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(Message started by: ralphster44 on Feb 7th, 2005, 11:12am)

Title: Cluster specials :)
Post by ralphster44 on Feb 7th, 2005, 11:12am
I have always had a warm spot for you folks.

If you need spores...I will give all the cluster people good deals....very good deals.

Email me if I can ever help any of you....

Take care my friends !!!!!


Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by notseinfeld on Feb 7th, 2005, 11:28am
I believe I actually grabbed some from you and indeed you delivered as promised. However, this isn't a really good way to move your product and feels like an unwanted solicitation.

Just fyi

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Mr. Happy on Feb 7th, 2005, 11:36am
I disagree, nots. Completely.

Glad to see you here, Ralphster. For those of you not sure where to go spore hunting, I'm more than happy to make a PSA of 4 Star satisfaction.

My microscope thanks you,

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Bob P on Feb 7th, 2005, 12:05pm
And from the owner of the web site's front page:

"Are you looking to sell (or buy) drugs?

Looking for a source to buy (or sell) illegal (or otherwise) drugs? Cool. Here's what you do. Move your mouse up to the BACK button of your browser, click on it and go back where you came from. Clusterheads would give anything NOT to have to take meds. We have absolutely no interest in abetting some junkie's self-abuse. (This statement may sound harsh, but believe it or not, we have had people trying to deal drugs on the message board)"

Don't shoot the messanger.

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by nani on Feb 7th, 2005, 12:32pm
I have to agree with nots and Bob. Ralph has a link on the buster site. I don't think this is the place for it.

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by vig on Feb 7th, 2005, 1:08pm
It might be a timing issue too.
Hopefully there will come a day when this is right.

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Mr. Happy on Feb 7th, 2005, 1:34pm
OK........nothing like a little time to reflect inwardly, and perchance, arrive at an equitable solution.

The issue isn't product, it's who's promoting it. As long as it's one of us, it's OK. As soon as it's a vendor, they must be tossed out as self serving capitalists feasting on the flesh of poor sufferers.

Since nothing illegal is being sold (not in MY state, anyhow), then anybody actually selling a product is not allowed in, right? As long as that applies to every Neurologist, PharmCo, O2 supply company, or ANYONE else that stands to make a possible profit from a post..................they aren't allowed to do so. Not here. Ever.

This is obviously a Precedent issue, since we aren't exactly flooded with ads from Glaxo or Diamond.

Just making sure the playing field is level,

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by miapet on Feb 7th, 2005, 1:41pm
I think the post is more like a public service announcement . .. not a solicitation.  If people don't want to click on the link, they don't have to.  Since spores do not have ANY drugs in them, they don't fit under the 'if you're looking to buy/sell drugs part of the front page.

*BIG HUGS* for Ralphster44 . ..thank you for being a freind to the CHers who choose this method . . .you totally rock!

*positive light and enery*

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Bob P on Feb 7th, 2005, 2:36pm

I think the post is more like a public service announcement . .. not a solicitation.

Is he giving spores to clusterheads for free?  That is a good deal!!!!

Since spores do not have ANY drugs in them, they don't fit under the 'if you're looking to buy/sell drugs part of the front page.

LOL.  Nice rationalization.  Ever thought of a carreer in politics?

The issue isn't product, it's who's promoting it. As long as it's one of us, it's OK. As soon as it's a vendor, they must be tossed out as self serving capitalists feasting on the flesh of poor sufferers.

Since nothing illegal is being sold (not in MY state, anyhow), then anybody actually selling a product is not allowed in, right? As long as that applies to every Neurologist, PharmCo, O2 supply company, or ANYONE else that stands to make a possible profit from a post..................they aren't allowed to do so. Not here. Ever.

Bargaining Hap???

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Margi on Feb 7th, 2005, 3:17pm
Although I'm sure Ralph's intention is very kind and generous, this isn't the website to advertise it on.  What if some kid is surfing and comes across this post?  Does he get his spores cheaper if he proclaims in an email he is a clusterhead?  All he would have to do is type in 'spores' to a search engine and this post and link will come up.  
This is just wrong. Kind of goes against everything DJ has worked so hard to achieve, too.   :-/

edited to add:  before I get flamed for this post, please know that I have nothing at all against this treatment.  I just feel it is wrong to solicit here, especially for something still not approved for medical use.  And it IS a solicitation, no matter how you look at it.

