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(Message started by: Leesa on Sep 6th, 2003, 11:43pm)

Title: Got a ? about Depakote for yall........
Post by Leesa on Sep 6th, 2003, 11:43pm
Dave has been taking Depakote (delayed stuff) 250mg 2X a day since July this year. My question is can he take another tab if he has already taken the recommended dose?? He takes one in the morning before work and the other at about 10 pm. Tonight he took it at 6 pm and the beast came knockin. He had been having spikes of a CH all day. Not shadows. Actual CH's but on the KIP scale they never reached more then a 4 or 5. Is taking the Depakote at a different time what caused the Beast to show up?? The VA pharmacy is closed of course and nothing eles is open for me to call and find out besides they wont discuss meds unless your the person whos takin the meds. Any help would be of GREAT help to Dave and I both thanks for your time and input on this.
Scratchin head in wonder, Leesa

Title: Re: Got a ? about Depakote for yall........
Post by forgetfulnot on Sep 7th, 2003, 11:27am
When my Doc. put me on it he started very low and said he could raise to twelve hundred mg if needed, I could not take the stuff so I never really found out. There should be some articles on the web that discuss doseage. Good luck


Title: Re: Got a ? about Depakote for yall........
Post by Artie on Sep 7th, 2003, 6:56pm
I think the max dose is between 1200 and 1500 mg, but the physicians generally scale you up slowly.   Best of luck.  

Title: Re: Got a ? about Depakote for yall........
Post by justin on Sep 7th, 2003, 8:46pm
my neuro is one of the best and he said that i shouldn't have been prescribed depakote 2X day, that i should be on the extended release to take once at night. i have been as high as 2000, bad news, but now am down to 500mg because i'm trying to switch to neurontin because i don't like the effects of depakote. just tell the doc it's not working and he'll raise it. it could take up to a month to kick in though.


Title: Re: Got a ? about Depakote for yall........
Post by Eb on Sep 8th, 2003, 7:11am

Been on Depakote now for about 3 weeks, the first two weeks I was taking 500mg a day in the morning~~my doc just ramped me up to 1000mg a day (I've been taking them twice a day, around 6:00am and 6:00pm).

I never knew about the "extxende" release vice taking them twice a day.  Justin, did the doc tell you why you shouldn't be prescribed it twice daily?  Just wondering so I can bring it up with my doc...thx!

Through three weeks, I've maybe seen a "slight" improvement in the severity of the headaches.  The frequency has remained the same though....hopefully ramping up to the 1000mg will help even more...


Title: Re: Got a ? about Depakote for yall........
Post by Linda T on Sep 8th, 2003, 6:52pm
 I tend to agree with the others before me.  Depakote is something that the docs should gradually increase or decrease.

I took 500 mgs (1X per day) for about 5 weeks before my dosage was upped to 1000mgs per day (2x).

 I'm sorry to say that it didn't help.

 Good luck.  Linda T Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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