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(Message started by: benj on Jan 25th, 2004, 9:37am)

Title: how quickly does Verapamil work?
Post by benj on Jan 25th, 2004, 9:37am
I know all your answers will vary - but I'm interested in how many of you fellow CH brothers and sisters take Verapamil - how much and how quickly (if at all) did it quell the beast?

I ask as I am into my third day of Verapamil treatment taking 1x160mg tablet per day and hoping to be able to drink a beer again in my lifetime :-/

oh the sweet, sweet memories of beer  :'(

oh yeah, and there's those damn headaches to get rid of too...........

Title: Re: how quickly does Verapamil work?
Post by ave on Jan 25th, 2004, 10:53am
Vera usually takes a few days to a week to really start prevention. Also, 160 mg is a very low dose as many more here will attest.
I myself have been up to 480 a day (doc said to start with 80 per day) and there have been people here who went up to 960 a day before it really kicked in.

I hope your doctor wil countenance these higher doses.To arm yourself, read up on all the info under the buttons left of the screen.

Do you have the regular or the slow release variety? I ask because there have been some people who could get no help out of the extended release, while a return to regular Verapamil gave them relief.

Title: Re: how quickly does Verapamil work?
Post by brad267 on Jan 25th, 2004, 10:58am
Ramped up to 480mg/day....  took 3 weeks for it to kick in....   can't even look at beer while in cycle   :(


p.s.  I never noticed a difference with extended vs instant release Verap.  Others have though...

Title: Re: how quickly does Verapamil work?
Post by eyes_afire on Jan 25th, 2004, 12:57pm
Hi Benj,

I take 240 mg of Verapamil SR a day.  It usually works within a week.  I've been on it for 10 months.  When cycle gets bad I go up to 360 mg.  It works very well for me.  

After going for 2 years without a beer, I recently discovered that I can now drink beer without it aggravating my CH (even though I still can't taper off the verapamil)  [smiley=huh.gif].  Kinda strange since beer used to cause me problems... even while on verapamil.  I now have a case of ale sitting in my fridge.  The wonders never cease  :-/.

--- Steve

Title: Re: how quickly does Verapamil work?
Post by 5-string on Jan 25th, 2004, 1:07pm
240mg twice a day took 1 week to pull me out.30 days after that I
went cold turkey.....10 days later I got nailed.ooops!
I went back  to 240 once a day. Now I'm 120 once a day(out of cycle)although I get shadows....Hope That helps,

Title: Re: how quickly does Verapamil work?
Post by Stevieray on Jan 25th, 2004, 1:15pm
I am on 120mg three times a day now. I started out at 120 x2 on the 20th of December. I sarted on Lithium 300x3 3 weeks ago. I have PF for 13(!) days now. I am not sure if it was the Verap or the LI that broke the cycle but I am grateful for it. I had a couple of Coors last night and the night before and no headaches. Yes there is life after clusters. Maybe I am one of the very few fortunate ones but my cycle only lasted a little over a month this time. Keep the faith and look forward to that beer, it tastes soooo good after abstanance. CHEERS, STEVIERAY

Title: Re: how quickly does Verapamil work?
Post by t_h_b on Jan 25th, 2004, 5:17pm
240mg twice a day, 480 total, sustained release.  it took a week or more, it's hard to remember, to start helping.  Didn't get rid of my
CH, but helped with frequency and intensity.

Title: Re: how quickly does Verapamil work?
Post by benj on Jan 26th, 2004, 9:44am
OK - after having a look at the packet, the "Veracaps" are sustained release - and the doctor told me that if I don't feel any effects (against the beast that is) to up the dosage to 2x160mg tablets a day. This is the perscription from the regular doc - I'm seeing a neuro on the 17th Feb who may change this.

Very interested about peoples success with Lithium. When I mentioned the word to the doc  she physically shuddered and told me that that stuff is bad-juu-juus. Hmm, interesting.....

Title: Re: how quickly does Verapamil work?
Post by thomas on Jan 26th, 2004, 1:39pm
For me it doesn't work.........

Title: Re: how quickly does Verapamil work?
Post by t_h_b on Jan 26th, 2004, 10:39pm
Funny, your MD's reaction to lithium.  I have known several manic-depressives who have been helped immensly by it.  It depends on whether your brain has a shortage of it or not.

Title: Re: how quickly does Verapamil work?
Post by Giovanni on Jan 27th, 2004, 5:24am
I agree with the above, 120 too low of a dosage.  I take 240 CR and when a cycle hits, 360 with melatonin @9.  The only time I notice a difference is when I am not taking the verapamil.

This time a different route with the alternative treatment and verapamil.


Title: Re: how quickly does Verapamil work?
Post by toader on Jan 27th, 2004, 10:40am
here's how quickly it worked for me:
constant dry mouth:  24 hours
pee 2x/night:  2 days
constipation:  3 days  >:(
pee 4x/night:  5 days
major friggin constipation:  7 days  :o

hopefully it will help with your CH too  ;)

Title: Re: how quickly does Verapamil work?
Post by thomas on Jan 27th, 2004, 2:56pm

on 01/27/04 at 10:40:14, toader wrote:
here's how quickly it worked for me:
constant dry mouth:  24 hours
pee 2x/night:  2 days
constipation:  3 days  >:(
pee 4x/night:  5 days
major friggin constipation:  7 days  :o

hopefully it will help with your CH too  ;)

LMMFAO ........ so true, so true....... You forgot, 60 point IQ loss: 72 hours..........

Title: Re: how quickly does Verapamil work?
Post by brad267 on Jan 27th, 2004, 3:03pm
.... Passing the collection plate for Toader ...  [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif]

Dude, please tell me you're joking.....

Title: Re: how quickly does Verapamil work?
Post by toader on Jan 27th, 2004, 3:41pm
Brad, what can I say ...  YOU'RE MY SAVIOR!!!  :-*


Oh, btw I'll take a stomach gas treatment and the tongue cleanser thingy with that

Title: Re: how quickly does Verapamil work?
Post by CJohnson on Jan 27th, 2004, 3:59pm
 They say it helps to rock back and forth while your on the hoop.


Title: Re: how quickly does Verapamil work?
Post by LouisJ on Jan 29th, 2004, 1:46pm
Start out with 480mg for about 3 days then work my way down to 240mg daily. Some times, I jump back up to 480mg when I "feel" an episode coming for several days.

Medication normally takes anywhere from 4-7 days to take effect. Since I've had ch for more than 10 years, I am very sensitive to "oncoming" feeling and start taking Calan immediately. In the past 5 years or so, I've not had a screamer -- thank God!

Title: Re: how quickly does Verapamil work?
Post by west17m on Jan 29th, 2004, 9:28pm
600 / day - normally
800 / day - at first signs

(Be sure to take your bp a couple times whenever you're upping your dose.  Verapamil is generally prescribed to lower bp.)

Title: Re: how quickly does Verapamil work?
Post by drbb on Jan 30th, 2004, 1:58am
I use it regularly, 240mg. Helps if you have hi BP to begin with--kill two birds with one drug. During episode, double or triple to weaken cluster, but nothing really kills it. Never heard of 160 mg helping a cluster; literature suggests 240-960mg, depending on individual. This is my first cycle with O2 and, except for a a cough from dryness (get a humidifying device if needed) and some twitching (getting that checked tomorrow), it has been head and shoulders the best abortive treatment for me, considering cost, side effects, etc. (My insurance covers one two-pack of Imitrex autoinjects/month--who says insurance companies don't have a sense of humor?)

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