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(Message started by: pokemom on Oct 28th, 2004, 12:38pm)

Post by pokemom on Oct 28th, 2004, 12:38pm
Ok I have CH's. Is it not strange that sometimes I can wake up like at 4am with a CH in the range of 10 on the kip scale sit in the bathroom for a while in the dark with this pain and a few minutes pass the pain has peaked and tapered and gone. This is why I don't take an abortive until I know it’s going to be a long one.  Do any of you have this to happen to you? Sure would like to know.  And is it ok sometimes to take zomeg instead of maxalt. Just wondering, sometime I forget to take a maxalt with me to the mall and a bad one hits me so I take one of my husband’s zomegs (he has migraines).
Thanks for any help in this matter. Lots of love to you and lots of pain free day's......

Post by unsolved1 on Oct 28th, 2004, 12:56pm
I usually know in the first 2 - 3 minutes weather it's gonna get bad or not. I make my decision to take an abortive or not after that.


Post by vig on Oct 28th, 2004, 1:38pm
I don't know.
Sometimes they're really bad and really long and I wished I HAD taken something, Sometimes they pass quickly and I wish I HADN'T wasted the medicine.
It's hard for me to predict. :-/

Post by becky8 on Oct 28th, 2004, 2:35pm
I'm with Paul (Vig) too, I was never sure but it seems more now I know at least one spot it hits on my head and if it hits there, were rockin. So then I always reach for something fast. But what I do know is when its gonna be bad my heart starts really racing (its nerves) but because of everyone's help here I just try to relax so I can do the shot and not panic like I did before. I did the shot the other day and was so proud of myself cause I didn't freak. At least not too much!!!

Post by thudpucker on Oct 28th, 2004, 4:02pm
Pardon the irrelevance, but I do love your nym.   ::)

Post by Gator on Oct 28th, 2004, 4:26pm

on 10/28/04 at 12:38:24, pokemom wrote:
And is it ok sometimes to take zomeg instead of maxalt. Just wondering, sometime I forget to take a maxalt with me to the mall and a bad one hits me so I take one of my husband’s zomegs (he has migraines).
Thanks for any help in this matter. Lots of love to you and lots of pain free day's......

First let me say this:


Maxalt (rizatriptan), Zomig (zolmitriptan), Imitrex (sumitriptan), Amerge (naratriptan), Relpax (eletriptan), Axert (almotriptan), Frova (frovatriptan) and meds containing ergotamine are dangerous to take within 24 hours of each other.   Mixing triptans can cause serious cardiac problems.  If you switch from one to another, wait at least 24 hours between the two different meds.

Now, to answer your 1st question, when I have an attack coming, I can usually tell how bad it is going to get in the first few minutes.  I usually hit the O2 tank immediately and evaluate from there.  If things start to get out of hand, I'll hit the trex and keep sucking O2.  If O2 doesn't work in 20 minutes, it ain't gonna work.   Sometimes I know by how fast the pain ramps up and how the pumpkin feels, that I need to just go straight to the trex.

Post by don on Oct 28th, 2004, 4:57pm
When I awaken with a CH it is already a bad one. Right to the imitrex I go.

I can tell you how many tiles are on my bathroom floor.

Post by unsolved1 on Oct 28th, 2004, 5:11pm
I mixed Triptans a couple of times. Let me tell you about this one time ... at band camp ... no, I mean ....(wrong story)This one time, I was getting hammered all day and all night by the beast. Finally, after 10 Imitrex injections in a 20 hour period ... I go to the ER .... Doc comes in with a nurse who had a needle w/ medicine, I assumed it was Demerol 50mg and Phenegran  ... about 1/2 way into the IV infusion I ask, "What are you giving me?" ... doc replied "DHE" .... HOLY SHEEET ! All that Imitrex and then DHE on top ... wooohoooo. My BP went up to something crazy like 240 over 140. They had to give me another shot to get the BP down quickly. I Made it though !! I was sure to thank the doc for just about killin a man !! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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