of a victim at all here. My urge to make a contribution was based on the fact that for the first time I've actually done something with my CH problem that worked for me. My whole urge has been to avoid ravaging my body while trying to find answers I could live with for my CH problem. And allow me to feel some fleeting sense of control over them. Believe me, if I was chronic, I'd be first in line for the next chemistry project.

The only point to be made is that there are some of us who have been watching these boards who are not chronic, but still afflicted. We do read the input from those who have been jacked up, down and sideways by the various meds they've been prescribed, by physicians who are arguably grasping at straws with oven mitts on. Any hope that can be provided for those who live with the episodic version of this affliction, who may be able to avoid the meds for another way, may be worthwhile. Whether we're talking about cats, dogs or kips, I would say that as long as it is understood, who gives a rat's behind, (since we're mixing metaphors anyway).

And, as meditation doesn't cost a thing, doesn't contribute to a pharmaceutical company's bottom line, doesn't contribute to a snake-oil salesman's trips to the Barbadoes, doesn't require follow-up trips to your physician, the only winner might be the person who try's it and succeeds.

So, don't be a snob Bob. Free your mind and your keyboard will follow.

Title: Re: Meditation
Post by seasonalboomer on Feb 23rd, 2005, 9:24am
Looks like I reached the boundaries of what meditation was going to be able to provide last night. First 9-10 I've had in a year. Wheweeee! Pretty ugly. Sure wouldn't want to have hidden video capture those moments.

The bright side is that I always have a far higher appreciation for feeling better the next day. The skies seem a little bluer, the air a little fresher. Praise the new day! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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