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(Message started by: Alora on Sep 5th, 2003, 1:32pm)

Title: for Everyone...
Post by Alora on Sep 5th, 2003, 1:32pm
Dear Eb, Chris, Smurf, Elaine, Mustang & anyone else it may help:
    I suffered one other time with CH in 1978 and was free of them for the past 25 years until they began again the beginning of August this year.  Why?  Who knows.  I'm normally in good health and don't drink or smoke. There seems to be no rhyme or reason but I am thankful for all the information I have gathered the past months from my new-found friends helping each other on this site.  My general dr. also thought it unusual for me to have CH, being that it is generally a guy's affliction.  He prescribed Neurontin - it didn't seem to do much but made me light-headed and drowsy.  Also he prescribed Imitrex Nasal Spray.  It worked within 10 minutes to abort the CH but the taste was horrible and caused nausea, something I didn't need on top of the CH.  I was referred to Neuro (CCF Headache Clinic) where it was a Godsend to find those who truly understand.  I was given Imitrex injection samples and oxygen (to be delivered the following day) as abortive methods.   Also, as a preventative, I was given Verapamil 240mg (Mustang, this dosage worked well) along with Melatonin  (see for info if you like, Eb, it should help with your sleep).  I used all these meds the first night prescribed.  The Imitrex injection worked instantly and although I had been getting 4 headaches a night, I didn't get any others that night.  Side effect was that I did get the feeling of someone sitting on my chest the whole next day. The next day I got my oxygen tank delivered but never needed it that night or last night.  I'm assuming the Verapamil/Melatonin combo has made me headache free the past two nights.  I was opposed to Prednisone and am glad this works so far.  The Verapamil is not without side effects for me though.   My feet swelled and I had a regular headache during the day after, which I eliminated with oxygen 10 liters/10 minutes.  Today only the swelling exits and my dr. said as my body becomes accustomed to the drug, side effects may lessen.  Like I said, it's only been since 9/2, but so far so good.  
    For those who can't take some of the drugs, I tried the Vick's Nasal Spray and I swear it aborted a CH one night.  My headaches usually got worse as the night went on though, and the inhaler might have made me feel a bit better, or was it a distraction?  Heat on the back of my neck and ice to the right side of my face was all I did at the onset of this bout a month ago, it did help a little.  I have a wonderful husband that brings my cooler of ice packs and ice water, readies my oxygen and is willing to give me injections and just be up with me no matter how many times my headaches come during the night.  He has to be as exhausted as I am, but never lets me know.  I really love that guy!
     I hope we all find the answers we're looking for.  Good luck to you all.

Title: Re: for Everyone...
Post by ckelly181 on Sep 5th, 2003, 2:28pm
Thanks for the tips alora,

I'm running out for the Vics inhaler for tonight. Boy, the weird stuff you have to try!

I'm envious of your support - it's the pits to be banging around looking for ice and shots, et. al. and crying and trying to crush your head, all at the same time and alone.

Well, not puppy wanders around licking my toes cuz he's worried. That helps...heh heh.


Title: Re: for Everyone...
Post by Eb on Sep 8th, 2003, 7:03am

Thx for all the good info...I will take a look at  Would love to get a good night's sleep again~~I know, I'm preaching to the choir here....

Thx again,

Title: Re: for Everyone...
Post by J.ten_Dam on Sep 9th, 2003, 8:05am
??? what dosage melatonin? I could use some sleap.

Title: Re: for Everyone...
Post by Alora on Sep 9th, 2003, 7:03pm

I use Melatonin 3 mg. tablets, I take 3 about half an
hour before bed....  
                                 Alora (sweet dreams! I hope)

Title: Re: for Everyone...
Post by Giovanni on Sep 9th, 2003, 7:29pm
I have had really good luck with melatonin 9mg + 6mg B-6 just before bedtime.  This in combination with an increase in Verapamil (from 240 to 360) helped me come out a cycle earlier than usual.  


Title: Re: for Everyone...
Post by Mahle421 on Sep 10th, 2003, 3:09am
Keep Using that O2 and try mass consumption of H2O.

Title: Re: for Everyone...
Post by Smurf on Sep 10th, 2003, 12:31pm
Hi Alora,
thanks for the tips.  I'm lucky like you with the support of a fabulous hubby.  I guess that's why we married them, eh?  (Also two great pups that watch after me)

I've tried melatonin in the past, at the behest of my mother (also a CH sufferer).  It did put me to sleep, but I woke up in about 2 hours wide awake.  I get this also with Nyquill.  However, I wasn't in cycle at the time.

I will definitely try it next session.  I am now 3 days PF, so I think this one (8-9 weeks long) is finally winding down.  I cranked my Verapamil up to 720 mg. with Lithium at 600 mg per day about a couple of weeks ago.
My feet started swelling.  I have pins and rods in my right foot - thanks to a drunk driver 15 years ago - so I thought it was just this previous injury that was causing the swelling.  But, because of the injury, I'm probably a little more susceptible.

The 02 works great for me and I take Imitrex PILLS.  50 mg cut in 1/2 and your stomach should be ok.  It works just as fast for me as the injections did, with out the burning chest feeling.

One thing I have noticed, now that I'm at the end of this one, is that toward the beginning I was spacey and with bad memory.  The past week or two, even though I was still having CH, I felt more and more like "me" again.  In the beginning and even now, I'm still on the same meds.  So is it the CH that makes us not us, or the meds?  I have to go with the CH.

That's amazing that you've gone 25 years with out one!
Any ideas?

Title: Re: for Everyone...
Post by Cooked Brain on Sep 10th, 2003, 5:16pm

tnx for sharing the tips :) Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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