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Pinkfloyd on Feb 7th, 2005, 4:31pm

on 02/07/05
at 14:36:12, Bob P wrote:
Is he giving spores to clusterheads for free?  That is a good deal!!!!

Actually, he has as a matter of fact.

Whether or not this is a place he should post his site, his words do match
his past treatment of cluster sufferers.

Margi, you make some good points but his site has been listed here many
times and with far more glowing recommendations than he gave himself.
A Yahoo search produces 924,000 results for spores. Google 1,620,000. What are the odds ;-)
Although, I understand your point(s).

If the guy wants to read this site and actually see some of the results of
what he supplies, it would be difficult (IMHO) for him not to want to
respond and offer more help. But.....since DJ is the only moderator of this
board, I assume he would be the one to raise any objections and/or delete
the post. I know it's an especially sticky situation for DJ and I wouldn't
want him or the site put in harms way.

Whether you like it or not, they are NOT drugs and are legal in 48 states
and much of the world. Therefore, I guess my question is, if a provider of
oxygen tanks and high volume regulators made the same post, and the same
offer, would there be a question?


Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Margi on Feb 7th, 2005, 4:46pm

on 02/07/05 at 16:31:46, Pinkfloyd wrote:
Therefore, I guess my question is, if a provider of
oxygen tanks and high volume regulators made the same post, and the same
offer, would there be a question?


Abso-friggin-lutely, Bob.  I'd jump on that kind of post too. THAT was my point.  Your comment of whether I "like it or not" is NOT the issue OR the point.  This is not a site for solicitation of any product.  I've proved repeatedly that illegality is not a personal issue for me.  But, as you said - DJ is the only moderator of this board.  It may very well be an issue for him.

And, for what it's worth - anything - repeat: ANYTHING - that ends cluster pain for ANYONE is cool in my books.  Um, I believe I said that in my first post too when I said that I have nothing against this treatment.  Believe it.

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Bob P on Feb 7th, 2005, 5:04pm
I wouldn't, but then again, you can't grow O2 tanks into illegal drugs.

Ahhh, the week looks more enjoyable already!!!

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Jonny on Feb 7th, 2005, 5:06pm

on 02/07/05 at 17:04:04, Bob P wrote:
Ahhh, the week looks more enjoyable already!!!


Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Pinkfloyd on Feb 7th, 2005, 5:12pm

on 02/07/05 at 16:46:56, Margi wrote:
 Um, I believe I said that in my first post too when I said that I have nothing against this treatment.  Believe it.

I believe it Margi, always have.

I'm sorry but my post lacked proper structure. The only paragraph I directed toward you was the "one" addressed to you, and not all that followed.

(just irks me sometimes that this site allows naked pictures, racist jokes, misogynistic remarks, physical threats, libelous and slanderous remarks, but....oh, nevermind)

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Margi on Feb 7th, 2005, 5:18pm

on 02/07/05 at 17:12:26, Pinkfloyd wrote:
(just irks me sometimes that this site allows naked pictures, racist jokes, misogynistic remarks, physical threats, libelous and slanderous remarks, but....oh, nevermind)

you forgot to also mention the lonely hearts and sewing circles, Bob.  

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Pinkfloyd on Feb 7th, 2005, 5:25pm

on 02/07/05 at 17:18:15, Margi wrote:
you forgot to also mention the lonely hearts and sewing circles, Bob.  

Only because I may someday need them  [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Jonny on Feb 7th, 2005, 5:26pm
Can ya feel the love? ;;D

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Margi on Feb 7th, 2005, 5:31pm

on 02/07/05 at 17:25:23, Pinkfloyd wrote:
Only because I may someday need them  [smiley=laugh.gif]

somehow I doubt that...  LOL

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Bob P on Feb 7th, 2005, 5:34pm

Can ya feel the love?  

That Margi is one tough old broad!!!!  See the way guys roll over when she steps in?  If we were a wolf pack, she'd be the Alpha male!!!!!

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Margi on Feb 7th, 2005, 5:46pm
ooh, Pahlow, you'll pay for that one.

and, what's this "if" we were a wolfpack?  Am I in the wrong meeting room again?  I hate when that happens.  

