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(Message started by: tammy on Oct 2nd, 2004, 8:50pm)

Title: Indomethacin
Post by tammy on Oct 2nd, 2004, 8:50pm
Is anyone familiar with Indomethacin?  I am in the middle of a major attack and went to the er.  I have been on verapamil but isn't working.  The doc gave me this Indomethacin to take 1 25mg capsule three times a day.  Let me know if anyone knows anything about this.  Thanks, Tammy

Title: Re: Indomethacin
Post by don on Oct 2nd, 2004, 9:02pm
Have used it in the past. No help at all.

What verapamil dosage are you on?

Title: Re: Indomethacin
Post by tammy on Oct 2nd, 2004, 10:32pm
Verapamil 180 mg once every day

Title: Re: Indomethacin
Post by Mr. Happy on Oct 2nd, 2004, 11:20pm

on 10/02/04 at 22:32:28, tammy wrote:
Verapamil 180 mg once every day

Try 80 - 120 mg standard release - 3X daily. You aren't taking nearly enough, unless you have problems with your ticker.

Indo's mostly useful for CPH, a close cousin of CH.


Title: Re: Indomethacin
Post by tammy on Oct 2nd, 2004, 11:27pm
Thanks, I think I will go back to the doc and talk about getting a higher dosage of Verapamil.  As for right now, I am in so much pain.  I am at the depressed stage right now I am hurting so bad.  I just feel like I can't live my whole life like this.  I have not gotten any relief and I can't sleep.  Sorry for rambling.

Title: Re: Indomethacin
Post by nani on Oct 2nd, 2004, 11:39pm
Sorry Tammy - are you using melatonin for sleep? Oxygen to abort attacks? You may find both of those (plus imitrex to abort) helpful. Call your doctor.  [smiley=hug.gif]

Title: Re: Indomethacin
Post by unsolved1 on Oct 3rd, 2004, 3:10am
If Indo is going to help you , you'll notice it within the first week.


Title: Re: Indomethacin
Post by Karla on Oct 3rd, 2004, 9:01am
I found indomethacin to work after 3 days.  It worked for 5 months and then quit working for me.  I tried over 900mg of verapamil.  If that higher dose doesn't work by itself try it with lithium 900mg.  The combo is known to show success when individual failures are seen.  Good luck!

Title: Re: Indomethacin
Post by don on Oct 3rd, 2004, 11:04am

Verapamil 180 mg once every day

Thats why. Dosage is to low.

Title: Re: Indomethacin
Post by lionsound on Oct 3rd, 2004, 4:14pm
HI Tammy,
I'm taking the exact same dose of indomethacin right now. Originally it was prescribed as an abortive, but since I tweaked my neck and couldn't move a few weeks ago I had to take it daily.

It is an NSAID(non-steroidal anti infalmatory..celebrex, ibuprophen, and naproxen are also NSAIDs.)

Not entirely sure if it, or other med changes are helping the helping the CH, but it is helping my neck....which is guess is helping a CH not to trigger from that neck pain.

When I asked my doc what it would do for my CH, i think he said something about it possibly decreasing  inflamation of the trigeminal nerve.  I'd ask your doc to be sure.

Anyway, be sure to eat something with can upset your stomach.

Be well and PF,

Title: Re: Indomethacin
Post by Kevin_M on Oct 3rd, 2004, 6:24pm

Your medications you have been using to go through this cycle seem very undergunned.  The only way it will get better is to improve on what you have to fight with.  More preventives are needed and I don't see an adequate abortive for the pain for the attacks.  Please persist with better care to your doctor, or find one that specializes in headaches.  This is no ordinary small deal that can be tolerated well without getting what you need to fight it.  
 I was very slow in getting things right in the medications department, but it was a lot and much pain which brought me to persist.  Try to not learn the same way, but eventually the pain will instill you to get what is needed, but that was my slow way of doing things.  Keep the search a top priority because not all doctors will be knowledgable or accurate in prescribing adequately.  Find a good doctor and keep working with him/her, it takes time.  The better informed doctor you start with, the faster will come some managability.

  :)         Keep posting.

