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(Message started by: tro11 on May 23rd, 2003, 3:04pm)

Title: Newbie: How bad it should be to be chronic
Post by tro11 on May 23rd, 2003, 3:04pm
I started to have them a few years ago. I had no idea what it was until 2 years ago my new PCP (prim. care phys.) opend my eyes on what it was. I thought these were just some kind of simple headache. I couldn't imagine that it has its own  name and so many people suffer from it. PCP told me about different abortive methods and one of them was Lidocaine (Xylocaine) spray. He told me that it was impossible to get it here in US, but I was lucky to be from Russia where people buy and use medicine without going to the doctor for a prescription. It might sound bad, but believe me it is a good thing. And the avalability of european drugs makes it even better. To make it short I got Lidocaine from Russia and it HELPED. I was more than a year free from that monster, but it starts to come back. I see a lot of drugs posted as a preventive remedy, but I don't want to do that. I'd rather do abortive tricks than drug myself up. And the ODDEST of all I found an abortive loophole for me, that feels kinda nice, it's ... sex. :)
Am I wierd or that's really possible. My wife don't beleive me. She sais that I would find any excuses to ...
May be my case is not really that bad, if I can think about IT during CH attack, but I'd rather think about that then suicide. At some point this thought really did knock on my head. :(
So now if I'm lucky enough to have sex before CH gets REALLY BAD, suicide thoughts don't even come close.
Please tell me if I'm just some crazy whacko (not sure if I spelled it right), or it helepd others too???.
And will it stop working after some time.

PS. Sorry for such a long post, I just needed to spill it all out. And thank you for reading it.

Title: Re: Newbie: How bad it should be to be chronic
Post by cathy on May 23rd, 2003, 3:50pm
Hi Tro11.... of course people care, that's what this site is all about  :),  sorry to hear your having a bad time, but hope it ends soon. Welcome to the board! on the abortive idea, well if Wes was in the middle of a cycle and wanted to use that as an abortive each time, I'd have to take time off work, oh and the kids would starve cos I wouldn't have the energy to cook tea !!  ;D


Title: Re: Newbie: How bad it should be to be chronic
Post by els on May 23rd, 2003, 4:03pm
Sex works for me if I can get it started fast enough and if it's energetic enough, if you know what I mean.  Otherwise I just end up in pain with a frustrated husband.  >:(   els

Title: Re: Newbie: How bad it should be to be chronic
Post by tro11 on May 23rd, 2003, 4:49pm
Thank you for your responses.
I'm not crazy and I'm not alone! ouph!

Cathy, on the abortive idea: the work part is a problem indeed, unless your spouse work in the same office or near by  :)
as for the kids, if they old enough, they can learn how to make tea or at least buy it at the nearest coffe shop. Just give them money and send them out for a sweet roll with tea or ice-cream, while you're taking your "medicine". ;D

els, I know what you mean.
I noticed that if I don't get my "medicine" in time, kaboom! it hits hard. But on the other hand when I still have a bit energy left and can concentrate my feelings "down there" it may overthrough the attack.

And tell your husband to be patient. ;) Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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