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Jonny on Feb 7th, 2005, 5:54pm

on 02/07/05 at 17:46:08, Margi wrote:
ooh, Pahlow, you'll pay for that one.

and, what's this "if" we were a wolfpack?  Am I in the wrong meeting room again?  I hate when that happens.  

Dont mind Boob....hes just feelin the love ;;D

Now bark Margi.....LMAO ;;D

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Margi on Feb 7th, 2005, 5:56pm
naw, Jonny, barking's just a waste of breath.  I just growl and bite.   I learned that from the big dogs - remember them?  Drummer.  Paco.  BOBP.  Hub. You know - the OLDtimers?


Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Bob P on Feb 7th, 2005, 6:01pm
Shut up Margi!
(now there's some love for ya)

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Margi on Feb 7th, 2005, 6:02pm
see, now THAT's better, Bob.  I feel on a par with Hub now.

OK, you're forgiven.

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by rextangle on Feb 7th, 2005, 6:27pm
Ok, my [smiley=twocents.gif]...

I've ordered twice from Ralphsters...
Great shipping, excellent quality spores. I'm not one to endorse anybody,  he came highly recommended in the first place. Although I didn't get a "Cluster discount", my second order included an additional syringe of spores. It was a weekly special.

Now, if he says that he will give a good price to cluster sufferers, I will believe this 100%.

As Pink Floyd said: "just irks me sometimes that this site allows naked pictures, racist jokes, misogynistic remarks, physical threats, libelous and slanderous remarks, but....oh, nevermind"

I completely agree...
I'm the first one to believe that it's cool to have fun and to post funny stuff in order to forget for a minute that we all suffer, but if someone offers a discount to a product that can potentially save us all,  I think it's great! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

So, why even question someone who's trying to help us?
That's all.... flame me all you want and see if I give a rat's ass!!!


Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Jonny on Feb 7th, 2005, 6:35pm

on 02/07/05 at 18:27:50, rextangle wrote:
flame me all you want and see if I give a rat's ass!!!

Ok, You punk ass sucker....flame over ;;D

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by rextangle on Feb 7th, 2005, 6:37pm
Thanks Jonny!!
I had a feeling that you'd do that!!!! ;;D
Go back to the general post area you turd jockey!!! [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Racer1_NC on Feb 7th, 2005, 6:43pm
Bottom's DJ's call, not ours. Let him make it.


Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Bob P on Feb 7th, 2005, 6:48pm

Bottom's DJ's call, not ours. Let him make it.

Seems to me he already made it on the front page of his website:

Looking for a source to buy (or sell) illegal (or otherwise) drugs? Cool. Here's what you do. Move your mouse up to the BACK button of your browser, click on it and go back where you came from.

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Racer1_NC on Feb 7th, 2005, 7:08pm

on 02/07/05 at 18:48:35, Bob P wrote:
Seems to me he already made it on the front page of his website:

Referencing that page, I see no documentation that appoints a "BobP" as board "watchdog" or official "interpreter" of the rules.

Once again, it's DJ's board. Let him act as he sees fit.


Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Jonny on Feb 7th, 2005, 7:13pm
Gotta agree with Boob on this one, its what DJ wrote!

Now, bring on the neekid pics while I tell someone im going to kill them......LMMFAO ;;D

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Racer1_NC on Feb 7th, 2005, 7:16pm

on 02/07/05 at 19:13:55, Jonny wrote:
Now, bring on the neekid pics

Gotta love them there neekid pics!  ;;D ;;D


Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Bob P on Feb 7th, 2005, 7:21pm

Referencing that page, I see no documentation that appoints a "BobP" as board "watchdog" or official "interpreter" of the rules.

Dang!  You shroomheads sure are a touchy bunch!

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Racer1_NC on Feb 7th, 2005, 7:23pm

on 02/07/05 at 19:21:52, Bob P wrote:
Dang!  You shroomheads sure are a touchy bunch!

So are clusterheads that have never used them, like me.


Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Pegase on Feb 7th, 2005, 7:45pm

on 02/07/05 at 13:41:16, miapet wrote:
I think the post is more like a public service announcement . .. not a solicitation.  If people don't want to click on the link, they don't have to.  Since spores do not have ANY drugs in them, they don't fit under the 'if you're looking to buy/sell drugs part of the front page.