Kevin M

Title: Re: Indomethacin
Post by pubgirl on Oct 3rd, 2004, 10:41pm

on 10/02/04 at 23:20:53, Mr. Happy wrote:
Try 80 - 120 mg standard release - 3X daily. You aren't taking nearly enough, unless you have problems with your ticker.

Indo's mostly useful for CPH, a close cousin of CH.



What Randy has written about Verapimil dosing is right and IMPORTANT. It should be smaller doses of the standard release (not slow release or modified release)  at 80mg's a time from 240-960mgs per day, taken at regular intervals throughout the day. The dose should be increased every two weeks until prevention is achieved, and an ECG done at each increase to check the effect on your heart.


Title: Re: Indomethacin
Post by Lizzie2 on Oct 4th, 2004, 12:05am
I was doing 120mg 4x a day until this past weekend when I decided to take a break for a week.  That was a lot better for me than taking the extended release 240mg's!

Title: Re: Indomethacin
Post by Tom K on Oct 4th, 2004, 8:29am
When I first got Indo, my doc told me to take it when the CH hit.  Kinda like a abortive, this was back in '87 or '88.  All it did was make me puke, then put me to sleep.  The CH didn't go away, just couldn't do anything but pass out, but my knee felt way better!  

Title: Re: Indomethacin
Post by Renee on Oct 11th, 2004, 10:50pm
I am currently on 100mg indomethacin 2 times per day as a prevent.  If I am late on a dose or miss a dose the shadows start showing up relatively soon.

My neuro told me at my last appt. that recent studies have found that indomethacin to be effective in CH for women but not very effective for CH in men.  Yes, CH not cph which indomethacin is also effective with.

Just make sure you give the indomethacin a few days to get working and eat something before taking it.

Good luck,

Title: Re: Indomethacin
Post by sandie99 on Oct 12th, 2004, 7:53am
Well, all I have to say about indometchacin is that it sucks! It gave me 8 hour regular headache - twice! My doc gave it to me when he didn't believe that I could have CH - it was his method in finding out that I actually did have CH...

best wishes,

Title: Re: Indomethacin
Post by nani on Oct 12th, 2004, 9:25am

My doc gave it to me when he didn't believe that I could have CH - it was his method in finding out that I actually did have CH...
 Umm- maybe the doc sucks...

Title: Re: Indomethacin
Post by DerbyDemon on Oct 12th, 2004, 9:56am
Verapamil 960 mg
Topamax 500 mg
Indomethacin 200 mg
Wellbutrin 300 mg
Seroquel 50 mg
Paxil 30 mg

As I am coming out of a cycle that lasted approximately two months it took heavy doses of both the Verapamil and Indocin in addition to the other scripts listed above. When I'm not in cycle, the Verapamil is decreased and used as a preventative and I take 50 mg of Indocin prior to doing something that could trigger a drinking, increased exposure to heat, whatever, etc...

Both times I've been hit with a cycle (after two years of complete relief) were times that I lapsed my Verapamil script. About two weeks off of it and the shadows started shortly followed by the demon himself.

I'm not a doctor, nor have I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express, but in my opinion Verapamil should be given as a preventative out of cycle continuously as well as Indocin. At least in my experience that's what has worked.

But as we have all learned from the boards...everyone responds differently.  

Title: Re: Indomethacin
Post by elaine8488 on Oct 15th, 2004, 1:55am
I tried indomethacin years ago, and was on it for months,with no help.

Title: Re: Indomethacin
Post by AlanG on Oct 18th, 2004, 10:01pm
My Doctor a neurosurgeon just put me on indomethacin, Today is my first day on it. I am really hoping it will benifit me. its 25mg tabs taken in 12 hour intervals. The only thing that sucks is that there is an alcohol warning with it and ive been using alcohol to blitz my self at night so I can get more than 8 hours sleep without waking up in pain. its strange but alcohol will bring on pain but once im drunk im good to go and dont get bothered with pain in the slightest, I feel terrible the next day from a hang over but thats easier to handle than one attack.
Im hoping this will help me, if it doesnt then its back to the beer and whiskey.
I hope all you other folks are hanging in there well, im trying to. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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