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(Message started by: lionsound on Nov 3rd, 2004, 7:49am)

Title: What does Decadron do?
Post by lionsound on Nov 3rd, 2004, 7:49am
I understand what decadron is steriod, and I just took it last night
(spared an ER trip :-/)....
could someone please tell me how it stops the pain? What does it do in your body?


thank you,

Title: Re: What does Decadron do?
Post by floridian on Nov 3rd, 2004, 9:34am
The brief and accurate answer is we don't know.  Steroids are like shotguns - they hit lots of different metabolic targets.

Possible modes of action:

immune suppression
change in mineral balance (calcium/sodium/potassium/chloride channels)
Turns various genes on and off

In the short run, the shotgun effect of steroids are great - we don't how they work, but they usually do.  In the long run, the collateral damage is large, and we wish we knew exactly what they did that helps, so that we could target those things directly.

Title: Re: What does Decadron do?
Post by don on Nov 3rd, 2004, 9:38am

In the long run, the collateral damage is large,

Isn't that associated with long term chronic use of steroids?

My steroid use is limited to a 3 week taper during 1 or 2 cycles per year.

Title: Re: What does Decadron do?
Post by eddie on Nov 3rd, 2004, 10:08am
no don that is not true


Title: Re: What does Decadron do?
Post by unsolved1 on Nov 3rd, 2004, 11:14am
I use the stuff all the dang time. It's usually what I ask for when going to the ER (plus a Dex Pack to go).
Floridian gave you the best possible technical answer. All I know is that it is a steriod that stops my headaches (temp). Many times when I go in as an inpatient, I'll get 3 days of DHE and 3 days of Decadron (IV infusions).
As far as limits, I'm sure I'm pushing them. I've used steriods so much in the past few years. I was just recently told the I have 'minor' bone damage by DHC due to steriod use. I also had a coated / burning tongue that they said was an infection due to chronic steriod use.


PS. 9 mg of Decadron = How much Prednisone ? Find out with this interesting link

Title: Re: What does Decadron do?
Post by lionsound on Nov 3rd, 2004, 11:20am
Thanks guys for the info.

And the warning about the long term damage.
I'm only allowed to use it once a month. And actually I've held off on it for the past two.

Still makes me a little nervous though.


Title: Re: What does Decadron do?
Post by lionsound on Nov 3rd, 2004, 11:51am
thanks Unsolved, I was just about to look for that link.

PS. 9 mg of Decadron = How much Prednisone ? Find out with this interesting link

oooooh, a quiz :) So I took 8mg of decadron last night which equals 53.33mg of pred. 9 would be 60.  

anyway going to call the doc to see if i need to taper cause I'm new at this and the script didn't say what to do next.


Title: Re: What does Decadron do?
Post by don on Nov 3rd, 2004, 11:55am
I dont see anything in either link about potential long term damage due  short term interim usage.

At any rate I will risk potential long term risks for very real pain relief and improvement of the quality of life any time.

I'm still looking for documentation of long term damage due to short term usage if anybody has any.

Title: Re: What does Decadron do?
Post by floridian on Nov 3rd, 2004, 1:47pm
Sorry if I wasn't clear.  My concerns were primarily with the side effects from long term use of steroids.  Occasional use for short periods greatly reduces the risks, but isn't risk free.  

I agree that there are subjective value decisions involved - how does anyone balance unknown risk versus very real benefits?  That's a personal decision.  

Here's a page about prednisone written for people with lupus - it has a decent separation of the short term and long term effects.

Title: Re: What does Decadron do?
Post by unsolved1 on Nov 3rd, 2004, 5:50pm

on 11/03/04 at 11:55:15, don wrote:
I will risk potential long term risks for very real pain relief and improvement of the quality of life any time.



Title: Re: What does Decadron do?
Post by eddie on Nov 3rd, 2004, 8:37pm
i agree with unsolved and don it works for so many
things, i use it everyday i have to but as long as people
know what they are taking into their body that is fine
my dad had to take my sis took it they had to. no
choice i have to take it. but all meds have pros and cons
not all doctors inform their patients what they are taking
my point is info is everything. thats what i have learned
here and respect everbody choice on what meds they
use. i wish everyone PFDAN from the heart.

Title: Re: What does Decadron do?
Post by unsolved1 on Nov 3rd, 2004, 8:58pm
ahhh   craaaaaapppp !! Floridian's link is where I found the word they used at the Diamond was Osteonecrosis.
Dang ... guess I gotta little touch uh 'bone death' goin' on :'(


Title: Re: What does Decadron do?
Post by lionsound on Nov 3rd, 2004, 9:29pm

on 11/03/04 at 13:47:10, floridian wrote:
I agree that there are subjective value decisions involved - how does anyone balance unknown risk versus very real benefits?  That's a personal decision.  
It truly is.Ispent more than just yesterday deciding if I should use it.......

....and then I looked at my HA journal:woke up with a HA of one kind or another every day since oct 8 and then the newly added continual days of constant pain..... as I was rocking back and forth.

on Today at 11:55am, don wrote:
I will risk potential long term risks for very real pain relief and improvement of the quality of life any time.

Is this a road I want to be going down? ...I just don't know's hard either way.



Title: Re: What does Decadron do?
Post by eddie on Nov 3rd, 2004, 10:19pm

on 11/03/04 at 20:58:22, unsolved1 wrote:
ahhh   craaaaaapppp !! Floridian's link is where I found the word they used at the Diamond was Osteonecrosis.
Dang ... guess I gotta little touch uh 'bone death' goin' on :'(


i sure hope you feel better i can tell since i have been
on this site you have it ruff wish you luck my friend
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