*BIG HUGS* for Ralphster44 . ..thank you for being a freind to the CHers who choose this method . . .you totally rock!

Totally agree... [smiley=thumb.gif]

1- not everybody knows there's a link to that site on clusterbuster... and futhermore, eventhough I went to that site a few time, I never saw that link... I'm happy to see it today here :D

2- This kind of ad is a marketing tactic that will be use more and more in a near future... I prefer that kind of tactics (cause I can choose to ignore it) rather than a guy calling on the phone during my meal... >:(

3- Kids have access to things (chemical drugs) way worst than that... They will also have to check in the dictionary cause spores is not a word you'll learn as a kid... maybe mushroom but not spores... I took mushroom a few times when I was younger and didn't even knew mushroom could me made with spores [smiley=huh.gif]

4- You need to make it grow... and it doesn't seems that easy... >:(

5- If the guy is a pro... He will be able to make some age verification for sure... ::)

6- It's legal 8)

7- If it can help only one more clusterhead here... it's perfect :)

8- a warm spot is always welcomed ;)


I think I'll copy/paste this link on teh canadian board too 8)

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Sophie on Feb 7th, 2005, 9:17pm
I'm not an "old timer"---seems to be a rather exclusive club. However; I have an opinion.
I am glad to see the post and do not look at it as solicitation. I took it to be a gesture of kindness. I have all my hopes wrapped up in my farming skills trying to prepare for my next go around. I'm not so good at this--and any and all info. is appreciated.  Sophie :)

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Mr. Happy on Feb 7th, 2005, 11:10pm

on 02/07/05 at 21:17:31, Sophie wrote:
I'm not an "old timer"

You're 61. How old do you want to get? Holy moley.
I like Ralphster. He's a jolly good fellow. Since it's bad form for him to Hint, I'll be the first (or 2nd, 3rd, 40th) to say Fill that Valentine stuffer with a special gift from Ralphster's. (

I feel much better now.

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Sophie on Feb 8th, 2005, 12:18am
Mr. Happy:
You took me wrong--I meant that I am fairly new to this board---and I was sort of slamming the people here that refer to themselves as "old timers". Sometimes, I have seniority envy---because the "old timers" seem to have a wonderful love-hate relationship. Just like a real family!
As far as your question about "how old do you want to be"?? The answer is 62. I want to draw at least one social security check before the system is screwed.
Well, just like a woman, I've managed to change the subject-----I feel the orig. post was done with good intent. Sophie :)

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Mr. Happy on Feb 8th, 2005, 12:46am

Mr. Happy:
You took me wrong--I meant that I am fairly new to this board---and I was sort of slamming the people here that refer to themselves as "old timers". Sometimes, I have seniority envy---because the "old timers" seem to have a wonderful love-hate relationship

I didn't take you wrong at all, you old bat! You're over 60, and don't have to explain anything to anybody. This whole Old Timer thing just refers to people that have had bad denture work for the last 3 decades, and can't afford to get it fixed.

61, and knee deep in a shroom thread. You make me proud, lass.

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by rextangle on Feb 8th, 2005, 1:35am
Mr. Happy,

 I didn't take you wrong at all, you old bat!

61, and knee deep in a shroom thread. You make me proud, lass.

I'm laughing so hard, I can't stop... I have tears in my eyes and almost spit out my shrooms!!! ;;D (sput method)... [smiley=spit.gif]

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Pinkfloyd on Feb 8th, 2005, 2:26am

on 02/07/05 at 21:17:31, Sophie wrote:
I'm not so good at this--and any and all info. is appreciated.  Sophie :)

Taken step by step, it's not as difficult as it sounds.

We'd be happy to help any way we can. Either ask here or feel free to write me directly.


Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by taraann on Feb 8th, 2005, 2:56am
Just butting in to say....
I see both sides of this arguement.  Advertising can be annoying (for lack of a better word at the moment).  But I wanna add something to the "other" side.  I would think alot of ppl that are considering the shroom therapy don't want anyone to know and therefore would either not know where to go for spores or get ripped off from a less than honest seller.  And to me Ralph posting his message weighs heavily on the positive side of this arguement.

A non shroom related observation....
Most of the "old"timers seem to bicker then quickly kiss and make up.  Kinda funny.

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Chillrmn1 on Feb 8th, 2005, 5:26am
I too can see both sides of the argument. But---/\___I'm leaning on the gram balance scale side of things to think this was a heck of a nice gesture by Ralphster. This just might help somebody whom wanted to try this treatment but could not have afforded it otherwise.

Added: BTW - This therapy works. Not a cure, but it works for some CH sufferers.

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Giovanni on Feb 8th, 2005, 6:45am
I can personally represent the high quality of Ralph's product.  I was totally new at this thing over a year ago and had no trouble producing the treatment provided by Ralph.

Since then I used one imitrex injection versus a couple hundred that I would have used; the O2 works better than ever; my headache pain levels are much less than before; I totally avoided one cycle and diminished the length of another.  It has not been 100%, but better than anything else that I have tried.


Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Margi on Feb 8th, 2005, 9:38am
once again, words get twisted and meanings get changed.  My reference to Drummer, Paco, BobP and Hub being oldtimers, I mean.  They're all older than me.  And BobP called me an old broad.   Aw, rats.  A joke loses something in the translation if you have to explain it.   :-/

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Bob P on Feb 8th, 2005, 11:00am
I got it Margi.  Quite a few don't get this thread though.

Added:  I take it back, Bob gets it.

I know it's an especially sticky situation for DJ and I wouldn't  
want him or the site put in harms way.

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Margi on Feb 8th, 2005, 11:23am
Yep, figured you would, Bob.  Sadly, though - the rest of the point is lost though.  Strange evolution, this.

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by vig on Feb 8th, 2005, 11:27am

on 02/08/05 at 05:26:45, Chillrmn1 wrote:
Added: BTW - This therapy works. Not a cure, but it works for some CH sufferers.

Can we have a show of hands?
I think it's MOST, not SOME...

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by LeeS on Feb 8th, 2005, 12:19pm
I don't know Ralphster, but it seems to me that his intentions were purely altruistic.  The average amount of psilocybe medication used by clusterheads is so negligible that a recreational user claiming to have CH probably wouldn't get much benefit from this, even in the short term.  I don't suppose Ralphster would gain too many extra sales either.

Here in the UK, fresh psilocybe mushrooms are still legal (just), and we are able to buy them from shops, market stalls and direct mail via the internet.  One of the stumbling blocks for me initially was where best to source both safe and reliable medication.  As a persistent CH sufferer (I don't like the term chronic) I have tried a number of sources, and I have recently been offered 'medical' discounts for all clusterheads by a reputable supplier in the UK - a nice 'charity' based company too (and nothing to do with me personally).

I won't put the URL up here, but anyone in the UK who wants further details just message me and I'll pass on the details to you (unfortunately, for obvious reasons, they can't ship to the States).


BTW Vig, yep, most.

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Chillrmn1 on Feb 8th, 2005, 4:08pm

I stand corrected - "most". I, for one, would certainly have to agree with that based on my experiences.  

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by eddie on Feb 8th, 2005, 4:13pm
Ralph you are welcome here in my book.
i have been thru the ringer on meds.
PF time is what counts  ;;D

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by ralphster44 on Mar 25th, 2005, 8:20pm
Actually, stopped by to say hello.
I know a few people here.
This is a very friendly place...I like it here:)

Anyway.....if we ever do talk.....mention your a cluster sufferer.
I know about this thing....terrible thing to have happen to you.
If I can help in any way...I am here for you.

I dont need to troll the internet looking for business.
That is not why I stopped by.

Good seeing you all..and I wish you all the very best!!!

Also hello to my friend pinksharkmark:)
Long time no see bro.

Again...take care all.
I meant no offence...just wanted to say hello.


Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by jokrs2 on Mar 26th, 2005, 3:42am
Hi Ralphster. Thanks for getting back to me on my question at your web site. Lets get this fungus amongus. All I have to do is buy my microscope first ;), Joe

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by don on Mar 26th, 2005, 11:33am

Reading your follow ups I believe you are sincere. I think the site could be threatened by the offering though. Time and place for everything and I dont think its time yet. If maraijuana were proven to be beneficial you still couldn't sell the seeds. Its illegal. Just as mushrooms are.

You argue with the "authorities" till you are blue in the face about the legalities of selling spores here as long as you have the funds to pitch a legal battle.

Better keep hitting the PayPal button on the bottom.

Ralph you are welcome here in my book.

Its DJs book that is going to pay the consequences, not yours.

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Gator on Mar 26th, 2005, 12:39pm
Touchy subject.  I think that even some of those who are against this say so with mixed emotion.  Regardless of intentions, it does say don't come in here to sell drugs.  Technically spores are not drugs - yet - but basing a defense on that is kind of like splitting hairs.  I believe the offer was a genuine act of kindness made in good faith, but was an advertisement none the less.  I think allowing one person with true good intentions to advertise on the board would open a floodgate of other businessmen hawking their wares in the name of "good intentions?"  I have seen our own clusterhead sufferers discouraged from selling their stuff on the board.  If even we are not supposed to try to take business advantage of our relationships with the people here, no one else should be allowed to either.

Question is, what if one of us were to bring up that Ralphster was giving clusterhead discounts in the course of discussion on shrooms or in response to a direct question of where to get spores?  Would it then be wrong to promote his business under the guise of helping someone?  Should questions like this be answered openly on the message board or only via IM or e-mail?

Since we are discussing rules, we might as well lay them out for all to see.  DJ, this is your board, bro.  Whatcha think?

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by Ellick on Mar 26th, 2005, 3:32pm
Just read in to this one. I have come across this type of debate before on Ouch UK and I think it gets clearly divided in to two views. Those who believe it's ok to try it and those that don't.

The advertising issue is problematic and as such needs careful check. I think that we can be a tad 'touchy' at times and for good reason.

Some advertisers need the 'blat' because they are 'switched off' to sensitivity.

Others need a polite and appreciative reminder. For me it's not what is said, it is the way we say it.


Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by ralphster44 on Mar 26th, 2005, 8:28pm

on 03/26/05 at 12:39:01, Gator wrote:
Touchy subject.  I think that even some of those who are against this say so with mixed emotion.  Regardless of intentions, it does say don't come in here to sell drugs.  Technically spores are not drugs - yet - but basing a defense on that is kind of like splitting hairs.  I believe the offer was a genuine act of kindness made in good faith, but was an advertisement none the less.  I think allowing one person with true good intentions to advertise on the board would open a floodgate of other businessmen hawking their wares in the name of "good intentions?"  I have seen our own clusterhead sufferers discouraged from selling their stuff on the board.  If even we are not supposed to try to take business advantage of our relationships with the people here, no one else should be allowed to either.

Question is, what if one of us were to bring up that Ralphster was giving clusterhead discounts in the course of discussion on shrooms or in response to a direct question of where to get spores?  Would it then be wrong to promote his business under the guise of helping someone?  Should questions like this be answered openly on the message board or only via IM or e-mail?

Since we are discussing rules, we might as well lay them out for all to see.  DJ, this is your board, bro.  Whatcha think?

Well said Gator....
Lets try this....
I am a real person with feelings.
I just happen to, on the something "weird"...LOL

Lets forget the spore stuff and just talk.
I know a couple people with clusters...1 is a cousin.
He's not that bad anymore.
Maybe I'll ask him to come here to talk with you all.
I'm sure he would like all of you.

Take care...

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by miapet on Mar 27th, 2005, 11:35am
I think all of the bickering is silly . . and all of the "this is DJs board . . .let him decide" (before y'all flame me, finnish reading) . . .this thread has been going for a while, and he obviously hasn't deleted it (which he has the ability to do) so I'm guessing he decided??? .. .just my thoughts on this . . .

*positive light and energy*
btw . . Ralphster, D and I appreciate you more than we can ever express.  My order, about a year ago, arrived fast, worked well, and has kept D pain free for almost a year now . . .You totally rock in our cluster world!

Title: Re: Cluster specials :)
Post by jokrs2 on Mar 30th, 2005, 3:19am
Hey Ralphster. I am sorry I could not place an order this time out as my wife one the argument and we ordered Hawaiian Baby Wine Woodrose seeds this time, But you are saved to my favorites my friend and I'm sure you will be getting an order for my microscopic scrutiny ;;D. The information has to get out there somehow and with some of these meds there are legal idiots involved who couldn't care less about anyone except themselves. Hey what if we put acid on everything and in everything (like the electric coolaid acid test and threw a party for the politicians)...just a thought.. 8)

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